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New Castle !

Prince Smoke

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Hi! Thanks for your suggestion!

I would like to show you my opinion over it. 😄

I cannot see this as fair for everyone.
It would benefit only a few portion of players, those who already are last transformed and with end-game jewellry.
Once a guild takes this kind of Castle, they'll always be a step or two forward others, due these "new hunts" you mentioned.
It would also break apart the idea that you can find anyone in-game, even if having a part of quest done, such as Hunter Squad, is needed...

You mentioned gifting Castle Winners with more hunt spots... Why not more hunt spots for everyone?
What about that player that used like doing solo content or can't join guilds due his real life, not enough time to play or just his low strength in-game due a slowly level up progress?

In the last case, if it would be implemented, we need to think over some points:

  1. How PvP would work on this Castle War?
  2. Would it be only possible to fight for this Castle with a fight of 2+ large teams, else, wouldn't be too easy?
  3. If not "new spots", what could be?
  4. How would this Castle War happens? Weekly, Monthly, at anytime?
  5. How people would maintain the Castle?
  6. If Castle provents such benefits to the Guild Winner, would the Guild agreed on paying Castle's wastes, such as a rent?
  7. How to prevent it as overpowering?
  8. How to provent a monopolize from the major and end-game Guild?
  9. New hunts just for the Guild that owns the Castle? It wouldn't be unfair?



Edited by John Hawk
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