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Posts posted by Xukio

  1. 3 hours ago, paavo said:


    Mam taki problem, iż hotkeye, plecaki itp resetują mi się po wyłączeniu klienta i jak włączam ponownie to od nowa muszę ustawiać... Coś, ktoś? 



    Błąd jest już nam znany i pracujemy nad jego naprawą. Dziękuje za zgłoszenie.


    • Like 1
  2. Mimic Event!

    The chests will appear more often than usual! Remember players who participated in the battle will receive a Cursed Chest Fragment.
    The higher the level of the monster, the better Cursed Chest Fragment.
    Tier 1 Cursed Chest from mimics >= 30
    Tier 2 Cursed Chest from mimics > 100
    Tier 3 Cursed Chest from mimics > 200
    Tier 4 Cursed Chest from mimics >= 400


    It will be able to exchange Fragments at NPC Devious Soul. He's located in the Ginger Town Cemetery.
    The Event kicks off this Friday (April 1st) and runs until Monday's server save (April 4th, 11:00 CET).

  3. - fixed the range of Cyber Set unique ability - for now it works within 20 SQM (similar to Diamond Core Set),
    - fixed a bug where players were not able to move after leaving Robotic Island if they had no time left,
    - fixed an issue, where there was no explosion after the barrier in Diamond Core Set unique ability.

  4. - from now on, Robotic Pass will last 24 hours after activation (but it will be still possible to enter there for 30 minutes only),
    - from now on, it will be possible to enter Robotic Island Base without Robotic Pass; it will be consumed after entering the area with monsters,


    Dear players!

    Yesterday, we had unusual guest in our world... Cell paid us a visit and thanks to the brave warriors, he's been defeated! But something else came along with Cell - frustration, anger, irritation and bad mood...
    You've been complaining about the loot, progress bar and unfair system.

    First of all, we checked the loot bar progression, because we received tons of reports that something may not work properly. It supposed to decrease after 60 seconds out of combat while your reports stated it starts decreasing after way shorter time. As we promised, we looked deeper in that issue and in fact - it didn't work properly. That's why Cell decided to visit us again in few days and this time he assured he will give the rewards to everyone who deserved them! He also mentioned, that he's going to announce his visit first!
    Secondly, the loot. There were many players - active in fight players - who did not receive anything good from Cell Token. Well, last time you complained about the RNG system, you wanted the guaranteed rare reward, and we came up with idea about Cell Tokens. Thanks to this, it's you who decides if you want to 'gamble' or not. You could easily sell the token for pretty huge chunk of Zenis. So there's a choice to be made - will you take the risk or not? We cannot guarantee a part of Diamond Core from each token, because after few bosses, the set would not be so unique. And we want to keep its rarity, so we will not increase the chances of it for sure, but... we've got another idea. More info below.
    Furthermore, you don't like the rewarding system. So well, you think there should be guaranteed reward for the tank? If we do it, then you will ask for same reward for top healer, for most damage, for most time spent, for best lurer, etc. And as we mentioned above, we want to keep the set rare.

    On the other hand, we don't want to see our players frustrated and irritated because of our game! We're happy that it can arouse the emotions, but we prefer them to be positive ones! The progress bar has been already fixed. We will also think about making Cell (or any other boss) more visible. But what's more, we promise new bosses to be faced more often than Cell with unique rewards. So you will have more occasions to get your dreamed sets. And don't forget about dungeons - it is our main content to be focused on, and we will try to add them as soon as possible with also unique and game changing rewards. Stay tuned Saiyans, because Cell will be with us once again soon!

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

  5. Warriors! This Friday we prepared something shiny for you!

    Pearl Event approaching! The first thing you need to know is that you will be able to collect Pearls this week!


    Rarity of pearls depends on Monster's level, e.g. if you hunt low level monsters, then you should not expect to loot Red or Golden pearls. Here is the whole list with Monster's level ranges and loot:

    Lv. 1-29 Monsters 
    Black Pearl

    Lv. 30 - 89 Monsters
    Black Pearl
    Blue Pearl

    Lv. 90-149 Monsters
    Blue Pearl
    Purple Pearl

    Lv. 150-400 Monsters
    Purple Pearl
    Red Pearl

    Lv. 400+ Monsters
    Red Pearl
    Golden Pearl

    Note that, if your level is twice higher than monster's level then you won't be able to loot pearls from it. We've added such protection, so low level players will not have to worry about some high level occupying their hunting spots.

    All you have to do is to have a little bit of free time. Are you ready to test your luck with looting most precious jewellery?!


    Greetings Saiyans!

    UUniverse Supreme is online! The merging of all three servers has been completed. Thank you so much your for patience! We appreciate it and as a compensation for your time we added 7 days to every premium account on the server.

    P.S. In addition, we fixed a bug with shunkanido where it was possible to use it to Bulma while in non-shunkanido zone.

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.


    Greetings Saiyans!

    Unfortunately, we must postpone the servers merge by 1 day due to some compilations. We really apologize for the inconvenience.

    On March 15, at 11:00 (CET) the game servers will be shut down. The merging process will take several hours (it may be 4 hours or even 12). As soon as the merge is finished, we will inform you on our official Discord server. If you haven't joined it yet, feel free to do it now, using the link below: https://discord.com/invite/mnyxBm9

    As soon as we launch Universe Supreme (this will be the name of merged servers) you will realize that all the market offers have been removed. If you want to buy/sell items, you will need to list them again. In addition, all the houses which had more than one owner will go on auction for 3 days. After the auction is finished, the highest bid wins the house and the losing player will receive zeni equal to the highest bid. If there are 2 players losing, they will share this amount (it means each of them will get 50% of the highest bid). Keep in mind, that you can bid for only ONE house. So if you owned two or three houses on different worlds, you need to think wisely which one you want to bid for.

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

  6. 4 hours ago, Leohann said:

    Witam , czy będzie jakaś zmiana mechaniki u Bulmy, jeden wielki niewypał. Mina co trzeba na klawiaturze, 3 rakiety co też jest utrudnione raz pionowo raz poziomo.  Myślę jakby to działało na zasadach wave było by o wiele lepiej. Na dzień dzisiejszy to odstaje od innych pod względem mechaniki , utrudnia grę nawet z teamem.

    Mina służy glównie do PVP, stąd  też taka mechanika. Zmiany z Air Strike się pojawią, musisz jednak wiedzieć, że sam kierujesz tym czy technika będzie rzucana pionowo/poziomo, wystarczy nacisnąć ponownie hotkey, do którego Air Strike jest przypisany.

  7. During this weekend Event you will be able to collect Chests, not Treasure Chests which means you will not need any keys to open them.


    Rarity of Chests depends on Monster's level, e.g. if you hunt low level monsters, then you should not expect to loot Diamond Chests. Here is the whole list with Monster's level ranges and loot:

    Lv. 1-29 Monsters 
    Bronze Chest

    Lv. 30 - 89 Monsters
    Bronze Chest
    Silver Chest

    Lv. 90-149 Monsters
    Silver Chest
    Golden Chest

    Lv. 150-400 Monsters
    Golden Chest
    Platinum Chest

    Lv. 400+ Monsters
    Platinum Chest
    Diamond Chest

    Note that, if your level is twice higher than monster's level then you won't be able to loot chests from it. We've added such protection, so low level players will not have to worry about some high level occupying their hunting spots.

    All you have to do is to have a little bit of free time. Are you ready to make some extra money?!

  8. Hi everyone,

    The poll about Universe Bulma possible merge has ended. Most of you (59.14%) voted in favour of merging the newest server with legacy one - Universe Supreme. There will be obvious merge between Supreme and Universe Future Earth. And now we're happy to announce that we decided that Universe Bulma will join the merge! We have initially scheduled this process on 14th of March.

    Since majority is not the only one that matters, and we do care about every single player in our community, we want to address few words to the players who were against the merge. First of all, we want to say that we're aware there are plenty of you guys, who are highly competitive and strive to be the on the TOP of the newest Universe, and even though your position in the highscores will change, we strongly believe that you will have even more players to compete with after the merge, and more players to have fun with - cuz in the end that is what we're all looking for within the games, right?

    Secondly, we want to say that there won't be any new Universes in this year. We're going to fully focus on the one we have and to do our best to build there a player base that will satisfy both, developers (us) and players (you).

    In addition, we'd like to mention about the changes that will be added shortly after the merge. To keep the game fair and equal for those who want to be competitive in Team Fight Event, we'll change some its aspects.

    All the skills will be equalized - we do not want to have a 430 Dende with maximized attack speed melting a newly-minted 150 level. On top of that, we also want to reduce the impact of players' equipment in this event. What does it mean? Most likely everyone will have the same gear during the event. We believe these changes will make TFE even more competitive!

    We need to mention that we will NOT gather all the changes to make one big update which was supposed to take place in April/May. All the changes related with game content will be added as soon as the given tasks is finished.

    What's more, we want to take this opportunity to make the future even brighter and share with you our tasks that we've been recently working on:
    Daily Dungeons
    Since we've already got a system from temporary events like Valentine or Christmas, it allows us to create a new dungeons with ease. Currently, we're working on 3 new dungeons what will stay with us permanently and will be available on daily basis.

    High-end content
    Every day more and more players move towards magic 435 level. That's why we have to push the finish line a bit further. We will add Experience Tokens which will be obtainable during regular hunts or daily missions. These tokens will allow players to purchase various goods in the store specially dedicated for it.
    What can you expect within the store?
    - new useable items,
    - new implants,
    - new trinkets,
    - jewellery,
    - unique backpacks,
    - unique Kinto skins,
    - unique Puar skins.
    - house decorations (floors, chests, tapestries, etc.).

    In the future we want to add a possibility to upgrade items bonuses to the new Tier (6) by using Experience Tokens and further to upgrade them to their max value.

    We are planning to expand the goods within the store frequently after releasing Experience Tokens into the game. We will be also working on new hunting areas and quests that will be available exclusively for 435 levels.

    As some of you have already noticed, Tenshinhan along with Chaozu and Inoshikacho are camping near Korin Tower. It means that we're working on new sagas. We are doing our best to make them also beneficial for these players whose strength far exceeds power level of these sagas.

    Tutorial Land
    In the last few months we've made a lot of improvements (Quest Window, Map Markers, Item Markers, etc.) to make the game easier for newcomers who did not play a game similar to our. However, after delving into more data, we have noticed that there's still a lot of room for improvement at the earliest phase of the game. That's why we've been working on Tutorial land. It is currently in advanced stage of work, and we hope to launch it within next 14 days. We do believe that it will open the game for even more players who will hopefully bring even more joy into our community.

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

  9. Hello, Saiyans!

    Only 3 days of Valentine's Day Event left! You still have some time to get more tokens and trade them with Alice for your favourite backpacks, tapestries, floors or plushies as your house decoration!

    We're amazed as some of you guys made a great use of all the Valentine decorations to suit your houses.


    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

  10. Patch note:
    - increased chances for Diamond Core Set from High Class Future Orbs,
    - fixed an issue where items with Tier 4 and 5 bonuses were not locked automatically when obtained from Hunter Squad Special Missions,
    - fixed a bug with Life Steal, where it was massively increased on the Valentines Dungeon and also in some other scenarios,
    - fixed a bug with "ghost" monsters; (sometimes the sprite was visible as a shadow after killing the monster),
    - removed self healing ability of Mini Bosses; increased their HP by 50% instead,
    - added a possibility to use technique Shunkanido to NPC Bulma,
    - added a system that will automatically turn the character towards the object and monster that cannot be walked into while attempting to move,
    - fixed an issue where T4 and T5 items were automatically locked in Capsule after relog,
    - adjusted excavations and dragon balls spawn rate basing on players online,

    Character balance
    - reduced fuel gain per level by 30; it will reduce the senzu waste, especially on early game,
    - increased damage from Freezing Missile, Air Strike and EMP Charge techniques.

  11. Patch note:
    - added carpet system; first one can be purchased at NPC Alice for valentine tokens,
    - added valentine dungeon,
    - extended valentine's event by 3 days,
    - extended boss event by 1 day,
    - from now on, the monster level in "more/less damage" bonus cannot be lower than the players' level who is obtaining the item, (it works the same way if we loot the item from monster itself - selected monster cannot be lower than the monster's level),
    - removed zeni and reduced infernal essences cost required to enter Dimension Portal near East Capitol. New cost:
    0 Infernal Essences - Gravediggers,
    3 Infernal Essences - Ghouls,
    5 Infernal Essences - Wraiths,
    7 Infernal Essences - Zombie Slaughters & Braineaters,
    10 Infernal Essences - Haunted Zombies.

  12. Hello, Saiyans!

    From today, next to Alice, you will find a new Cupid - Morty. He will show you the darkest corners of this Valentine world! Make sure to speak with Alice about that!


    Don't forget about special offers! They can be found in "Specials" tab in premium shop. Keep in mind, they are available only during the valentine's event!


    PS. The Valentine's Day event will be extended by 3 days (it will end on March 3rd) and the Boss Event will be extended until February 22nd - have fun!

    Patch note:
    - added carpet system; first one can be purchased at NPC Alice for valentine tokens,
    - added valentine dungeon,
    - extended valentine's event by 3 days,
    - extended boss event by 1 day,
    - from now on, the monster level in "more/less damage" bonus cannot be lower than the players' level who is obtaining the item, (it works the same way if we loot the item from monster itself - selected monster cannot be lower than the monster's level),
    - removed zeni and reduced infernal essences cost required to enter Dimension Portal near East Capitol. New cost:
    0 Infernal Essences - Gravediggers,
    3 Infernal Essences - Ghouls,
    5 Infernal Essences - Wraiths,
    7 Infernal Essences - Zombie Slaughters & Braineaters,
    10 Infernal Essences - Haunted Zombies.

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

    • Like 1
  13. Patch note:
    - returned remaining experience from Hunter Squad missions for those who didn't receive it before (it took place on 15th and 17th of February, now it's just a reminder),
    - added new minibosses,
    - reduced cooldown for Tenma Defense technique from 60s to 1s.

  14. Greetings Saiyans!

    This weekend we'll host another event! Between Global Saves on February 18 and February 21 Bosses will spawn more often than usual! In addition, each defeated boss will give you a boss point! Happy hunting!


    We're aware that comparing to for example "Mimic Event", you are forced to hunt only selected types of monsters. That's why we created the following mini bosses:
    - "Bloodsipper" for monsters: Vampire, Aristo Vampire, Vampire Warden,
    - "Decay Hunter" for monster: The Gravedigger,
    - "Venom" for monsters: Swamp Spider, Toxic Spider,
    - "Phantom" for monster: Wraith,
    - "Mossy Droid" for monster: Rusty Robot,
    - "Dark Oozaru" for monsters: Oozaru, Armored Oozaru, Volcanic Oozaru, Frozen Oozaru, Golden Oozaru,
    - "Cursed Flesheater" for monster: Haunted Zombie,
    - "Desolated Devil" for monsters: Goldenscythe Devil, Crystalscythe Devil.

    Obviously, that change will also affect their Future versions. They will be added to the game after tomorrow's global save! We hope you will enjoy the boss event even more!

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.


    Hello, players!

    After the valentine's event end, we will merge Universe Supreme with Universe Future Earth. Some players suggested merging Universe Bulma with these 2 also and create one big Universe. We're thinking about it but of course mainly we think about you - our lovely players! That's why we're creating a poll asking if you want Universe Bulma to be merged with Supreme & Future Earth. To vote, you need to be at least 100 level on Universe Bulma. We believe the poll will help us to make a right decision! https://saiyansreturn.com/poll/mergebulma

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

    • Like 1
  15. Patch note:
    - added new Valentine's Day Event,
    - from now on, NPCs will take Zeni directly from the bank from us while trading, except of blessings,
    - new team search notifications have been added, so that the player is aware that such a system exists,
    - from now on, ki sense can always be used on members of our clan,
    - from now on Bulma can use shunkanido without being in battle suit,
    - from now on T4 and T5 items will be automatically locked after obtaining them,
    - added introduction mission to Future Earth and Emradel's daily tasks,
    - a bug where Clan could not be removed in some rare cases has been fixed,
    - the sprite of cyber katana has been inverted,
    - from now life drain does not add an additional boost to the damage,
    - fixed a bug where player, after completing 50 missions in Hunter Squad, could not use the shortcut on Golden Oozaru hunting place,
    - from now on, saga monster cannot be pushed,
    - sagas have been added to the Quest Window,
    - from now on, wood drops also from following monsters: Susha, Annihilator, Crystal Robot, Undead Soldier, Oozaru, Balog, Zombie Slaughter, Wizard, Armored Oozaru, Volcanic Oozaru, Metal Cooler, Skeleton Phalanx and also their Future version.

    Characters balance:
    - Tenma Defense will now apply 5% instead of 10% shield, but it can be activated/deactivated at anytime,
    - from now on, Trunks will deal 150% DMG to the target and 200% DMG to enemies behind the target with his passive technique - Stroke.

    • Like 1
  16. Greetings, players!

    First of all, we'd like to say Happy Valentine's day for everyone! We prepared something special for you! Along with today's global save, NPC Alice will appear in West Capitol (next to the travelling capsule) and as far as we know, she will need your help! For completing missions, you will earn special tokens which you will be able to exchange for some unique items. Event will last to the 28th of February. Have fun!


    P.S. We heard Alice will open a special dungeon for you in next few days.

    Patch note:
    - added new Valentine's Day Event,
    - from now on, NPCs will take Zeni directly from the bank from us while trading, except of blessings,
    - new team search notifications have been added, so that the player is aware that such a system exists,
    - from now on, ki sense can always be used on members of our clan,
    - from now on Bulma can use shunkanido without being in battle suit,
    - from now on T4 and T5 items will be automatically locked after obtaining them,
    - added introduction mission to Future Earth and Emradel's daily tasks,
    - a bug where Clan could not be removed in some rare cases has been fixed,
    - the sprite of cyber katana has been inverted,
    - from now life drain does not add an additional boost to the damage,
    - fixed a bug where player, after completing 50 missions in Hunter Squad, could not use the shortcut on Golden Oozaru hunting place,
    - from now on, saga monster cannot be pushed,
    - sagas have been added to the Quest Window,
    - from now on, wood drops also from following monsters: Susha, Annihilator, Crystal Robot, Undead Soldier, Oozaru, Balog, Zombie Slaughter, Wizard, Armored Oozaru, Volcanic Oozaru, Metal Cooler, Skeleton Phalanx and also their Future version.

    Characters balance:
    - Tenma Defense will now apply 5% instead of 10% shield, but it can be activated/deactivated at anytime,
    - from now on, Trunks will deal 150% DMG to the target and 200% DMG to enemies behind the target with his passive technique - Stroke.

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

  17. Hi guys!

    We've made some small tweaks and improvements for Jack, the Hunter, and here's the list of changes:
    - increased chances for Diamond, Platinum and Golden chests,
    - from now on, killing a task's monster solo (without a team) will count kills as double,
    - from now on, killing Enraged monster will count as 2 kills and killing a Boss will count as 16 kills.
    - changed position of Jack, he'll spawn now in West Capitol (Protection Zone),

    What's more Jack's tasks will appear on Quest Window along with next Event.
    We hope that these changes will positively affect your experience with Jack.

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

    • Like 1
  18. The chests will appear more often than usual! Remember players who participated in the battle will receive a Cursed Chest Fragment.
    The higher the level of the monster, the better Cursed Chest Fragment.
    Tier 1 Cursed Chest from mimics >= 30
    Tier 2 Cursed Chest from mimics > 100
    Tier 3 Cursed Chest from mimics > 200
    Tier 4 Cursed Chest from mimics >= 400


    It will be able to exchange Fragments at NPC Devious Soul. He's located in the Ginger Town Cemetery.
    The Event kicks off this Friday (January 21th) and runs until Monday's server save (January 24th, 11:00 CET).

  19. Patch note:
    - added additional loot from monsters on Robotic Island,
    - lowered the price of all pearls.

    Character Balance
    - changed Air Strike fuel cost; 10% -> 8%,
    - changed Freezing Missile fuel cost; 8% -> 6%,
    - changed Protect fuel cost; 6% -> 5% + 1% for each additional drone in Team,
    - weakened Protect effect by around 20%.

  20. Hello players!

    Along with today's update we're buffing Robotic Island a bit! We have added creature products to every monster there, so your expeditions to the island will be more profitable. The pearls drop rate is NOT changed but we lowered their NPC price. Keep in mind that the jewellery loot rate from pearls was NOT changed at all.

    New selling prices:
    - black pearl; 5000 zeni -> 1835 zeni,
    - blue pearl; 7000 zeni -> 2770 zeni,
    - purple pearl; 10000 zeni -> 4210 zeni,
    - red pearl; 20000 zeni -> 7070 zeni,
    - golden pearl; 30000 zeni -> 14350 zeni,

    We decided to do this because players were recently complaining that they were not able to obtain more expensive creature products for jewellery upgrade at NPC Rubio. We hope the change will meet your expectations!


    Patch note:
    - added additional loot from monsters on Robotic Island,
    - lowered the price of all pearls.

    Character Balance
    - changed Air Strike fuel cost; 10% -> 8%,
    - changed Freezing Missile fuel cost; 8% -> 6%,
    - changed Protect fuel cost; 6% -> 5% + 1% for each additional drone in Team,
    - weakened Protect effect by around 20%.

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

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