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Posts posted by Iustitia

  1. Cześć @Jedi Mind

    Niefortunnie, ale Gohanem grałem najmniejszą ilość czasu więc za dużo Ci tutaj nie podpowiem😛
    Natomiast jeżeli chodzi o popularność, to jest on najpopularniejszym DPS'em (wygrywa z Trunksem jeżeli chodzi o ilość high-levelowych postaci).

    Polecam Ci podpytać graczy na naszym oficjalnym Discordzie: ROTS (click!)

    • Thanks 1
  2. Mini Bosses

    1. Introduction 

    What are Mini Bosses?
    - In your adventure while playing Return of The Saiyans, you have the opportunity to spawn Mini Boss. This means that some of the monsters have a chance to summon a Boss (of course, this chance increases during the Boss Event).

    How do I resurrect one of these mini bosses?
    - By killing one of the monsters that has a Mini Boss, we have the chance to respawn its Boss. Below is a list of all the monsters with their level and Mini Boss.

    2. List of Mini Bosses

    Level Monster name Boss name
    2 Wolf Alpha Wolf
    4 Desert Crab King Crab
    5 Dark Wolf Alpha Wolf
    10 Bluish Crab King Crab
    15 Litoral Crab King Crab
    20 Sea Crab King Crab
    23 Slight Skeleton Bone Lord
    25 Bear Thief Bear Boss
    30 Pirate Robot Robo Knight
    35 Tyranosaur Elder Tyranosaur
    35 Drum Drum Leader
    40 Red Ribbon Soldier Red Ribbon Officer
    40 Saibaman Biotic Soldier
    45 Bioman Biotic Soldier
    45 Giras Giras Chief
    50 Susha Elite Susha
    55 Namekian Elder Namekian Warrior
    60 Pterodactyl Vicious Ptero
    70 Skeleton Bone Lord
    75 Mummy Ancient Mummy
    80 Skeleton Warrior Bone Lord
    85 Namekian Warrior Elder Namekian Warrior
    90 Annihilator Robo Knight
    100 Future RR Soldier Red Ribbon Officer
    100 Lord Yao Emperor Yao
    110 Vampire Bloodsipper
    110 The Gravedigger Decay Hunter
    120 Kiri Elite Kiri
    125 Future Susha Elite Susha
    130 Destroyer Robo Knight
    140 Pterosaur Vicious Ptero
    145 Future Skeleton Bone Lord
    145 Future Pterodacty Vicious Ptero
    150 Future Mummy Ancient Mummy
    155 Future Skeleton Warrior Bone Lord
    170 Swamp Spider Venom
    175 Future Annihilator Robo Knight
    180 Future Lord Yao Emperor Yao
    180 Future Vampire Bloodsipper
    180 Toxic Spider Venom
    190 Frozen Skeleton Frozen King
    200 Future Kiri Elite Kiri
    200 Frozen Skeleton Warrior Frozen King
    205 Future Destroyer Robo Knight
    210 Crystal Robot Robo Knight
    210 Future Pterosaur Vicious Ptero
    220 Wraith Phantom
    230 Future Swamp Spider Venom
    235 Gobisaurus Diplodocus
    240 Undead Soldier Ancient Soldier
    245 Future Frozen Skeleton Frozen King
    245 Shamosaurus Diplodocus
    245 Future Toxic Spider Venom
    250 Fallen Angel Fallen Queen
    260 Future Frozen Skeleton Warrior Frozen King
    260 Oozaru Dark Oozaru
    270 Balog Vangeful Balog
    280 Wizard Warlock
    285 Future Crystal Robot Robo Knight
    285 Rusty Robot Mossy Droid
    290 Crystal Spider Ruby Spider
    300 Armored Oozaru Dark Oozaru
    315 Volcanic Oozaru Dark Oozaru
    330 Imperialist Warlock
    340 Future Gobisaurus Diplodocus
    350 Future Undead Soldier Ancient Soldier
    350 Devil Black Devil
    360 Future Shamosaurus Diplodocus
    370 Metal Cooler King Cold
    380 Future Fallen Angel Fallen Queen
    390 Frozen Oozaru Dark Oozaru
    400 Golden Oozaru Dark Oozaru
    400 Future Oozaru Dark Oozaru
    420 Future Balog Vangeful Balog
    430 Future Wizard Warlock
    430 Aristo Vampire Bloodsipper
    440 Future Rusty Robot Mossy Droid
    450 Vampire Warden Bloodsipper
    450 Haunted Zombie Cursed Flesheater
    460 Future Crystal Spider Ruby Spider
    460 Future Armored Oozaru Dark Oozaru
    465 Future Imperialist Warlock
    465 Future Volcanic Oozaru Dark Oozaru
    470 Future Devil Black Devil
    470 Future Metal Cooler King Cold
    470 Goldenscythe Devil Desolated Devil
    475 Future Frozen Oozaru Dark Oozaru
    475 Future Golden Oozaru Dark Oozaru
    480 Crystalscythe Devil Desolated Devil
    520 Future Aristo Vampire Bloodsipper
    540 Future Vampire Warden Bloodsipper
    560 Future Goldenscythe Devil Desolated Devil
    570 Future Crystalscythe Devil Desolated Devil

    3. Other

    Are there any types of Mini Bosses?
    - Yes, we still have the Boss system. You can read more about it in this guide: Detailed Guide Regarding Boss System - Guides - Return of the Saiyans (saiyansreturn.com)

    4. Change log:

    v. 1.0 - Created and spellchecked guide. - 20.02.2022
    v. 1.1 - Updated the list, now it's up to date - 22.02.2022

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  3. Love is on the RotS!

    Happy Valentine's day, players! Celebrate it in our game, enjoying the event we prepared for you! New items, new activities, new skins and brand new Heartbreaking Dungeon, which will be opened few days after event's start!

    Heartbreaking Dungeon will be introduced at a later date, some time after its launch.

    Check it out for yourself and create new memories together with RotS!

    • Like 1
  4. Transcription of voice memo number 381.

    It's done, finally after 2 years of testing it's done! All thanks to the notes left by Mad Scientist on Robotic Island!
    The Mecha suit is the pinnacle of my technological abilities, with this I'll definitely be able to help Goku and Vegeta!


    • Like 1
  5. Boss System

    1. Introduction 

    What is the Boss System?
    - The Boss System is a system, that allows players to spend their hard earned boss points on a fight with previously defeated boss.

    What are the Boss points?
    - Boss points are a unique reward for completing Daily Tasks. For every Daily Task you get 1 boss point. More info about Daily Tasks can be found here ->CLICK<-
    After collecting Boss Points, you will be able to take a mission to defeat one of the previously defeated bosses and try your luck to loot epic items. Remember - stronger boss means higher chance for more epic items! 

    Do I need a premium account to participate in a Boss fight?
    - No, Bosses are for everyone! You can fight them without Premium account.

    Is it worth using Boss points?
    - Of course! Along with your adventure in Return of The Saiyans, you will successively earn Boss Points for completing Daily Tasks. Use them regularly to get better equipment. Remember - items from Bosses already have their bonuses revealed! 

    Does a Boss from each room cost the same amount of Boss points?
    - No, Bosses from each subsequent room will cost more Boss Points! It looks as follows:
    -> Entering the Boss from the first room costs 3 Boss points
    -> Entry to the Boss from the second room costs 5 Boss points
    -> Entry to the Boss from the third room costs 7 Boss points
    -> Entry to the Boss from the fourth room costs 9 Boss points

    2. Process step

    How do I pick up a Boss fight?
    - It's super easy! All you have to do is go to the computer near NPC Professor Tusk (it's in West Capitol) and right-click on it. Then, a window will open with available bosses to fight.

    Boss PC.gif

    Keep in mind, that you can only choose to fight a Boss, which you already defeated before! If you haven't fought one, it will say "Locked". - it means that you need to complete CC Lab. Task related with this boss, first. 

    When you click on the Boss icon, you will be presented with a window of potential loot to be dropped. Use the slider to decide how many times in a row you want to fight a Boss (You can check the price by hovering over the Boss icon).


    After clicking "confirm" you will be automatically transported to the platform where you can go to the Boss room. All you have to do is step down and go on the platform again.

    Boss Teleport.gif

    After that you will be left in a room alone with the Boss. Of course you can escape from the room by walking on the platform - this will not consume your Boss points.
    Remember, you can only fight alone. Your team member will not be transported with you, and if you die without a Divine Blessing your backpack will be teleported out of the room.

    After defeating a Boss, you can open his soul and get items from it!


    3. Are there any other types of Bosses?

    Sure they are! Some monsters in the world of Return of The Saiyans are so vile that they've earned their own Boss - such as Devils, Lord Yaos or even Sushas!
    During your adventure, you've got a chance to meet these powerful monsters, however, the chances are not so high, especially when you compare them to the Boss System.

    4. Change log:

    v. 1.0 - Created and spellchecked guide. Will publish after final check of guide regarding new Daily System.
    v. 1.1 - Information about access "prices" has been added.
    v. 1.2 - Checked all the typos and published the guide - 09.09.2021

    • Like 3
  6. Hi @vinidoido,

    Thanks for your suggestion. Players are able to play without Premium account. Additionally players are able to visit every place in our world of Return of The Saiyans without Kinto, the thing is that you need to travel more, which takes time since flying is quicker.
    Same goes for Puar. You don't have to have Puar if you don't want to. You can pick up items from monsters or you can play with someone who have Puar (in that case loot from monsters will automatically go to your teammate backpack).
    Please note that you are able to buy both - Premium & Puar for in-game money. You just need to earn it and buy it in Market.

    If it goes to the price it won't be changed. It doesn't matter from which country player is. People from Egypt, Poland or Chile have the same price for our items, and their local currency is not euro.

    Best Regards,
    RoTS Community Manager

  7. Cześć @Poker Kid,

    Doceniam Twoją wypowiedź w tym temacie. Z edycji na edycje nie gra mniej osób. Co do ilości osób na poszczególnych serwerach niestety nie mogę się wypowiedzieć, bo ta informacja nie jest upubliczniona ale ów różnica nie jest bardzo duża.
    Jeżeli chodzi o Twój komentarz dot. edycji to nieprawda - ciągle wprowadzamy nowe zmiany co możesz zauważyć np. po nowym sposobie kupowania domków (licytacja) lub po maszynie do zmiany klasy.

    Jeżeli chodzi o różnorodność postaci to całkowicie się z tym nie zgodzę. Obecnie posiadamy 7 unikatowych klas - w tym 2 tanków, 2 half-tanków, 2 DPS'ów oraz 1 supporta, i jak słusznie zauważyłeś niedługo wyjdzie Bulma - nasza kolejna klasa wspierająca. Po Bulmie możesz oczekiwać pojawienia się ankiety dot. kolejnej grywalnej postaci w świecie Return of The Saiyans.
    Rozumiemy, że gracze chcieli by dostać na start z 15 grywalnych postaci, ale niestety nasz projekt ma zaledwie 1.5 roku a ostatni rok poświęciliśmy głównie na naprawie błędów co wyszło całkiem nieźle moim skromnym zdaniem. Jeżeli porównasz rok 2020 oraz 2021 to zauważysz drastyczną zmianę.

    Co do Strange crystali to tak jak wspomniałeś - znajdą Swoje zastosowanie i nawet na Discordzie ogłaszaliśmy jak mniej-więcej będzie nowy system wyglądać 🙂 
    Na pewno dodamy to do gry, ale nie jesteśmy w stanie na każde zlecenie narzucić wysokiego priorytetu, ponieważ pojawiają się momenty w których musimy stricte skupić się na rzeczach ważniejszych (m.in. naprawa krytycznego błędu, lub rozwinięcie gameplay'u).

    Jeżeli zaś chodzi o Twój argument z "kasą" - jest on całkowicie nie trafiony. Nie jestem osobą odpowiedzialną za płatności, ale wiem, że dochody ze skinów nie są tak wielkie jak zapewne wydaje się dla większości graczy. Głównymi rzeczami które się sprzedają jest czas premium oraz Puar - co świetnie widać w Shopie w zakładce "HOT THIS WEEK".

    Jesteśmy zawsze otwarci na dyskusje, więc jeżeli masz jakieś pomysły które uważasz że warto zaimplementować lub widzisz jakieś pole do poprawy to śmiało - chętnie porozmawiam.

    RoTS Community Manager

    • Like 1
  8. Daily Tasks

    1. Introduction 

    What are Daily Tasks?
    - Daily Tasks are daily quests that allow you to gain extra experience points, boss points or some items in exchange for completing a mission to either kill a given number of monsters or to find and scan high level monsters.

    What are the boss points?
    - Boss points are a unique reward for completing Daily Tasks. For every Daily Task you get 1 boss point.
    After collecting 3 Boss Points, you will be able to take a mission to defeat one of the previously defeated bosses and try your luck to loot epic items. Remember - stronger boss means higher chance for more epic items!  More info about bosses can be found here ->CLICK<-

    Do I need a premium account to take a Daily task?
    - No, the Daily Tasks are for everyone! You can do them without Premium account.

    Is it worth doing Daily Tasks?
    - Absolutely! Every warrior has to hunt down stronger and stronger beasts. Daily Tasks are a great way to gain additional experience points. They do not last long, and in addition, we collect the boss points, which in the future can be used to fight epic creatures.

    2. How do I take up a Daily Task?

    How do you take the Daily Task?
    - It's super easy! There are two types of Daily Tasks in the game. The first one, are Tasks from the NPC Profesor Tusk - he is located in his house in West Capitol. You can do his task starting from the first level!
    The second type is from NPC Emradel - he is located in the starting location on Future Earth. You can do tasks there from level 90 onwards because Future Earth is for level 90 and above.

    You just need to talk to these NPCs by right-clicking on them or simply writing "Hi" to them. After selecting the appropriate option, you will see a window with a choice of one of three types of monsters.



    3. Are there other types of Daily Tasks?

    Of course there are! What would Daily Tasks be without additional challenges.
    The NPC Emradel gives us the opportunity to prove that real warriors still exist. Besides the Monsters Daily Task, he also offers the Future Orb Daily Task (Normal Orbs & High Class Orbs) and the Drones Daily Task.

    - Future Orb Daily Task (Normal Orbs) consists in bringing 15 Future Orbs to the NPC Emradel. In return we get a random item with random attributes (it can be item of tier 3/4/5).


    Important Information - remember that Future Orbs Task can be completed only once a day, however you are able to trade 20 future Orbs for a random item all the time! As many time as you want.

    - Future Orb (High Class) Daily Task is to bring NPC Emradel 15 Future Orb (High Class). In return we will receive a random item with random attributes (it can be item tier 3/4/5). Additionally, we have a chance to get an item from the rarest set in the whole game - Diamond Core Set item.
    Note: Diamond Core items have from 1 to 3 attributes with Tier 3/4/5 level. Additionally, bonuses in these items are chosen by ourselves which allows us to design our own unbeatable set!


    Important Information - remember that Future High Class Orbs Task can be completed only once a day, however you are able to trade 20 High Class Future Orbs for a high quality random item all the time! As many time as you want.

    - Drones Daily Task is to locate and scan five monsters that are much stronger than us (difference in monster levels is +/- 100 levels).
    During the conversation with NPC Emradel he will ask us to scan five monsters of our choice with drone. After accepting the mission, five drones will appear in our Quest Pouch, which we can use to scan monsters (right click on the item and then on the monster - it will make the monster disappear as in the .gif below).

    After scanning all the monsters, our drones will disappear. The reward for this Daily Task is 5 items with two bonuses (always T2/T3). T2 bonus is random, while T3 bonus we choose ourselves which can make our future battles on Future Earth much easier!

    DroneItem1.png DroneItem2.gif DroneItem3.png

    Important Information - remember that each Drones Task can be completed only once a day!
    Note - during this task we cannot use Kinto, otherwise our mission immediately becomes invalid (which means that in order to complete this task we have to move only on foot).

    4. Process step

    After choosing Daily Task for killing monsters you will get the opportunity to choose one type of monsters from three available to kill.
    The number of these monsters is random (average number of monsters depends on our level).
    Note - If you don't want to start any of the Daily Tasks you can always cancel them - after 30 minutes the system will automatically draw a new one for you.

    Of course, the higher level of our character, the stronger monsters we can get to hunt.

    NPC Profesor Tusk:
    1-99 lvl -> maximum difference in monster level is 30.
    100-199 = maximum difference in monster level is 40.
    200+ = maximum difference in monster level is 60.

    NPC Emradel:
    1-99 = maximum difference in monster level is 30.
    100-199 = maximum difference in levels of monster is 40.
    200+ = maximum difference in level of monster is 60.

    But which monster is the most profitable for me to choose?
    It is easy to calculate!  You need to consider three aspects. 
    - First: respawn on which monster is (to know how much, more or less, it will take you to kill a certain amount of monsters)
    - Second: number of monsters to hunt
    - Third: level of the monster to hunt (the higher, the more experience points the monster gives you)

    Having the answer to the above we can start counting. Just multiply the basic amount of experience points for the monster times the number of monsters to hunt. Here are some examples:


    1. 320 Pterosaurs. Each Pterosaur gives a 850 experience. 320 times 850 = 272,000 experience
    2. 360 Mummys. Each Rat gives 465 experience. 360 times 465 = 167,400 experience


    1. 250 Future Pterodactyls. Each Future Pterodactyl gives a 979 experience. 250 times 979 = 244,750 experience
    2. 240 Future Giras. Each Future Giras gives 760 experience. 240 times 760 = 182,400 experience
    3. 250 Future Lord Yao's. Each Future Lord Yao gives 1265 experience. 270 times 6150  = 316,250 experience

    Important note: Daily missions can be repeated, but each subsequent mission after the first one gives 15% of the experience value. For example: 
    If we get and take the mission to kill 320 Pterosaurs again we will get 40,800 experience points (15% of
    If we get and take a mission to kill 250 Future Lord Yao's again, we will get 47,437 experience points (15% of

    - After choosing the type of monster and after hunting them, we can go back to NPC Profesor Tusk or NPC Emradel to talk about the reward - then we will know exactly how many experience points we received.


    5. Change log:

    v. 1.0 - Created and spellchecked guide. Will publish after creating guide regarding Boss Points.
    v. 1.1 - Restrictions and a detailed description of the Daily types have been added.
    v. 1.2 - Checked all the typos and published the guide - 09.09.2021

    • Like 3
  9. Adventurers, here are new challenges on the horizon! :ablobattention:

    The wheel turned, now it's time to face our mighty bosses! :good_job:

    This time as you explore our darkest corners in order to kill more and more powerful monsters you will have the opportunity to meet bosses 
    Bosses are of course the leaders among the monsters of their type, so you can expect a great reward after defeating them :CH_FlamePurple:

    What's more, you'll earn 1 Boss point for every Boss you kill!

    Get ready! It's time to compete!


    • Like 1
  10. Hi @Skylline

    It would be awesome to get in touch in order to check and fix your issue. If you can please send me a message on Discord - Iustitia#2137
    For future reference please try to create new topic instead of answering in people old topics 😼

    Also, did you try to remove content of RoTS Client at your C:\\ drive?

    Best Regards,
    RoTS Community Manager

  11. Everyone on Earth has a treasure that awaits him.

    Adventurers, not every treasure is silver or gold, that's why along with the following Weekend we decided to twist a little bit our Mimic Event :eyes:

    After defeating a Mimic Chest, players who participated in the battle will receive a cursed chest fragment. :1FutureEvent:
    These fragments will be super useful! They look cool, but besides that, players will be able to exchange them for nice rewards such as Treasure keys or various cosmetical items! :ablobsunglasses:

    The event kicks off this Friday (July 30th) and runs through to Monday's server save (August 2nd, 11:00 CET). :CH_FlameDarkOrange:
    If you were waiting for the right moment, now it comes.

  12. Cześć @Czeszum,

    Jeżeli chodzi o kapsuły, to są one ulokowane według kultowych miejsc znanych z anime 😛
    Możliwe, że w przyszłości pojawi się więcej kapsuł, tak jak kapsuła przy Raditz Landing.

    Co do łózek to możliwe, że również w przyszłości znajdą Swoje zastowanie, aczkolwiek nie jest obecnie nasz priorytet.
    Co do szybszej regeneracji staminy to można stać AFK w PZ, np. w depo. Jeżeli chodzi o training staminę, to nie da się obecnie przyspieszyć jej regeneracji.
    Jeżeli mowa o dziennym czynszu to wprowadziliśmy to z wiadomych przyczyn, i raczej nie ulegnie to zmianie w najbliższej przyszłości.


    RoTS Community Manager

  13. The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

    We know and understand that some of you want to be the best of all so we have prepared a Hall of Fame to meet your expectations! :ablobaww:

    Are you a monster in PvP? Or maybe you and your friends are an unbreakable wall that no one are able to pass? Train hard, shed blood and who knows, maybe one day you'll be in the Hall of Fame!

    Remember folks, the title of the strongest in the Universe can only belong to one person. Warriors, show what you can do! :ablobgrin:


  14. Young warriors, this weekend will be special! After Friday's Global Save we will launch Chest Event:CH_FlameOrange:

    During this Event you will be able to collect Chests, not Treasure Chests which means you will not need any keys to open them so... You can have your cake and eat it too :agooglecake:

    :CH_IconAlert: Rarity of Chests depends on Monster's level, e.g. if you hunt low level monsters, then you should not expect to loot Diamond Chests. Here is the whole list with Monster's level ranges and loot:

    Lv. 1-29 Monsters
    Bronze Chest

    Lv. 30 - 89 Monsters
    Bronze Chest
    Silver Chest

    Lv. 90-149 Monsters
    Silver Chest
    Golden Chest

    Lv. 150-400 Monsters
    Golden Chest
    Platinum Chest

    Lv. 400+ Monsters
    Platinum Chest
    Diamond Chest

    :CH_IconPingReminder: Note that, if your level is twice higher than monster's level then you won't be able to loot chests from it. We've added such protection, so low level players will not have to worry about some high level occupying their hunting spots.

    Additionally in the past we performed some changes to make Chests and Treasure Chests more attractive, so all the items looted from Chests will have their bonuses automatically revealed. Additionally, the chances of High Tier Bonuses got slightly increased for each Chest.

    All you have to do is to have a little bit of free time. Are you ready to make some extra money?! :CH_MoneyFlying:


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