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  1. Last week
  2. I’ve always been fascinated by the idea that humans might share DNA with Saiyans, the powerful warrior race from Dragon Ball. While I know this sounds far-fetched, it’s a thought that resonates deeply with me. When I think about the incredible potential within each of us, I can’t help but draw parallels to the Saiyans. They possess immense strength, resilience, and the ability to grow stronger through challenges. Similarly, humans have shown remarkable adaptability and strength in the face of adversity. They also share physical traits with Saiyans. This belief isn’t yet scientifically proven but I would like it to be. Whether it’s through overcoming personal struggles or achieving great feats, I see a bit of Saiyan in all of us. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you ever feel like there’s more to our DNA than meets the eye?
  3. Earlier
  4. Hello, please contact me via official discord channel: https://discord.com/invite/mnyxBm9
  5. Bom dia, Estou tentando recuperar uma senha minha, sei o login, sei o email...mas nao chega o email de recuperaçao. O que devo fazer?
  6. Please send me private message on our discord server: https://discord.com/invite/mnyxBm9
  7. Hello, im having a bug on Red Ribbon Saga after use Master Roshi submarine. The character entered the pool, i didnt understand if he was drawning, i clicked he left pool, the log changed to "find the dragon ball" that points to inside the pool but i cant enter the water again. How can i proceed to fix it? Thank you very much.
  8. Xukio

    bład 10060

    Cześć, Sprawdź proszę prywatną wiadomość. Zachęcam również do korzystania z naszego oficjalnego kanału discord, gdzie znacznie szybciej otrzymasz odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące gry. https://discord.com/invite/mnyxBm9 Pozdrawiam, Xukio, Administrator ROTS
  9. Xukio

    ERROR 10060

    Hello, It looks like Windows Defender, Firewall, or antivirus software is blocking your connection to the game. Best regards, Xukio, ROTS Administration
  10. Hello, today I started playing on this server, after creating a character the game worked without any problems. However, after a few hours, when I tried to play again, error 10060 appeared. I tried with the Windows firewall turned off and running, but I can't get around it. If anyone has/had a similar problem and knows how to solve it, I will be very grateful for your help.
  11. czajnik

    bład 10060

    Witam Mój problem polega na tym iż odpalając klienta gry loguje się, wyskakuje mi okienko z wyborem postaci. Po wybraniu pokazuje mi sie ERROR 10060 . Dodam iż wcześniej gra odpaliła się bez problemu . Jeśli ktoś zna rozwiązanie będe wdzięczny za pomoc :D z góry dziękuje za pomoc :D
  12. Pessoal, o jogo é muito bonito, e acho incrível que isso seja feito para algo baseado no tíbia. No entanto, o meu PC é da xuxa, gostaria de saber se tem algum jeito de eu "piorar" os gráficos para o jogo rodar mais suavemente no meu computador? ENG: Hey guys, I'm astonished with the game graphics. Although it's a Tibia based game, it's very beautiful to see all the water effects, for example. However, I don't have a very good PC that can bear the graphic level of the game. So, my question: is there any option that I can use to downgrade the graphics to fit in my PC configs?
  13. djnaldo


  14. Cześć, Bardzo możliwe, że byliśmy w trakcie aktualizacji, przez co nie można było pobrać klienta. Spróbuj ponownie teraz.
  15. Witam czy mozecie wrzucic ponownie plik windows na host z pobraniem? bo klikam i nic mi nie pobiera tylko wywala blad " Not Found The resource could not be found."
  16. Para saber quando um novo dia começa em seu jogo, você pode procurar essa informação no site oficial do jogo, nos fóruns da comunidade ou nas configurações do jogo. E para saber como o dia real começará, você pode consultar a previsão do tempo em https://meteum.ai/weather/pt-BR/manaus Em muitos jogos on-line, há um determinado horário para reiniciar certas atividades diárias, como masmorras (dg) ou missões diárias.
  17. Hello, Please send me PM on our discord server: https://discord.com/invite/mnyxBm9
  18. I can not open the chests. I do not have quest Items in the game. Im just on the begin lvl 2-5... In all caves are chests and is at one the bins bag. Is possible to collect the bins bag but its not possible to open chest or finish the rest of quests...
  20. Saybys


    libera ai a nuven pelo menos para os free !
  21. Buenas, estoy retomando el juego y no comprendo bien la skill "Smell of fear" de Vegeta. Dice que golpea a los enemigos de 50% health below, al activar no veo el daño alguno o alguna animación de daño, más solo veo como recupero salud pero nada más No se si la descripción está mal traducida (en español) o el problema soy yo Gracias de antemano
  22. Skirmish Grounds are otherworldly arenas where mythical PVE battles and bloody PVP clashes intertwine into a chaotic game of survival. Choose your path – PvE or PvP – but remember, you are never truly safe anywhere. PVP adversaries lurk in the shadows, ready to raid PvE arenas, creating brutal confrontations. Be ready Saiyans!
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