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  1. HP Bonus - Health Points Bonus. Bonus will increase your total Health Points by X value. Example: If you have 1000 HP and you wear a T5 item with 500 HP Bonus, you will have 1500 HP. If you unwear this item, you will have 1000 HP again. HP Bonus (%) - Health (percentage) Points Bonus. Bonus will increase your total Health Points by X percent. Example: If you have 1000 HP and you wear a T5 item with 4% bonus, you will have 1040 HP. If you unwear this item, you will have 1000 HP again. KI Bonus - KI (aka mana) points Bonus. Bonus will increase your total KI by X value. Example: If you have 1000 KI and you will wear a T5 item with 500 KI Bonus, you will have 1500 KI. If you unwear this item, you will have 1000 KI again. KI Bonus (%) - KI (percentage) Points Bonus. Bonus will increase your total KI Points by X percent. Example: If you have 1000 KI and you wear a T5 item with 4% bonus, you will have 1040 KI. If you unwear this item, you will have 1000 KI again. Heal Effectiveness (%) - Healing Effectiveness (%) - Bonus will increase the total healing of the spells you cast by X percent. Example: If you use a T5 item with an 11% bonus, all the healing you cast (your healing) will be increased. If you are healing for 1000, the value will be increased to 1110. HP Regen - Bonus will increase Health Points regeneration that you receive by X value. Example: If you wear a T5 item with 70 HP Regen Bonus then your regeneration (per second) will increase by 35. If you regenerate your HP by 40/2s then it will be increased by 70 HP/2s. HP Regen (%) - Bonus will increase your Health Points regeneration that you receive by X percent. Example: If you wear a T5 item with 3% HP Regen Bonus then your regeneration (per second) will increase by 1.5%. If you have 1000 HP then you will be regenerating 30 HP/2s. KI Regen - Bonus will increase KI Points regeneration that you receive by X value. Example: If you wear a T5 item with 30 KI Regen Bonus then your regeneration (per second) will increase by 15. If you regenerate your KI by 40/2s then it will be increased by of 30 KI/2s. KI Regen (%) - Bonus will increase your KI Points regeneration that you receive by X percent. Example: If you wear a T5 item with 1% KI Regen Bonus then your regeneration (per second) will increase by 0.5%. If you have 1000 KI then you will be regenerating 10 KI/2s. Life Drain - Bonus will make your melee attacks as well as your technique drain and regenerate some of your Health Points with each hit by X value. Example: If you wear an T5 item with 60 Life Drain and hit monster for 1000 from melee, and 1000 from your technique, you will regenerate 60 HP (from melee hit) and 6 HP (from technique). Important note - Please note that only 10% of Life and Ki Drain bonuses value works on techniques so if you've 60 of Life Drain then each technique hit gives you 10% of the DMG you've dealt as a HP. Also, please remember about the special rules for Dende (more info below). Life Drain (%) - Bonus will make your melee attacks as well as your technique drain and regenerate some of your Health Points with each hit by X percent. Example: If you have 10% Life Drain and hit monster for 1000 from melee, and 1000 from your technique, you will regenerate 100 HP (from melee hit) and 10 HP (from technique). Important note - Please note that only 10% of Life and Ki Drain bonuses value works on techniques so if you've 12% of Life Drain then each technique hit gives you 1.2% of the DMG you've dealt as a HP. Also, please remember about the special rules for Dende (more info below). Ki Drain - Bonus will make your melee attacks as well as your technique drain and regenerate some of your KI Points with each hit by X value. Example: If you wear an T5 item with 60 Ki Drain and hit monster for 1000 from melee, and 1000 from your technique, you will regenerate 60 KI (from melee hit) and 6 KI (from technique). Important note - Please note that only 10% of Life and Ki Drain bonuses value works on techniques so if you've 60 of KI Drain then each technique hit gives you 10% of the DMG you've dealt as a KI. Also, please remember about the special rules for Dende (more info below). Ki Drain (%) - Bonus will make your melee attacks as well as your technique drain and regenerate some of your KI Points with each hit by X percent. Example: If you have 10% KI Drain and hit monster for 1000 from melee, and 1000 from your technique, you will regenerate 100 KI (from melee hit) and 10 KI (from technique). Important note - Please note that only 10% of Life and Ki Drain bonuses value works on techniques so if you've 60 of KI Drain then each technique hit gives you 10% of the DMG you've dealt as a KI. Also, please remember about the special rules for Dende (more info below). Movement Speed (%) - Bonus will increase your Movement Speed (flat) by X percent. Example: If you have 200 Movement Speed points and you wear an T5 item with 8% bonus, then it will increase your Movement Speed by 16 (which is 8%) Attack Speed (%) - Bonus will reduce the time between melee attacks by X%. Example: If you have 107 attack speed (1 hit every 0.41s) and you wear an item with 7.2% attack speed then you will hit every 0.30s Important note - please note that maximum attack speed is 107, also you cannot hit faster than once per 0.30s. CD Reduction (%) - Bonus reduces the cooldown of your spells by X%. It also reduces your global cooldown by X% (time between spell). Example: If you have 10% CD Reduction and your Cooldown on your Ki Blast is 2s, then your new Cooldown on Ki Blast will be 1.8s. Important note: CD Reduction has maximum cap of 40%. Ki Reduction (%) - Reduces the total KI-cost of your techniques and abilities by X%. Example: If you have 1000 KI and one of your technique uses 10% of your KI (cost = 100 KI) and you wear an T5 item with 10% bonus then you your technique will cost 90 instead of 100 KI. DMG Reduction (%) - Bonus reduces the damage you take from all sources by X%. Example: If you wear 2 items with 5% DMG reduction (total of 10%) then you will reduce 10% of incoming damage (all sources). If someone hits you for 1000 HP it will be reduced by 10%, so you will lose 900 HP instead of 1000 HP. DMG (%) - Increases all your damage by X%. Example: If you have 10% DMG (%) bonus then instead of 1000 DMG from melee you will hit for 1100, and instead of 1000 damage from technique you will hit for 1050 damage. Important note - This bonus works for 100% on melee attacks, and 50% on techniques. Also, please remember about the special rules for Dende (more info below). DMG - Bonus increases the damage of your basic and spell attacks by X value. Example: If you wear an item with 100 DMG bonus, then instead of dealing 100 damage with your melee hit you will hit for 200. And if you deal 200 dmg with spell it will hit for 300. Critical Chance (%) - Bonus gives you X% chance to deal 100% extra damage with melee attacks (and 50% with spells). Example: If you have 10% critical change and your hit was critical you will deal 100% extra damage with melee attack (e.g. from 1000 to 2000) or if its spell then 1500 instead of 1000. Important note - If you have 10% of Critical Chance and you hit 10 monsters with spell you have 10% on each monsters to crit. This means that if you hit 10 monsters with a spell, each monster has a 10% chance of taking critical damage. If your spell is area-based, it doesn't hit every mob with critical damage, but each unit has a unique percentage chance of receiving critical damage. Dodge Chance (%) - Bonus gives you X% chance to take no damage from incoming melee attacks. Example: If you wear 2 items with 5% dodge chance (total of 10%) then you have 10% chance to dodge incomming melee attack. Important note - Dodge Chance doesn't work on magic damage (techniques). More DMG to MONSTER (%) - Bonus increase the total damage you deal to X monster. Example: If you wear Item with 30% More DMG to Devil, then instead of 1000 damage you deal 1300 damage to them. Important note - This bonus doesn't work on Enraged Monsters, e.g. Enraged Devil. More DMG to MONSTER has maximum cap of 30%. Less DMG from MONSTER (%) - Bonus reduce the total damage you receive from X monster. Example: If you wear Item with 30% Less DMG from Devil, then instead of 1000 damage you will receive 700 damage. Important note - This bonus doesn't work on Enraged Monsters, e.g. Enraged Devil. LESS DMG from MONSTER has maximum cap of 30%. DMG Reflect (%) - Bonus returns X% of the damage you take, back to the enemy who dealt it. Example: If you have 10% DMG Reflect bonus then if someone hits you for 1000 he receive 100 damage. Important note - If you are playing Buu then DMG reflect gives you the bonus (passive) but it also reduce the damage taken by Buu. For example if monster is attacking Buu for 100 and he have 15% reflection, then he do not reflect 15 damage (15%) but the value is decreased by 8% (92) and it reflect 15% out of 92 damage. Tenacity (%) - Bonus reduces the duration of crowd control effects (stuns, slows, etc.) by X%. Example: If you have 50% Tenacity then instead of 2s stun you will be stunned only for 1s. Important note - Tenacity has maximum cap of 70%. Melee Range - Bonus increases the range of your basic attacks by 1. Example: If you are playing DPS, Half-Tank or Tank and you wear item with this bonus your basic attacks will have 2 SQM range instead of 1 SQM. Important note - This bonus doesn't work for Dende. Additionally Melee Range has maximum cap of +1 (which means that you cannot have +2 range etc.) Special rules for Dende: Dende's basic attacks only gets 50% of the effectiveness from these bonuses: - Life Drain - % Life Drain - Ki Drain - % Ki Drain - % DMG Change log: v. 1.0 - Created and spellchecked guide. Big thanks for your assistance, Matty! v. 1.1 - Published guide on RoTS Forum. 15.05.2021 v. 1.2 - Added missing Ki Regen & Ki Regen (%) bonuses and fixed few typos. 16.05.2021 v. 1.3 - Removed Important note from DMG - Dende do not have special rule for DMG (flat). 24.06.2021 v. 1.4 - Added information regarding Life Drain and Life Drain (%) - both bonuses are boosting our damage (melee only). 23.08.2021 v. 1.5 - Fixed some typos in regeneration section. 05.06.2022 v. 1.6 - Updated Life Drain & Heal Effectiveness description. 13.07.2022
    7 points
  2. Dende - Suporte - Descrição Dende, atualmente, é o melhor Healer do jogo, possuindo o melhor conjunto de técnicas focadas em cura! Além disso, Dende faz parte da categoria de Suportes, ou seja, ao adicionar um Dende à sua Party, além de aumentar a sobrevivência do grupo, também aumentará a quantidade de experiência que o grupo receberá! - Transformações Para se transformar, Dende precisa do level mínimo para a próxima transformação, além de precisar atingir um bom nível de ¹concentração usando a ténica ²Concentrate. É importante lembrar que para manter a transformação, a ¹concentração não poderá zerar. -> Lista de transformações: Level 0 -> Level 50 Level 75 -> Level 75 -> Level 140 Level 225 -> Level 225 -> Level 350 -> Level 430 - Conjunto de Técnicas Algumas técnicas são auto-explicativas, outras eu tentarei apresentar exemplos. Importante: Para Utilitários e algumas Curas, Dende terá que marcar, com o botão esquerdo do mouse, o alvo aliado na Janela de Team. Light Healing - -> Recovery - -> Heal - -> Finger Blast - Através desta técnica, Dende poderá gerar uma flor capaz de proporcionar um bônus de dano baseado na quantidade máxima de KI que o Dende possuir. -> -> Como dito anteriormente, o jogo provê descrições para cada técnica. Para mais detalhes, explore! - Peculiaridades Dende, por ser um personagem suporte, não possui uma boa sobrevivência quando sozinho, além de possuir bem pouca capacidade para carregar itens em um possível farming, a não ser que ele tenha um bom estoque de Weightless Senzu, comprados do Premium Shop. Dende possui uma passiva chamada Benevolence. A propriedade padrão consiste em regenerar 2% de KI de 2 em 2 segundos, tanto do Dende, quanto de aliados em um Grupo. - Benevolence pode ser boostada através de um pedido ao Shenlong, no qual adicionará uma propriedade bônus que consiste em recuperar, INSTÂNTANEAMENTE, 55% de HP e 100% de KI para si mesmo ou para algum aliado, quando Dende ou Aliado atingirem um HP abaixo a 20%. Tem um cooldown de 2min. As primeiras transformações de Dende não mudarão seu outfit, mas aumentarão a efetividade - (força) - de seu KI, além de HP e KI base. A classe de Suportes é um divisor de águas, tanto PvP, quanto PvE, no caso do Dende: PvP - Pode retirar efeitos negativos; Aplicar efeitos negativos, como paralisia e stuns; Pode regenerar completamente o HP e KI de um aliado...; PvE - Pode retirar um dos piores efeitos negativos end-game chamado Deconcentration (corta-cura); Aumenta consideravelmente a sobrevivência de todo um grupo, além de aumentar a velocidade da caçada; Pode ressucitar aliados; Dende é o único personagem que possui um ataque básico a distância. O ataque base de armas influencia o dano causado por Dende. O ataque básico sofre influência da skill de Focus do Dende, ou seja, quanto maior for o Focus, maior dano por ataques básicos no PvE. Dende, assim como Gohan, pode usar tanto Luvas, quanto Espadas, ficando a critério do jogador do que usar. Abraços! Espero que este post possa te ajudar em Return Of The Saiyans!
    4 points
  3. E aí! Você é iniciante? Este post pode te ajudar! - Tá voltando agora? Saiba que houveram várias mudanças, tanto no início do jogo, quanto na evolução! Eis algumas delas: Limitações na caça de Single Species (Gastonia, Namekian Warrior...); Início de jogo na Ilha Tutorial - Não é possível pular o processo; Casas possuem aluguel diário e não são mais compradas com !buyhouse; Alguns itens, como os Cybers, através do refinamento de ouro, recebem +1 atributo Tier 3, ficando no máximo com 4 atributos; Tasks diárias podem ser canceladas e feitas mais de 1x por dia; Mudanças grandes no Teamfight Event; Sistemas de bônus e bosses para Guilds. Entre outras! - Clique aqui para ir até a aba de Change Logs; - Início - Primeiramente, uma visão geral da sua janela de cliente: Aconselho desbravar cada opção. Essa imagem é apenas uma tentativa de guiá-lo no novo começo. Você começará o jogo na Ilha Tutorial. A maioria das interações com NPCs e Itens serão feitas usando o Botão Direito do Mouse: Após iniciar Quests ou Tasks, sua janela de Quests será atualizada, contendo a Quest/Task que você acabou de receber. Marcar a Quest/Task poderá gerar uma seta indicando onde realizar a ação -> Sala de treinamento - Também conhecido como GYM (Ginásio). Essa amostra da Ilha Tutorial nos mostra apenas os Dummies, onde podemos treinar Velocidade de Ataque, Fist Fighting (skill que aumenta o dano usando luva) ou Sword Fighting (skill que aumenta o dano usando espadas), e o chão branco, no qual os personagens treinam Velocidade de Movimento. Você precisará equipar uma Bands no lugar onde equipa armas, para assim, conseguir treinar Velocidade de Ataque. - Na Ilha Tutorial não será treinado isso. Você agora possue conhecimento o suficiente para descobrir toda a Ilha Tutorial! Realize as tasks e divirta-se! - Rumo à West Capitol (Cidade Principal) - Notas iniciais: O minimapa será um grande amigo, pois nele há marcações indicando lojas, ginásio, acessos; A Janela de Quests + Seta de Navegação serão ótimos guias, O jogo também dispõe de um Tutorial para quando chegar em West Capitol e, como você já deve estar familiarizado, não deverá ser complicado acompanhar! Qualquer dúvida, sinta-se a vontade para usar os canais de conversa para perguntá-la. - No coração de West Capitol encontra-se o Depot - Para abrir a Janela da Capsule, basta chegar próximo ao centro dela. Na janela aberta, da esquerda pra direita: Depot em si; Stash (onde armazenam-se itens de criaturas); Mailbox (onde receberá parcels); Market. - Capsule Corp. Biotech Laboratory (C.C. Lab) - A maior parte de sua progressão, ou até ela toda, estará ligada diretamente/indiretamente às Tasks do C.C. Lab. O Tutorial irá provê as informações necessárias quanto ao uso do Tablet e como pegar as Tasks. - Dungeons - Ao leste do Depot você encontrará o Agent J, responsável por levá-los às Dungeons que existem atualmente. (Level mínimo: 40) - Tarefas Diárias - Ao sul do Depot você encontrará o Prof. Tusk, responsável por dar Tasks diárias - A cada Task concluída, você ganhará 1 Boss Point, que, posteriormente, poderá ser usado para matar Bosses já enfretados por você. - Além de Boss Points, você também ganhará bastante EXP! - - Kinto e Puar - Aah, já ia me esquecendo... Essa é a Kinto, famosa Núvem Voadora! Você só poderá voar se tiver Premium Account - Precisa realizar a Quest Pure Heart - (Level 30) para poder ganhá-la. E esse é o Puar, famoso Loot Assistant - Ele pegará os itens pra você sem que você precise abrir corpos! Você poderá comprar o Puar tanto usando o dinheiro do jogo, através da troca entre jogadores, tanto quanto poderá comprá-lo usando o Premium Shop. - Por fim, algumas dicas... - Guarde, no Stash, todos os itens de criaturas que você pegar, pois precisará para Quests e afins. Se for jogar solo, não é aconselhável jogar com vocações que não tenham boa sobrevivência, como Suporte ou DPS, mas sim com Tanks ou Half-Tanks. - Puar é bastante necessário no quesito FARMAR. FAQ com algumas informações importantes, mas está em inglês: Acesso ao FAQ. Guia de Bonus de Itens: Acesso ao Guia. Guia de Tarefas Diárias: Acesso ao Guia. Guia de Mini Bosses: Acesso ao Guia. Guia de Bosses: Acesso ao Guia. Discussão sobre vocações e o que usar em cada personagem: Acesso ao post. Fansite mais completo atualmente, contendo spoilers e tutoriais: Saiyans Polska. Acredito que não há mais nada para introduzir, além do que o Tutorial do próprio jogo provê! Haverão mais posts tratando algumas peculiaridades específicas, como: Treino no GYM (ginásio), Treino na Hyperbolic Time Chamber (Level mínimo: 50) Entre outras... Abraços! Espero que este post possa te ajudar a iniciar em Return Of The Saiyans!
    4 points
  4. Hej @Poker Kid Dzięki za tak rzetelną i szczegółową opinię. Zacznę od wprowadzenia nowej postaci. Jasne, Bulma ogłoszona została już jakiś czas temu. Miała być zrobiona, wprowadzona... nie wyszło. Postanowiliśmy nadać priorytety innym taskom. Wbrew pozorom wprowadzenie takiej postaci jest BARDZO kosztowne oraz czasochłonne. Ale to nie jest tak, że odpuściliśmy. Po prostu odłożyliśmy na później i pozostaje mieć nadzieję, że Bulma jeszcze w tym roku zawita do naszego świata : ) Licytacja domków, zamiana klasy... Jasne, może są to bardziej dodatki niż konkretne zmiany, może nie każdy z tego skorzysta, ale na pewno nikt na to nie będzie narzekał. Uznaliśmy, że dodanie tego nie będzie zbyt czasochłonne, a zadowolimy tym jakiś procent graczy, a na pewno nikogo nie zasmucimy tymi dodatkami. Przy licytacji domków wszedł cały nowy system domków, daily rent, oraz ogólna liczba domków została zwiększona. Oczywiście weszło wiele innych zmian, tych bardziej konkretnych. Całe Future Earth, zmiana systemu PvP, wprowadzenie trzech blessów, rework Team Fight Eventu, ulepszenie Monster Zone Eventu, questy typu: Legend of the Fallen King, nowe transy, nowe HP Bary dla bossów, single specie, itd, nowy Boss - Cell, hp bary postaci, które możesz przenieść w dowolne miejsce, nowe nagrody dla PvP Eventu, ciągły balans profesji, klany oraz wojny klanów, całkowicie nowy system movement speeda, nowe kanały chatów, hall of fame, daily misje na FE, nowy wygląd ekwipunku i wiele, wiele, wiele więcej... W dodatku wiele rzeczy technicznych, których nie widać gołym okiem, takich jak nowych Login System, Updater, czy optymalizacja serwera. Do każdej z tych zmian dochodzą testy oraz naprawianie bugów, które się często pojawiają. Co ze Strange Crystalami? Był płacz o infernal esencje - teraz można je już wykorzystać i nie ma płaczu, Był płacz o PvP - teraz można się bić dowoli na FE i bardziej opcjonalnie na zwykłej Ziemi; płaczu nie ma, Był płacz o balans postaci - pojawia się go coraz mniej, codziennie działamy i myślimy nad różnymi zmianami klas, tak aby były idealnie zbalansowane, choć to jest nie lada wyzwaniem. Teraz jest płacz o Strange Crystale? Działamy. Myślimy, i być może już niedługo się pojawi ich zastosowanie : ) Każdy inny płacz będziemy chcieli zażegnać, ale zdajemy sobie sprawę, że narzekanie będzie zawsze. Ilu graczy, tyle opinii na różne tematy i inne oczekiwania względem gry. Jeden gracz oczekuje większej ilości respów, inny nowej klasy, kolejny nowych transów i technik, a jeszcze inny nowych skinów do Puara i Kinto. Staramy się zadowolić każdego, powoli wprowadzając wszystko po trochu. Oczywiście zawsze patrzymy na priorytety - co się bardziej przyda większości graczy, co będzie kosztowało mniej pracy, co będzie mniej czasochłonne, itd... Odpowiadając na twoje kolejne pytanie - tak, nad contentem również działamy i kilka rzeczy mamy już przetestowanych i zrobionych, możliwe, że w bardzo szybkim czasie coś ciekawego pojawi się w grze ^^ Co do olewania graczy i wrzucania tylko nowych skinów. Zdecydowanie się z tobą nie zgodzę. Nie możemy też każdego pomysłu gracza realizować, nie możemy na każdą negatywną opinię odpowiadać zmianami w grze. Przeczytaj sobie kanał "news" na discordzie, sprawdź ile rzeczy jest zmienianych/dodawanych/poprawianych w ciągu miesiąca. Codziennie pracujemy nad tym, aby serwer był przyjazny dla wszystkich i aby po prostu chciało się tu grać. Zarobki ze skinów? Wrzucenie skina, to nie jest aż tak duży deal, system już mamy, więc po prostu zamiana grafiki do Kinto lub Puara, to nie jest czasochłonna praca. Robimy te skiny też po to, aby gracze widzieli, że coś się zmienia, nawet w kosmetyce gry. Są koneserzy, których jarają takie właśnie rzeczy - typu nowe skórki dla Puara lub Kinto. Warto również zwrócić uwagę, że coraz więcej skinów dodajemy do gry, które są do zdobycia całkowicie za darmo. Moglibyśmy każdy z tych skinów wrzucić po prostu do premium shopu, gdyby nam zależało tylko na pieniądzach. Serwer jest robiony głównie z pasji, a drugorzędną rzeczą jest tutaj zarobek i wzbogacenie się. Oczywiście inwestujemy, dlatego oczekujemy też pewnych zysków, ale na pewno nie jest to naszym priorytetem i celem.
    4 points
  5. Teamfight Event Welcome to this brief overview of the Teamfight Event in Return of the Saiyans. In this event, players are divided into blue and red teams, and the objective is to score as many points as possible within the 10-minute time limit. Special thanks to Matty and Mankini for their feedback and remembering important initial details! • Initial Information At the start of each Teamfight Event, players receive: ○ 10 Fire Mushrooms ○ 1 Senzu Bean ○ 1 Half Senzu Bean It's important to note that for each Teamfight Event, we revert back to level 80 or 150, and our transformations are removed and limited to the maximum level transformation available . Therefore, there are a few details we need to pay attention to in each Teamfight: ○ Remember to transform at the beginning of every event and eat all the food you get after finishing all possible transformations, so the regeneration percentages can act on the HP/KI of the last transformation. ○ Remember to eat all food item you get. ○ The Ki Barrier (Ki Shield) abilities of Dende and Gohan are also reset at the start of the event, so players will need to activate them again. Additionally, Return of the Saiyans also provides the Auto-Healing tool, which is essential for a good TFE (Teamfight Event), so remember to activate them at all times! • Main Objective In the middle of the battlefield, there will be an objective called Glimmer, which grants a significant amount of points to the team that destroys it. It's crucial to coordinate with your team to secure control of the objective and accumulate valuable points. The Glimmer can ultimately determine the winner or loser of the event. • Target Focus During the event fights, it's important to have a target focus strategy. The easiest targets to eliminate are characters with lower chances of survival, such as DPS and Supports. In this event, the priority targets would be Dende, Gohan, Bulma, and Trunks, in that order. Dende is an easy target due to their low defense and health, and being a healer, they can easily save their allies. Gohan is easier to eliminate than Trunks, so focus on targeting Gohan first. • Abilities and Resistances It's important to take into account the abilities and resistances of enemy characters. Trunks and Vegeta have passives that provide resistance to incoming damage, as well as abilities that make them immune to crowd control techniques. Therefore, it's best to avoid focusing on these characters unless all other options have been eliminated. • Cooperation and Communication Cooperation among team members is crucial for success in the Teamfight Event. Pay attention to your team's focus. If you notice you're alone while your entire team is focusing on someone else, try to assist them by coordinating more massive and powerful attacks. Use the in-game messaging feature to ask for help if they are focusing on the wrong targets, keeping the winning strategy in mind. • Time and Score Remember that the event has a 10-minute time limit and a maximum score of 350 points. If any team reaches the maximum score before the time is up, the event will end early. Therefore, focus on accumulating points as quickly as possible, seizing opportunities to eliminate priority targets. Congratulations! Now you are ready to participate in the Teamfight Event in Return of the Saiyans! Remember to focus on the right targets, consider the abilities and resistances of enemies, cooperate with your team, and accumulate points for victory. Have fun and good luck!
    3 points
  6. This post is just to share what NPC Grim Reaper has to offer in exchange of precious Infernal Essences Located in underworld, this strange undead creature offers a bunch of awesome items in exchange of this: The underworld can be accessed via fissures that can be found inside East Capitol cemetery or near to Central Capitol, to the north of it. Here goes the list:
    3 points
  7. Hiho - We are the White Doves. A neutral (nihilistic) PvE-focused clan. Current recruitment status : OPEN Current entry fee: (5k * level) - for example 500k for a level 100. Money gathered through entry fee will be used to unlock more bonuses Philosophy: If you encounter one of our members you can expect them to be helpful and courteous and never ever participate in any war activity, in fact, our members are encouraged to run away from fights rather than fight back (unless absolutely necessary). 100% of the PvP combat we willingly partake in will be inside the PvP events. If a member were to participate in a war they will likely instantly be banished from the White Doves. Regular Earth and Future Earth: All major clans has agreed to leave us alone on regular earth, however, Future Earth is a dangerous place! Some players will kill everyone they come across for fun here, sadly even our members who are peaceful. By joining us you must understand that we are not able to protect anyone here and you have to be extra careful if you want to play on Future Earth. We are hopeful that eventually all major clans will leave us alone even on Future Earth, but for now there are no such deals made. Leadership: Council - consisting of Jocke, Roberto and Gorila. Perks: With the new clan system players are able to choose 3 bonuses to make their character stronger. The buffs/bonuses are unlocked for all clan members and currently this are our unlocks. For example, I am currently using the +6 Focus, +6 Movement Speed and +2% Loot bonuses and we are working hard to unlock higher levels! Requirements: Level 80+ Active in PvP events (TFE) - Goal for each player should be 1000 points monthly, however it is not a hard requirement. (Easily achievable by doing 1-2 events per day!) A willingness to help gather resources needed to unlock further bonuses A nihilistic approach (both historically and going forward) - please don't join if you want to participate in a war in the future Being able to communicate in English (using a translator is fine, but we must be able to understand each other) Wanting to join in on guild boss runs (Bor and Chrysos so far) is a plus! Recruitment process and where to apply: We do a background check on each person wanting to join us and an even more thorough one for players level 225+. If you are interested in joining, simply message anyone on the council (Jocke, Gorila or Roberto). Hope to hear from you! Kind regards, Jocke
    3 points
  8. Mini Bosses 1. Introduction What are Mini Bosses? - In your adventure while playing Return of The Saiyans, you have the opportunity to spawn Mini Boss. This means that some of the monsters have a chance to summon a Boss (of course, this chance increases during the Boss Event). How do I resurrect one of these mini bosses? - By killing one of the monsters that has a Mini Boss, we have the chance to respawn its Boss. Below is a list of all the monsters with their level and Mini Boss. 2. List of Mini Bosses Level Monster name Boss name 2 Wolf Alpha Wolf 4 Desert Crab King Crab 5 Dark Wolf Alpha Wolf 10 Bluish Crab King Crab 15 Litoral Crab King Crab 20 Sea Crab King Crab 23 Slight Skeleton Bone Lord 25 Bear Thief Bear Boss 30 Pirate Robot Robo Knight 35 Tyranosaur Elder Tyranosaur 35 Drum Drum Leader 40 Red Ribbon Soldier Red Ribbon Officer 40 Saibaman Biotic Soldier 45 Bioman Biotic Soldier 45 Giras Giras Chief 50 Susha Elite Susha 55 Namekian Elder Namekian Warrior 60 Pterodactyl Vicious Ptero 70 Skeleton Bone Lord 75 Mummy Ancient Mummy 80 Skeleton Warrior Bone Lord 85 Namekian Warrior Elder Namekian Warrior 90 Annihilator Robo Knight 100 Future RR Soldier Red Ribbon Officer 100 Lord Yao Emperor Yao 110 Vampire Bloodsipper 110 The Gravedigger Decay Hunter 120 Kiri Elite Kiri 125 Future Susha Elite Susha 130 Destroyer Robo Knight 140 Pterosaur Vicious Ptero 145 Future Skeleton Bone Lord 145 Future Pterodacty Vicious Ptero 150 Future Mummy Ancient Mummy 155 Future Skeleton Warrior Bone Lord 170 Swamp Spider Venom 175 Future Annihilator Robo Knight 180 Future Lord Yao Emperor Yao 180 Future Vampire Bloodsipper 180 Toxic Spider Venom 190 Frozen Skeleton Frozen King 200 Future Kiri Elite Kiri 200 Frozen Skeleton Warrior Frozen King 205 Future Destroyer Robo Knight 210 Crystal Robot Robo Knight 210 Future Pterosaur Vicious Ptero 220 Wraith Phantom 230 Future Swamp Spider Venom 235 Gobisaurus Diplodocus 240 Undead Soldier Ancient Soldier 245 Future Frozen Skeleton Frozen King 245 Shamosaurus Diplodocus 245 Future Toxic Spider Venom 250 Fallen Angel Fallen Queen 260 Future Frozen Skeleton Warrior Frozen King 260 Oozaru Dark Oozaru 270 Balog Vangeful Balog 280 Wizard Warlock 285 Future Crystal Robot Robo Knight 285 Rusty Robot Mossy Droid 290 Crystal Spider Ruby Spider 300 Armored Oozaru Dark Oozaru 315 Volcanic Oozaru Dark Oozaru 330 Imperialist Warlock 340 Future Gobisaurus Diplodocus 350 Future Undead Soldier Ancient Soldier 350 Devil Black Devil 360 Future Shamosaurus Diplodocus 370 Metal Cooler King Cold 380 Future Fallen Angel Fallen Queen 390 Frozen Oozaru Dark Oozaru 400 Golden Oozaru Dark Oozaru 400 Future Oozaru Dark Oozaru 420 Future Balog Vangeful Balog 430 Future Wizard Warlock 430 Aristo Vampire Bloodsipper 440 Future Rusty Robot Mossy Droid 450 Vampire Warden Bloodsipper 450 Haunted Zombie Cursed Flesheater 460 Future Crystal Spider Ruby Spider 460 Future Armored Oozaru Dark Oozaru 465 Future Imperialist Warlock 465 Future Volcanic Oozaru Dark Oozaru 470 Future Devil Black Devil 470 Future Metal Cooler King Cold 470 Goldenscythe Devil Desolated Devil 475 Future Frozen Oozaru Dark Oozaru 475 Future Golden Oozaru Dark Oozaru 480 Crystalscythe Devil Desolated Devil 520 Future Aristo Vampire Bloodsipper 540 Future Vampire Warden Bloodsipper 560 Future Goldenscythe Devil Desolated Devil 570 Future Crystalscythe Devil Desolated Devil 3. Other Are there any types of Mini Bosses? - Yes, we still have the Boss system. You can read more about it in this guide: Detailed Guide Regarding Boss System - Guides - Return of the Saiyans (saiyansreturn.com) 4. Change log: v. 1.0 - Created and spellchecked guide. - 20.02.2022 v. 1.1 - Updated the list, now it's up to date - 22.02.2022
    3 points
  9. Hi, everyone! It's John. The purpose of this post is: Sort out anyone's doubt regarding Return of The Saiyans Characters/Classes, so, if I forget to write about something or wrongly mentioned it, please, feel free to share your knowledge along with me. First of all, while creating yours, you'll be able to see all Character's transformations by left clicking on squares below them. You'll also be able to see their status, which gets cumulatively increased within each new transformation. It's worth mentioning that each Character is part of some "Category" that will define character's predisposition. Damage (AKA DPS): Trunks and Gohan. Both DPS are a really great source of DMG, but they're also too fragile, so do not expect full damaging and tanking. The way they can melt stuff is close to the way they can get melted. Gohan - has a pretty good and strong AOE set of techniques! Indicated for PvE playstyle, but also very strong for PvP. He has the possibility of dealing DMG in accord to the MAX enemy's health, becoming a Tank counter. After Shenlong's wishes, he can become invisible or faster after casting some techniques. He has 2 techniques to improve his situational survivability: Study Time and Ki Barrier. Study Time needs to be casted for a while and provides an increase of Healing Effectiveness, whereas Ki Barrier make Gohan able to receive some percentage of incoming DMG on his Ki instead of on his Health for some time. Gohan's passive deals a kind of meele AOE damage after you stacking it by walking (I guess). Gohan can use either Gloves or Sword. Gohan's early game build -my opinion- : CD Reduction, DMG Reduction and Ki Reduction. It'll start your journey as a DPS, even with low percentages, reducing your Ki waste and giving you some extra survivability to face CC Bosses. Gohan's mid/late game build -my opinion- : CD Reduction, DMG% and Ki Reduction (PvE). CD Reduction, DMG%, Tenacity and Critical Chance, maybe some extra DMG flat (PvP). Trunks - it's a burster! He has AOE techniques as well, but his main differential is in the way he is able to melt down single targets, becoming a monster for PvP! Trunks has techniques that can increase his survivability (Full control - Increase his movement speed and dodge chance) at the same time increase his Critical Chance, so you'll be able to choose its use for agressive or defensive mode. His passive is called Stroke, where if activated, Trunks deals Additional Damage to the target and Critical Damage to enemies standing behind it - it has 10% of chance to active, but can get insta activated if combo with Full Control technique. Trunks should look for his Sword. Ps.: For further items bonuses, it's good to carry some item with +1 meele range bonus, especially for PvP. Trunks early game build -my opinion- : CD Reduction, DMG Reduction and Ki Reduction. It'll start your journey as a DPS, even with low percentages, reducing your Ki waste and giving you some extra survivability to face CC Bosses. Trunks mid/late game build -my opinion- : CD Reduction, DMG% and Ki Reduction (PvE). CD Reduction, DMG%, Tenacity and Critical Chance, maybe some extra DMG flat (PvP). Half-Tank: Goku and Vegeta. Half-Tanks are a balance between DPS and Tank, and indeed a good choice for those who aims to play mainly alone for PvE content, because their survivability and technique's strength allow them to kill before getting killed. Goku does more DMG with his techniques, especially waves (Kame-hame-ha!!!!!!), whereas Vegeta's survivability steals the scene. Goku: has a good set of techniques, mixing DMG with survivability and teamplay, for PvP and PvE. He has a bunch of techniques that apply negative effects for both, PvE and PvP, such as Blind, Stun and Provoke - this last one only for PvE. Can't forget to mention Respectful Combat technique, which allows Goku to reach very high damage dealing and Genki Dama technique after Shenlong's wish, which increase his sustain on PvE, recovering a percentage of Ki after Genki Dama hitting enemies. He has also a passive where he enjoy his fight and adapt his Attack Speed bonus, increasing it: 5 stacks for PvE and 10 stacks for PvP. Goku has predisposition only for Gloves as weapon. Goku's early game build -my opinion- : DMG Flat, DMG Reduction, Attack Speed, Ki Drain or Life Drain, both flat. It'll give you some initial sustain and enough power to faster your journey, even with low percentages. Life Drain bonuses increase your meele damage, so Life Drain+Attack Speed+Passive+DMG flat+Respectful Combat will turn your game so much easier. Gokus's mid/late game build -my opinion- : team party with Tank - CD Reduction, mix with DMG Reduction and DMG%, and optional Ki Reduction (PvE). solo playing - CD Reduction, DMG Reduction, Life Drain %, Attack Speed (enough to reach 1 hit per 0.3 second + passive) and Critical Chance (PvE). CD Reduction, DMG Reduction, Health% and Tenacity (PvP). Vegeta: has an amazing survivability, thanks to Smell of Fear and his passive, and besides that, does not get too behind from Goku's damage! Vegeta has more AOE techniques than Goku, increasing your technique's spam while hunting, and due to that, you're able to increase his survivability even more by setting up his Combat Mode to full defensive, which increases drastically your DMG Reduction. You can easily setup a Team Party with Vegeta playing as Tank due to one of his techniques which Provokes the enemy! Although Vegeta, like Goku, has a great power against environment, his importance goes outstanding when it comes to PvP, where he's able to extract the maximum of his techniques, becoming a great Frontliner and an amazing counter of Dende's healing - there's a Shenlong's wish where Vegeta can buff one of his techniques with "Deconcentration" - AKA cut heal, a negative condition effect responsible for reducing the amount of healing that someone can receive. Vegeta's passive gives more survivability, increasing his defense and movement speed when he reach some low percentage of Health. Vegeta has predisposition only for Gloves as weapon. Vegeta's early game build -my opinion- : CD Reduction, DMG Reduction, Ki Reduction. Mainly focusing on DMG Reduction, which will allow you to do any early content, besides some parts of Saga, easily. Further adding CD Reduction to spam techniques and Ki Reduction for Ki sustain. Vegeta's mid/late game build -my opinion- : team party with Tank - CD Reduction, mix with DMG Reduction and DMG%, and optional Ki Reduction (PvE). solo playing - CD Reduction, DMG Reduction, Attack Speed (enough to reach 1 hit per 0.3 second) and Ki Reduction (PvE). CD Reduction, DMG Reduction, Health% and Tenacity (PvP). Support: Bulma and Dende. Support is a must in any way, so, if by a chance, you can play with one by your side, don't waste it! They have the amazing ability of save you, protect you, turn your game easier, increase your experience and even bring you from the underworld. Not recommend for solo players. Bulma: is the newest playable character! It's important to start mentioning that she can only use techniques while wearing her Mecha Battle Suit! The lack of info about Bulma's playstyle, building, PvE and PvP, makes her power even stronger, at least, for now. The player is able to use her Mecha from the first moment he log into the game by using "Upgrade" technique out of Protection Zone area. She has techniques that shields, gives defense skill, removes negative condition effects, for more than a single ally, depending on her Mecha's level, which will allow her to summon a Supportive Drone, one per ally. Her set of techniques is outstanding from everything we've seen so far! She does stun against players, can give Silence negative condition effect against players, apply Slow negative condition effect against players, and, if it's not sufficient, she can also increase the DMG that enemies receives in 20% more from all sources! - this last one works after asking for Shenlong's technique buff wish. Bulma has predisposition only for Gloves as weapon. Bulma's early game build -my opinion- : Ki Regeneration, DMG Reduction, Ki Reduction. Bulma's mid/late game build -my opinion- : team party with Tank - Ki Regeneration, mix with DMG Reduction and Ki Reduction, and some CD Reduction (PvE). solo playing - DMG Reduction, Attack Speed (enough to reach 1 hit per 0.3 second) and Life Drain % (really don't know if it works :p) (PvE). CD Reduction, DMG Reduction and Tenacity (PvP). Dende: is an amazing meele ranged support made for people that like to see everyone alive and in a good shape, even if, sometimes, Dende need to sacrifice himself to avoid any other death. Dende meele range damage scales with his Focus and weapon's attack value does increase his meele damage. He is almost full made of supportive techniques, and only has 2 damage techniques - 1 AOE that breaks def and 1 than can create a Flower after enemy's death. This Flower increases the DMG power for any player that use it! Dende has a technique called Full Recover, which allows him to recover 100% of his ally Health and Ki. He has also a Cure technique that removes any kind of negative condition effect from an ally, and further can get buffed by Shenlong's wish, providing a kind of Immunity effect for some time. If you didn't find it broken yet, then I should say that he also has a technique that resets all other technique's cooldown. Dende has also a Ki Barrier, which blocks some percentage of the incoming DMG, receiving it on his Ki instead of on his Health. Last, but not least, the lifesaver passive called Benevolence, which provides Ki Regeneration for allies on team party and simply rescue an ally from the imminent death. This last effect works only after asking for Shenlong's technique buff wish. Dende can use both, Sword or Gloves. Dende's early game build -my opinion- : Attack Speed, Ki Regeneration, DMG Reduction. Dende's mid/late game build -my opinion- : team party with Tank - Ki Regeneration, Ki Reduction, Heal Effectiveness% and, if possible to add, some CD Reduction (PvE). solo playing for single species - DMG Reduction, Attack Speed (enough to reach 1 hit per 0.3 second), DMG flat/Life Drain and some DMG% - never tried that, but saw some (PvE). Attack Speed, Health flat/%, (choose between agressive and supportive by using DMG flat/% or CD Reduction, respectively) and Tenacity (PvP). Tank: Buu and Piccolo. Is a great choice for those who would like to do more solo playing than partying. Acting like a for every kind of situation, especially tricky ones, for example: Saga's Robots, Cell... Tanks, as usual, sacrifices themselves for the team party good. They're responsible for making everything possible for those who can't survive against few enemies or even blocking a massive attack from many enemies. A Frontliner and a Master of Ki walls. Like Dende, his Essence is to make everyone safe, provoking anything (PvE) who threats their allies while receives tons of damage. Essentially, it's the heart of team party inside difficult hunts, it means that if Tank dies, anyone that remains inside the hunt will possible die either . Majin Buu: is an amazing Tank, especially for PvE. His survivability outstand anything due to the ability of stacking Chocolate, which gives DMG Reduction and Life Regeneration. He has some AOE techniques, but his main focus still being a Tank. His survivability allows him to hunt against almost all PvE content alone - slow, but possible. Buu has a special technique called Evil Ghost, that make him too important for fast level progression from the early until late game along with single species creatures. Once Buu uses Evil Ghost on some unit, it'll hold any further DMG from any source for some seconds, exploding at the end and releasing part of all DMG that unit with Ghost received - it's an AOE explosion . Evil Ghost has also a buff by using Shenlong's wish that does a Scary negative condition effect on PvP, which makes the target a little bit confused, walking in different ways and unable to be controlled until Ghost explodes. Buu has also the ability of buff his ally defense or stick (stun) other player on PvP by using his Gummy Embrace technique. His passive gives DMG Reflection when he reach some % of his Health, reflecting different percentages of DMG for PvE and PvP. Majin Buu has predisposition only for Gloves as weapon. Buu's early game build -my opinion- : DMG Flat, DMG Reduction and Attack Speed. Buu's mid/late game build -my opinion- : DMG Reduction, Health Regeneration% and Health% (PvE). DMG Reduction, Health%, DMG Reflect, Health Regeneration% and (Tenacity or Dodge Chance) (PvP). Piccolo: is an amazing Tank that has more teamplay style than Majin Buu. He has a technique that can buff his ally Ki Effectiveness - increasing technique's DMG -, called "Mystic Attack" where the ally to be buffed needs to be marked on Team Window. Mystic Attack can also be used for PvE and PvP, where Piccolo throws his arm pushing and stunning the target - if no ally marked on Team Window. He can also switch between his position and ally ones, while increase his ally defense and insta provoking every PvE unit that was chasing the ally, this technique is called "Risking it all for a friend" - same condition as Mystic Attack, ally needs to be marked on Team Window. Piccolo has more powerful AOE techniques than Majin Buu and can even do Blind negative condition effect to either PvE and PvP. He has a great PvP crowd control able to use, because besides Mystic Attack and Risking it all for a friend, his technique's kit has also 2 techniques that can be buffed by Shenlong's wish, where 1 applies Rooting negative condition effect in a large area (AOE CC) and 1 blocks Zanzoken's use for some seconds. His passive improves his Health Regeneration% in accord to the Health that he loses during a fight. Piccolo has predisposition only for Gloves as weapon. Piccolo's early game build -my opinion- : DMG Flat, DMG Reduction and Attack Speed. Piccolo's mid/late game build -my opinion- : DMG Reduction, Health Regeneration%, Health% and CD Reduction (PvE). DMG Reduction, Health%, Health Regeneration%, CD Reduction and (Tenacity or Dodge Chance) (PvP). I hope that this overall can be helpful. It's also important to remind once again that: This information above may be not full and builds has been written per my idea of usage. If you would like to point out some corrections or increase something about some Character, please feel free to comment! This post has also been based on Community chatting on Discord! So, Thank You guys for sharing your knowledge!!! Kindest regards, John.
    3 points
  10. Hi! I do agree with you that it would be awesome, but... Gohan still an AOE dmg dealer when it does damage to more than a single target. You said that before it was more than the current range? Well, if so, looks like he got adjust to balance with others vocations... It has same range as Super Massive Wave... Would be awesome as well if Super Massive Wave had a range increase same way, right? Sadly, it cannot happen because would make it very OP over other vocations, same case as Meteor Blaster... I do would like to have a Magic Materalization with 7x7 range, but it would be unfair It's just my opinion, right?
    3 points
  11. Boss System 1. Introduction What is the Boss System? - The Boss System is a system, that allows players to spend their hard earned boss points on a fight with previously defeated boss. What are the Boss points? - Boss points are a unique reward for completing Daily Tasks. For every Daily Task you get 1 boss point. More info about Daily Tasks can be found here ->CLICK<- After collecting Boss Points, you will be able to take a mission to defeat one of the previously defeated bosses and try your luck to loot epic items. Remember - stronger boss means higher chance for more epic items! Do I need a premium account to participate in a Boss fight? - No, Bosses are for everyone! You can fight them without Premium account. Is it worth using Boss points? - Of course! Along with your adventure in Return of The Saiyans, you will successively earn Boss Points for completing Daily Tasks. Use them regularly to get better equipment. Remember - items from Bosses already have their bonuses revealed! Does a Boss from each room cost the same amount of Boss points? - No, Bosses from each subsequent room will cost more Boss Points! It looks as follows: -> Entering the Boss from the first room costs 3 Boss points -> Entry to the Boss from the second room costs 5 Boss points -> Entry to the Boss from the third room costs 7 Boss points -> Entry to the Boss from the fourth room costs 9 Boss points 2. Process step How do I pick up a Boss fight? - It's super easy! All you have to do is go to the computer near NPC Professor Tusk (it's in West Capitol) and right-click on it. Then, a window will open with available bosses to fight. Keep in mind, that you can only choose to fight a Boss, which you already defeated before! If you haven't fought one, it will say "Locked". - it means that you need to complete CC Lab. Task related with this boss, first. When you click on the Boss icon, you will be presented with a window of potential loot to be dropped. Use the slider to decide how many times in a row you want to fight a Boss (You can check the price by hovering over the Boss icon). After clicking "confirm" you will be automatically transported to the platform where you can go to the Boss room. All you have to do is step down and go on the platform again. After that you will be left in a room alone with the Boss. Of course you can escape from the room by walking on the platform - this will not consume your Boss points. Remember, you can only fight alone. Your team member will not be transported with you, and if you die without a Divine Blessing your backpack will be teleported out of the room. After defeating a Boss, you can open his soul and get items from it! 3. Are there any other types of Bosses? Sure they are! Some monsters in the world of Return of The Saiyans are so vile that they've earned their own Boss - such as Devils, Lord Yaos or even Sushas! During your adventure, you've got a chance to meet these powerful monsters, however, the chances are not so high, especially when you compare them to the Boss System. 4. Change log: v. 1.0 - Created and spellchecked guide. Will publish after final check of guide regarding new Daily System. v. 1.1 - Information about access "prices" has been added. v. 1.2 - Checked all the typos and published the guide - 09.09.2021
    3 points
  12. Daily Tasks 1. Introduction What are Daily Tasks? - Daily Tasks are daily quests that allow you to gain extra experience points, boss points or some items in exchange for completing a mission to either kill a given number of monsters or to find and scan high level monsters. What are the boss points? - Boss points are a unique reward for completing Daily Tasks. For every Daily Task you get 1 boss point. After collecting 3 Boss Points, you will be able to take a mission to defeat one of the previously defeated bosses and try your luck to loot epic items. Remember - stronger boss means higher chance for more epic items! More info about bosses can be found here ->CLICK<- Do I need a premium account to take a Daily task? - No, the Daily Tasks are for everyone! You can do them without Premium account. Is it worth doing Daily Tasks? - Absolutely! Every warrior has to hunt down stronger and stronger beasts. Daily Tasks are a great way to gain additional experience points. They do not last long, and in addition, we collect the boss points, which in the future can be used to fight epic creatures. 2. How do I take up a Daily Task? How do you take the Daily Task? - It's super easy! There are two types of Daily Tasks in the game. The first one, are Tasks from the NPC Profesor Tusk - he is located in his house in West Capitol. You can do his task starting from the first level! The second type is from NPC Emradel - he is located in the starting location on Future Earth. You can do tasks there from level 90 onwards because Future Earth is for level 90 and above. You just need to talk to these NPCs by right-clicking on them or simply writing "Hi" to them. After selecting the appropriate option, you will see a window with a choice of one of three types of monsters. 3. Are there other types of Daily Tasks? Of course there are! What would Daily Tasks be without additional challenges. The NPC Emradel gives us the opportunity to prove that real warriors still exist. Besides the Monsters Daily Task, he also offers the Future Orb Daily Task (Normal Orbs & High Class Orbs) and the Drones Daily Task. - Future Orb Daily Task (Normal Orbs) consists in bringing 15 Future Orbs to the NPC Emradel. In return we get a random item with random attributes (it can be item of tier 3/4/5). Important Information - remember that Future Orbs Task can be completed only once a day, however you are able to trade 20 future Orbs for a random item all the time! As many time as you want. - Future Orb (High Class) Daily Task is to bring NPC Emradel 15 Future Orb (High Class). In return we will receive a random item with random attributes (it can be item tier 3/4/5). Additionally, we have a chance to get an item from the rarest set in the whole game - Diamond Core Set item. Note: Diamond Core items have from 1 to 3 attributes with Tier 3/4/5 level. Additionally, bonuses in these items are chosen by ourselves which allows us to design our own unbeatable set! Important Information - remember that Future High Class Orbs Task can be completed only once a day, however you are able to trade 20 High Class Future Orbs for a high quality random item all the time! As many time as you want. - Drones Daily Task is to locate and scan five monsters that are much stronger than us (difference in monster levels is +/- 100 levels). During the conversation with NPC Emradel he will ask us to scan five monsters of our choice with drone. After accepting the mission, five drones will appear in our Quest Pouch, which we can use to scan monsters (right click on the item and then on the monster - it will make the monster disappear as in the .gif below). After scanning all the monsters, our drones will disappear. The reward for this Daily Task is 5 items with two bonuses (always T2/T3). T2 bonus is random, while T3 bonus we choose ourselves which can make our future battles on Future Earth much easier! Important Information - remember that each Drones Task can be completed only once a day! Note - during this task we cannot use Kinto, otherwise our mission immediately becomes invalid (which means that in order to complete this task we have to move only on foot). 4. Process step After choosing Daily Task for killing monsters you will get the opportunity to choose one type of monsters from three available to kill. The number of these monsters is random (average number of monsters depends on our level). Note - If you don't want to start any of the Daily Tasks you can always cancel them - after 30 minutes the system will automatically draw a new one for you. Of course, the higher level of our character, the stronger monsters we can get to hunt. NPC Profesor Tusk: 1-99 lvl -> maximum difference in monster level is 30. 100-199 = maximum difference in monster level is 40. 200+ = maximum difference in monster level is 60. NPC Emradel: 1-99 = maximum difference in monster level is 30. 100-199 = maximum difference in levels of monster is 40. 200+ = maximum difference in level of monster is 60. But which monster is the most profitable for me to choose? It is easy to calculate! You need to consider three aspects. - First: respawn on which monster is (to know how much, more or less, it will take you to kill a certain amount of monsters) - Second: number of monsters to hunt - Third: level of the monster to hunt (the higher, the more experience points the monster gives you) Having the answer to the above we can start counting. Just multiply the basic amount of experience points for the monster times the number of monsters to hunt. Here are some examples: 1. 320 Pterosaurs. Each Pterosaur gives a 850 experience. 320 times 850 = 272,000 experience 2. 360 Mummys. Each Rat gives 465 experience. 360 times 465 = 167,400 experience 1. 250 Future Pterodactyls. Each Future Pterodactyl gives a 979 experience. 250 times 979 = 244,750 experience 2. 240 Future Giras. Each Future Giras gives 760 experience. 240 times 760 = 182,400 experience 3. 250 Future Lord Yao's. Each Future Lord Yao gives 1265 experience. 270 times 6150 = 316,250 experience Important note: Daily missions can be repeated, but each subsequent mission after the first one gives 15% of the experience value. For example: If we get and take the mission to kill 320 Pterosaurs again we will get 40,800 experience points (15% of 272,000) If we get and take a mission to kill 250 Future Lord Yao's again, we will get 47,437 experience points (15% of 316,250) - After choosing the type of monster and after hunting them, we can go back to NPC Profesor Tusk or NPC Emradel to talk about the reward - then we will know exactly how many experience points we received. 5. Change log: v. 1.0 - Created and spellchecked guide. Will publish after creating guide regarding Boss Points. v. 1.1 - Restrictions and a detailed description of the Daily types have been added. v. 1.2 - Checked all the typos and published the guide - 09.09.2021
    3 points
  13. Hiho, So we got a new exciting event and there are many questions about how exactly it works. We don't know all the details yet but here are a few pieces of important information that might help you get started to explore the event more. Premise: 8 players on red team, 8 players on blue team. The event takes up to 15 minutes and there are two ways to win (more about this later) - by killing Gero or by getting the most points. First stage (C15, PvE): A few tips depending on your role... Use your cooldowns to deal damage quickly (get started directly). Dendes should create as many flowers as possible directly to speed their team up. Tanks should take as many monsters as your team can handle (but be careful not to take too much) and make sure to use Provoke to keep them away from your less tanky players. Damagedealers and halftanks just deal damage. Everyone should be ready to transform, eat food and move directly when the event starts to not waste any time. Try to dodge the red markers on the floor as much as possible so you don't die and waste time. Second stage (C14, PvE): Basically same as the last stage, these monsters hits a little bit harder than C15 maybe but it is pretty much the same stuff - just keep going. Third stage (C13, PvE): Again, very similar but these monsters will transform when they reach about 50% hp to a more aggressive version that hits harder. You might have to go a little bit slower here than the previous two stages to avoid people dying too much. Fourth stage (Dr. Gero and enemy players, PvP): So this is where it is all decided. As I told you earlier there are two ways to win the event - by killing Dr. Gero or by killing the most players. If Dr. Gero dies then the team that dealt the most damage to him will win automatically. If Dr. Gero does not die within 15 minutes then the team with the most kill points will win instead. Tips and tricks: The PvE portions are very important to go quickly - if you team can clear it fast enough so that you can deal a lot of damage to Dr. Gero before the enemy team arrives then you can take the win directly Stick together and help each other - a team that moves together to kill the enemies is much more powerful You can track the progress of the teams on the top (there is a bar that shows points for blue team and red team). This is useful in all 4 stages. In the first 3 stages you can see how far your team has made it compared to the enemy team and in the fourth stage you can keep track of what team is leading the damage to Dr. Gero. Whoever last hits Dr. Gero does not matter. It is the team that has deal the most damage that wins the event. (highest points on the top bar) If the enemy team has a strong lead on the bar then your only option is likely to defend Dr. Gero and kill the enemy team, preventing them from finishing Dr. Gero off. If you can prevent them from killing him fully and create more killpoints than the enemy team you can win this way instead.
    2 points
  14. Hola Lizard, durante tus aventuras en Return of the Sayians pueden aparecer algunos personajes para ayudarte en tu jornada, te darán daño extra y ganarás más XP... Algunos personajes son Kuririn, Broly, Shaozu, Mrs Satan, Androide 8, Tenshihan y algunos más que ahora no recuerdo. Se quedarán contigo durante unos minutos, a veces es posible tener 2 - 3 personajes contigo al mismo tiempo...
    2 points
  15. If you find any errors or if I missed something then please let me know so that I can update the guide! Disclaimer: I left the 400+ Beerus orbs out as they are not really that useful anymore : Where to get it: Fallen King quest Price (estimated): 15kk+ Where to get it: Mimic event (turning in key fragments) Price (estimated): 50kk+ (maybe even more, only a few of these exists) Where to get it: Dropped by "Golden Claw" - the wolf on tutorial island Price (estimated): 1kk ~ Where to get it: Can be looted by Bor (Clan Boss) Picture is incorect, there is no HP component as far as I know. Price (estimated): 50kk+ Where to get it: Can be looted from UG32 (Dungeon) Price (estimated): 70kk+ Where to get it: Can be bought from NPC 'Grim Reaper' for 6000 Infernal Essences Price (estimated): 6-12kk (depending on infernal essence price) Where to get it: Buy it from NPC 'Goldi' Price: 30kk Where to get it: Can be looted from UG64 (Dungeon) Price (estimated): 80kk+ (maybe more, never saw one of these sell so far, it is quite new) Where to get it: Ancient Cape Quest Price (estimated): 2.5kk+ Where to get it: Drops from Cell (World Boss) which rarely spawns and is incredibly hard to kill (requires 10-20+ high levels, a lot of deaths are expected) Price (estimated): Likely the most expensive item in the game and can't really be estimated fairly, probably 300-500kk++. This item basically never sells. Where to get it: Drops from the clan boss Dhementor. Price (estimated): New item, probably extremely expensive. As far as I know not a single on was dropped yet. 100kk+ Where to get it: Drops from the clan boss Webber. Price (estimated): New item, probably extremely expensive. As far as I know only a few was dropped so far. 100kk+
    2 points
  16. Saiyans, we started work on Dungeons!
    2 points
  17. Hejka, w tym temacie chciałbym zaproponować zmiany które mogłyby zostać wprowadzone na serwer, są to moje osobiste przemyślenia i zachęcam każdego by wyraził swoje zdanie dotyczące moich propozycji. Dlaczego zakładam taki temat? Otóż zbliżam się do maksymalnego poziomu 435 i gram w tą grę ponad rok czasu i uważam że posiadam wystarczające doświadczenie by móc wyrazić swoją opinie i zaproponować zmiany które myślę że wyszłyby każdemu na dobre, nie będę proponował nowych rzeczy które można by dodać do gry bo tego można by wymieniać dużo a wiadomo że każdy taki projekt jest czasochłonny. Propozycje będę wypisywał punktowo po kolei. 1. Podziemia Zombie: Na początek chciałbym poruszyć temat podziemi do których możemy się dostać za pomocą portalu który przenosi nas za opłatą która wynosi 10000 zeni i 100 Infernal Essence za każde piętro. Zmiany: -Zmienić koszt Wejścia na Kolejne piętra z 100 do 50 -Zmienić drop potworów, usunąć perły i zastąpić je kluczami do otwierania Treasure Chest Uzasadnienie: Po pierwsze często uczęszcza się tam w celu zrobienia misji dziennej gdyż dają więcej expa niż pozostałe ale ilość essencji potrzebne na wejście zniechęca na samym starcie szczególnie gdy musimy tam wchodzić w większej ilości osób, zmianę pereł uzasadniam tym iż na dzień dzisiejszy to miejsce jest mało uczęszczane ze względu na brak zysku a wypadanie kluczy myślę że zachęciłoby graczy do chodzenia tam i urozmaiciłoby trochę rozgrywkę. Rozumiem że nie może tam wypadać za dużo przedmiotów gdyż wchodzimy tam z ograniczoną ilością capa dlatego klucze byłyby odpowiednie. 2. Hunter Squad Zmiany: -zmienić misje z nagrodą w postaci kompasu i zegarka z 7 misji na 30 -zmienić system nagród za misje dzienne za poszczególne namioty i zamienić je na skrzynki z poziomem prawdopodobieństwa: 1 Namiot: Złota skrzynka 80% Platynowa 18% Diamentowa 1% 2 Namiot: Złota skrzynka 50% Platynowa 50% Diamentowa 2% 3 Namiot: Platynowa Skrzynka 80% Złota 20% Diamentowa 3% 4 Namioty: Platynowa Skrzynka 95% Złota 5% Diamentowa 5% Uzasadnienie: Na dzień dzisiejszy nikt nie robi misji dziennych bo się nie opłaca ich robić, nagroda jest zbyt słaba a myślę że skrzynki z pewną szansą na diamentową skrzynkę zachęciłoby graczy do robienia daily a co za tym idzie zapotrzebowanie na itemy które są tam potrzebne by się pojawiło i ożywiłoby trochę rynek, jak również zwiększenie poziomu na przedmioty które się dostaje z 7 misji uważam za zbyt wczesne a tak gracze mieliby powód by zrobić więcej misji. 3. Misje dzienne na Future 3.1 Drony Zmiany: -zmienić nagrodę z przedmiotów na Normal Future Orb Uzasadnienie: Pierwotny zamysł tej misji był chyba taki by ułatwić nowym graczom pozyskanie przedmiotów w razie śmierci i utraty ich na Future ale na dzień dzisiejszy ta misja jest bezużyteczna i nikt jej nie robi a myślę że orby przydałyby się każdemu a w szczególności nowym graczom którzy mogą mieć problem wydropić swoje pierwsze 9 orbów. 3.2 Future Orb Zmiany: -zmienić szansę na wypadnięcie seta Diamond Core i ustawić by z każdym kolejnym oddaniem orbów szanse zwiększałaby się o mały procent aż do uzyskania itemu po czym resetowała do 0 Uzasadnienie: Na tą chwile uzyskanie Diamond Core itemów tym sposobem graniczy z cudem i na dzień dzisiejszy znam tylko jedną osobę która miała na tyle szczęscia i wylosowała Diamond Core item, zmiana ta powodowałaby by gracz miał świadomość że małymi kroczkami zbliża się do celu i nie zniechęcałoby go do farmienia orbów. 4. Smocze Kule Zmiany: -Dodać opcje ponownego losowania jednego z dostępnych bonusów na przedmiocie Uzasadnienie: W grze składanie seta z zwykłych przedmiotów polega wyłącznie na szczęściu a dodanie takiej opcji by można by za losować ponownie wybrany jeden z 3 bonusów na przedmiocie w zamian za 7 smoczych kul dałoby szanse graczom na złożenie idealnego seta i zachęciłaby do zbierania smoczych kul gdyż na wyższym poziomie nie ma co z nimi robić prócz sprzedawania ich a z drugiej strony myślę że nie byłoby to przesadzone gdyż po raz kolejny polegamy na szczęściu. 5. Robotic Island Zmiany: -zmienić by można było tam wejść tylko z Premium Account Uzasadnienie: Sporo ilość osób robi Robotic Island z różnych kont by jak najbardziej zwiększyć zysk, dodanie opcji by można było tam wejść tylko z premium dałoby wam zastrzyk gotówki bo i tak myślę że opłacałoby się wykupić premium na innym koncie by tam chodzić. 6. Losowanie tasków Zmiany: -dodać opcje wcześniejszego losowania tasków za zeni w grze zależnie od naszego lvla dać przelicznik zeni by taki np 300 poziom płacił 80 tysięcy za losowanie ponowne Uzasadnienie: Sporo osób narzeka że po wróceniu z pracy nie mają zbyt dużo czasu by szukać taska który da im najwięcej expa więc moją propozycją jest by można było za gotówkę za losować jeszcze raz bez limitu czasu, uszczupliłoby to nadmiar pieniędzy na serwerze a pracującym graczom pozwoliłoby wybrać szybciej misje. 7. Fissure Zmiany: -dodać wypadanie z nich kluczy do otwierania skrzynek Uzasadnienie: Dużo osób nie atakuje Fissure na expowiskach gdyż nie widzą w tym żadnego sensu, a co za tym idzie w obrocie nie ma infernal essence, jeśli fissure dropiłyby klucze gracze mieliby korzyść z bicia ich a co za tym idzie na market trafiałyby infernal essence które nie były by komuś potrzebne. 7. Hell Zmiany: -zablokować możliwości wypadnięcia przez drogę węża Uzasadnienie: Od początku gry by skrócić sobie dystans, gracze schodzą do piekła po prostu spadając umyślnie z drogi węża, niestety dużo graczy(szczególnie początkujących) nie rozumie że podczas tego zabiegu jesteśmy bez blessów i możemy stracić cały plecak dlatego że w grze przyjęło się że najwięcej korzyści jest z zabijania gracza który właśnie w taki sposób będzie wracał po śmierci. Podczas zabijania kogoś, druga ekipa czeka już na niego w piekle i czai się na jego przedmioty. Dużo osób przestało grać przez ten sposób bo straciło wszystkie swoje przedmioty bo jak wiadomo w grze zmienia się itemy do biegania i najczęściej jak gdzieś przebiegamy mamy swojego głównego seta w plecaku.
    2 points
  18. New Universum arrives at 18.08.2021 - 18:00 (CET) / 13:00 (GMT-3). Prepare yourself, Saiyans!
    2 points
  19. Community has done and, keeps doing its job, creating some good stuff about the game, such as: Quests tutorial About what is "Excavation System" Bosses locations Items Lasts / Current Event Etc... (See by yourself :P) Get yourself a good fresh start on game by taking a look on RotS's fansites: ENG - https://saiyansbook.com/ ENG - https://saiyansreturn.info/ BR - https://www.fanrots.com.br/ PL - https://www.saiyanspolska.pl/ Choose the one that better suits you!
    2 points
  20. Hi @Malwin Actually we will improve Market system in the Future, unfortunately I am unable to provide you any ETA as there are more important jobs to finish. For sure in the near future we're planning to implement a filter that will allow to search up to 3 different bonuses on a single item. Great idea, but let's say at the moment this is "on hold" Cheers~
    2 points
  21. As you already know from the last post, we are preparing a Chest Event, which you will be able to experience after Tomorrow's Global Save. We would like to share some more details about the event, so you can get ready for it. The first thing you need to know is that you will be able to collect Chests, not Treasure Chests, during the event, which means you will not need any keys to open them so... You can have your cake and eat it too. Rarity of Chests depends on Monster's level, e.g. if you hunt low level monsters, then you should not expect to loot Diamond Chests. Here is the whole list with Monster's level ranges and loot: Lv. 1-29 Monsters Bronze Chest Lv. 30 - 89 Monsters Bronze Chest Silver Chest Lv. 90-149 Monsters Silver Chest Golden Chest Lv. 150-400 Monsters Golden Chest Platinum Chest Lv. 400+ Monsters Platinum Chest Diamond Chest Note that, if your level is twice higher than monster's level then you won't be able to loot chests from it. We've added such protection, so low level players will not have to worry about some high level occupying their hunting spots. What more, we have done some changes to make Chests and Treasure Chests more attractive. From tomorrow's Global Save, all the items looted from Chests will have their bonuses automatically revealed. Additionally, the chances of High Tier Bonuses got slightly increased for each Chest. All you have to do is to have a little bit of free time. Are you ready to make some extra money?!
    2 points
  22. Unfortunately, I'm not sure about Admins plans, but it was something like that, @Mitsuiomi:
    1 point
  23. Você é o melhor... Muito obrigado.
    1 point
  24. Ótimo amigo, parece que é só vc on-line... Muito obrigado pela força e dúvidas tiradas...
    1 point
  25. @adriano Raposo Olá, sou eu novamente! heheh - Já deve estar enjoando de mim. De acordo com os Termos de Serviço do Usuário, esse tipo de ação é proibida em Return of The Saiyans! Você pode ler mais sobre isso em: https://saiyansreturn.com/terms-of-service
    1 point
  26. It's always a pleasure. I'll increase my visitings to the Forum to follow up more of your doubts! I'm also glad that you're using it. heheh, I'm a Forum passionate. Btw, feel free to visit other topics that explains attributes, bonuses, items, bosses, daily contents and much more... I wish to you a good journey in ROTS!
    1 point
  27. Hi there! I, personally, loved the third point, however, every each content in the game is a stamina wasting. The idea would be wasting 20min in a daily, but receiving 30min by having done the daily content? Hunter Squad Quest can provide you an item that gives the stamina time, and it is daily, but isn't that high. What's more, the ROTS Team is aware over the necessity of improving some systems, such as Stamina/Stamina Recovering. Said that, I would like to share an info that has been shared in the past, which is: they are going to add an advanced bed system, which, probably, will help in the Stamina Recovering . + I would like to friendly remind that staying online all the day isn't the only way to recover stamina. Your stamina will get recovered while offline too! Thanks for sharing your Idea about Stamina System.
    1 point
  28. Game is working only on windows unfortunately.
    1 point
  29. Full time mapper wanted! As you are aware, we are fully focused on game content right now and we want to speed up the developing as much as possible! That's why we're hiring a mapper! If you enjoy creating hunting areas, quests and stuff, then feel free to apply! Or maybe you know someone who will perfectly suit here? Ask him to contact us! Requirements: - Very good knowledge of RME Map editor, - A minimum of 6 months of experience in creating maps, - English on communicative level in writing, - Ability to work in a team, - Availability 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday. What we offer: - Opportunity to develop, - Fully remote work in a friendly team, - Weekly payments. If you believe, you are best for this role, then apply on our email [email protected]. In the application, please attach minimum 10 pictures of your recent works, information about your age and nationality. Please be advised that we will contact only selected candidates. Best Regards, RotS Team.
    1 point
  30. Cześć @Jedi Mind Niefortunnie, ale Gohanem grałem najmniejszą ilość czasu więc za dużo Ci tutaj nie podpowiem Natomiast jeżeli chodzi o popularność, to jest on najpopularniejszym DPS'em (wygrywa z Trunksem jeżeli chodzi o ilość high-levelowych postaci). Polecam Ci podpytać graczy na naszym oficjalnym Discordzie: ROTS (click!)
    1 point
  31. Patch note: - from now on, Dende's "Cure" technique can be used within 11 SQM distance, - fixed an issue with saving bonuses, - fixed an issue with NPC marks in Quest Window - they were not removing properly, - fixed an issue where sometimes the settings were not saved, especially for new players. Market: - from now on, it is possible to list items from Stash, - from now on, it is possible to list 2000 items in one offer, - removed the 1000 zeni fee cap while creating sell/buy offer. P.S. Don't forget that Mimic Event starts today! Have fun!
    1 point
  32. Hello, players! After the valentine's event end, we will merge Universe Supreme with Universe Future Earth. Some players suggested merging Universe Bulma with these 2 also and create one big Universe. We're thinking about it but of course mainly we think about you - our lovely players! That's why we're creating a poll asking if you want Universe Bulma to be merged with Supreme & Future Earth. To vote, you need to be at least 100 level on Universe Bulma. We believe the poll will help us to make a right decision! https://saiyansreturn.com/poll/mergebulma Best Regards, RotS Team.
    1 point
  33. Patch note: - added new Valentine's Day Event, - from now on, NPCs will take Zeni directly from the bank from us while trading, except of blessings, - new team search notifications have been added, so that the player is aware that such a system exists, - from now on, ki sense can always be used on members of our clan, - from now on Bulma can use shunkanido without being in battle suit, - from now on T4 and T5 items will be automatically locked after obtaining them, - added introduction mission to Future Earth and Emradel's daily tasks, - a bug where Clan could not be removed in some rare cases has been fixed, - the sprite of cyber katana has been inverted, - from now life drain does not add an additional boost to the damage, - fixed a bug where player, after completing 50 missions in Hunter Squad, could not use the shortcut on Golden Oozaru hunting place, - from now on, saga monster cannot be pushed, - sagas have been added to the Quest Window, - from now on, wood drops also from following monsters: Susha, Annihilator, Crystal Robot, Undead Soldier, Oozaru, Balog, Zombie Slaughter, Wizard, Armored Oozaru, Volcanic Oozaru, Metal Cooler, Skeleton Phalanx and also their Future version. Characters balance: Gohan - Tenma Defense will now apply 5% instead of 10% shield, but it can be activated/deactivated at anytime, Trunks - from now on, Trunks will deal 150% DMG to the target and 200% DMG to enemies behind the target with his passive technique - Stroke.
    1 point
  34. PT-BR Version: Patch note: - adicionado o evento Valentine's day, - de agora em diante, se o jogador não tiver dinheiro na BP, o NPC receberá um Pix do dinheiro do banco. exceção das blessings - novas notificações para a busca de time foram adicionadas, para que o jogador esteja ciente de que tal sistema existe, - de agora em diante, a técnica Ki Sense poderá ser sempre usada em membros do próprio clã, - de agora em diante, Bulma pode usar o Shunkanido sem estar vestindo o traje de batalha, - de agora em diante, items T4 e T5 serão automaticamente locados (locked) depois de serem obtidos, - adicionado missões de introdução à Future Earth e às daily tasks do Emradel, - um bug onde o Clã, em raros casos, não podia ser desfeito foi corrigido, - o sprite da Cyber Katana foi invertido, - de agora em diante, Life Drain não dá mais dano meele adicional, - corrigido um bug onde o jogador, depois de completar 50 missões na Hunter Squad, não podia usar o atalho para o respawn de Golden Oozaru, - de agora em diante, os montros das Sagas não poderão ser empurrados, - Sagas foram adicionadas ao Quest Window, - de agora em diante, o item wood também dropará dos seguintes monstros: Susha, Annihilator, Crystal Robot, Undead Soldier, Oozaru, Balog, Zombie Slaughter, Wizard, Armored Oozaru, Volcanic Oozaru, Metal Cooler, Skeleton Phalanx e também das suas versões do Futuro. Balanceamento de Personagens: Gohan - Tenma Defense agora vai aplicar 5% de shield ao invés de 10%, mas poderá ser ativada ou desativada a qualquer momento, Trunks - de agora em diante, Trunks vai causar 150% DMG ao alvo e 200% DMG aos inimigos atrás do alvo com sua passiva - Stroke. Abração, RotS Team.
    1 point
  35. Hi guys! We've made some small tweaks and improvements for Jack, the Hunter, and here's the list of changes: - increased chances for Diamond, Platinum and Golden chests, - from now on, killing a task's monster solo (without a team) will count kills as double, - from now on, killing Enraged monster will count as 2 kills and killing a Boss will count as 16 kills. - changed position of Jack, he'll spawn now in West Capitol (Protection Zone), What's more Jack's tasks will appear on Quest Window along with next Event. We hope that these changes will positively affect your experience with Jack. Best Regards, RotS Team.
    1 point
  36. Hello, When i try to log in, it keeps saying "connecting to login server" It doenst matter how long i wait.
    1 point
  37. Hello, please try to delete whole game folder, C:\rots and download ZIP client from website: https://saiyansreturn.com/download
    1 point
  38. Hej @Miraxon! Przede wszystkim wielkie dzięki za wszystkie propozycje oraz za formę ich przedstawienia. Bardzo podoba mi się opis problemu, przykład rozwiązania oraz uzasadnienie. Takie posty aż czyta się z zaciekawieniem ^^ Poniżej przedstawię opinię na każdy z punktów. Cieszę się, że jako prawie 435 level wyrażasz chęć poprawy i usprawnień gry. 1) Możliwe, że 'cena' wejścia jest zbyt wysoka, ale na chwilę obecną nie będziemy tego zmieniać. Tak jak sam pisałeś, potwory tam dają więcej expa niż normalne, więc jeśli ktoś będzie chciał wejść, to pójdzie farmić te esencje : ) Możliwe, że kiedyś zwiększymy ilość esencji w grze (np poprzez dodanie ich do loota niektórych noobów, bossów, itp), jednak na chwilę obecną i tak nie ma większego problemu z ich zdobyciem. Same Fissury może również dostaną małego boosta, ale o tym w punkcie 7. 2) Tu bardzo fajna propozycja zmiany. Jednak procenty muszą mieć 100, skoro dostaje się jedną skrzynkę : D Jeśli w pierwszym namiocie na skrzynkę mam 80% i nie wpadnie, zostanie mi 20%, z czego 18% na platynową, 1% na diamentową, a co z pozostałym 1%? Co do samej zmiany, to jak najbardziej na +. Odnośnie kompasu i zegarka - tu jak najbardziej również się zgadzam. Dużo osób robi tylko do 7 misji, aby odebrać zegarek i kompas i potem odpuszczają całkowicie questa. Masz rację, że jeśli zamienimy nagrody misji 7 na poźniejszą, to zachęci na pewno graczy do robienia większej ich ilości. W planach jest mini rework Hunter Squada, będziemy go na pewno urozmaicać, ale na chwilę obecną nie jest to priorytetem, więc nawet przybliżonej daty nie mogę podać. 3) Tutaj ciężko mi się odnieść do tych zmian. Nie wiem, czy zmiana nagrody z dronów jest konieczna, może bardziej zbuffowanie obecnej? Pomyślimy coś na pewno, bo masz rację, że może się nie za bardzo opłacać to daily : D Co do Diamond Core Seta, to jak najbardziej coś da się zrobić, bo wielu graczy już narzekało na baaaaaaaaaaaaaardzo dużą rzadkość tego seta. Pytanie tylko, czy nie jest to jednak dobre, gdy przedmiot ma tak niezwykłą rzadkość, bo wydropienie go przyniesie mega uciechę ^^ Ale możliwe, że właśnie zwiększymy szanse z każdą oddaną ilością orbów. Jednak to również nie jest priorytetem. 4) Mamy już w planach pewien system odnośnie bonusów w itemach i ich ponownego losowania, ale szczegółów nie będę zdradzał : ) 5) Tu całkiem ciekawa zmiana, myślę, że da się zrobić. Możliwe, że nawet dość niedługo ^^ 6) O losowaniu tasków za zeni już myśleliśmy i na pewno pojawi się to w grze. Niestety nie wiem kiedy 7) Bardzo prawdopodobne, że zwiększymy exp z Fissure i dodamy do nich klucze lub jakiś inny loot. Tak, aby każdy chciał bić te Fissurki : D 8 ) Tutaj się sugerowaliśmy Anime, tam spadało się z drogi węża, więc chcieliśmy to zachować. Możliwe, że dodamy w niektórych miejscach tam Non-pvp zone, aby właśnie nieświadomi gracze nie tracili swoich plecaków.
    1 point
  39. Patch note: - fixed The Wish Quest (the mission to unlock the transformation at level 430), - fixed special characters in Bulma's notfications, - enlarged hunting areas on Robotic Island.
    1 point
  40. Patch note: - Fixed an issue which caused client crashes while changing the hotkey, - Fixed an issue with letters on chat.
    1 point
  41. Hello, Please try to delete folder c:\rots
    1 point
  42. Cześć @Poker Kid, Doceniam Twoją wypowiedź w tym temacie. Z edycji na edycje nie gra mniej osób. Co do ilości osób na poszczególnych serwerach niestety nie mogę się wypowiedzieć, bo ta informacja nie jest upubliczniona ale ów różnica nie jest bardzo duża. Jeżeli chodzi o Twój komentarz dot. edycji to nieprawda - ciągle wprowadzamy nowe zmiany co możesz zauważyć np. po nowym sposobie kupowania domków (licytacja) lub po maszynie do zmiany klasy. Jeżeli chodzi o różnorodność postaci to całkowicie się z tym nie zgodzę. Obecnie posiadamy 7 unikatowych klas - w tym 2 tanków, 2 half-tanków, 2 DPS'ów oraz 1 supporta, i jak słusznie zauważyłeś niedługo wyjdzie Bulma - nasza kolejna klasa wspierająca. Po Bulmie możesz oczekiwać pojawienia się ankiety dot. kolejnej grywalnej postaci w świecie Return of The Saiyans. Rozumiemy, że gracze chcieli by dostać na start z 15 grywalnych postaci, ale niestety nasz projekt ma zaledwie 1.5 roku a ostatni rok poświęciliśmy głównie na naprawie błędów co wyszło całkiem nieźle moim skromnym zdaniem. Jeżeli porównasz rok 2020 oraz 2021 to zauważysz drastyczną zmianę. Co do Strange crystali to tak jak wspomniałeś - znajdą Swoje zastosowanie i nawet na Discordzie ogłaszaliśmy jak mniej-więcej będzie nowy system wyglądać Na pewno dodamy to do gry, ale nie jesteśmy w stanie na każde zlecenie narzucić wysokiego priorytetu, ponieważ pojawiają się momenty w których musimy stricte skupić się na rzeczach ważniejszych (m.in. naprawa krytycznego błędu, lub rozwinięcie gameplay'u). Jeżeli zaś chodzi o Twój argument z "kasą" - jest on całkowicie nie trafiony. Nie jestem osobą odpowiedzialną za płatności, ale wiem, że dochody ze skinów nie są tak wielkie jak zapewne wydaje się dla większości graczy. Głównymi rzeczami które się sprzedają jest czas premium oraz Puar - co świetnie widać w Shopie w zakładce "HOT THIS WEEK". Jesteśmy zawsze otwarci na dyskusje, więc jeżeli masz jakieś pomysły które uważasz że warto zaimplementować lub widzisz jakieś pole do poprawy to śmiało - chętnie porozmawiam. Pozdrawiam, Iustitia RoTS Community Manager
    1 point
  43. Step by step made by @Xukio, also available to see in Game Official Discord Server. ROTS Discord's invite: https://discord.com/invite/mnyxBm9 Here is the mentioned link to follow instructions: https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=48145
    1 point
  44. Perhaps some problem between your connection proxy and EU link... But I'm glad US worked for you. =D Good game, mate!
    1 point
  45. Hi! Sorry for late response, but I was in work I'm still have problem with download EU Installer. The US works ok, so I downloaded from there. This issue is strange because my gf downloaded normally from EU link.
    1 point
  46. Hi @John Hawk, As you can see this task is on our Suspended list. We will implement this for sure in the future, however at the moment we cannot prioritize this one. Best Regards, Iustitia RoTS Community Manager
    1 point
  47. Hi! Unfortunately there is no such option. And I don't think it will appear on the website or in game any soon.
    1 point
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