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Posts posted by Xukio

  1. Dear players!

    Summer and the holiday season have begun, and we want to make this time a bit more enjoyable for you. That's why every weekend until the end of August will host an Event in standard rotation.

    During this weekend you will be able to collect Chests, not Treasure Chests which means you will not need any keys to open them.


    Rarity of Chests depends on Monster's level, e.g. if you hunt low level monsters, then you should not expect to loot Diamond Chests. Here is the whole list with Monster's level ranges and loot:

    Lv. 1-29 Monsters
    Bronze Chest

    Lv. 30 - 89 Monsters
    Bronze Chest
    Silver Chest

    Lv. 90-149 Monsters
    Silver Chest
    Golden Chest

    Lv. 150-400 Monsters
    Golden Chest
    Platinum Chest

    Lv. 400+ Monsters
    Platinum Chest
    Diamond Chest
    Emerald Treasure Chest

    Note that, if your level is twice higher than monster's level then you won't be able to loot chests from it. We've added such protection, so low level players will not have to worry about some high level occupying their hunting spots.

    All you have to do is to have a little bit of free time. Are you ready to make some extra money?!

  2. Bug fixes:

    • fixed an issue, where players being on Kinto were not teleported to the chosen boss at NPC Professor Tusk after using the Boss Points,
    • fixed an issue, where after getting a trinket from Emerald Treasure Chest, it had wrong bonuses assigned.
  3. Patch note:

    • decreased the chances of digging out Experience Crystal,
    • lowered the amount of experience crystals dropped from clan bosses,
    • fixed an issue, where it was not possible to enter UG256,
    • fixed an issue, where it was not possible to claim the reward for Future Daily Monster,
    • fixed an issue, where it was not possible to purchase things for Capsule Coins.
    • added Gold Bar to excavation loot (this one was implemented today, after server save).
  4. Patch note:
    - added Daily Monster Task in CC Lab,
    - added Android Task at NPC Beowulf,
    - added Strange Crystal Shop and Fire Opal Shop at NPC Lab. Warehouseman along with brand new, unique items and modified the UI of his shop,
    - added Emerald Treasure Chest to Dr Brief's shop,
    - added Experience Crystals to Clan Bosses and excavations loot,
    - from now on, completing the missions from Emradel/Kami during Cell Games will grant Experience Crystals,
    - from now on, digging an excavation will give twice less Fire Opals,
    - from now on, using the Shield of Blessing (premium shop) will return experience lost from the latest death,
    - added Emerald Treasure Chest to loot for winning Daily Monster Task on Future Earth,
    - removed some mountains on South West, so free account players can get to Hidden Kiri Respawn - Zeni Exchanger Quest (credits to @Gorila),
    - from now on, NPC Warehouseman's will also buy the following items: skill implant, haunted ghost, zombie brain, zombie arm, slaughter cleaver, wraith mantle, ghoul arm, zombie eye, broken shovel, zombie leg (credits to @P8M),
    - from now on, the amount of Boss Points (3-9) earned during Boss Event will be based on player's progression in CC Lab; previously it was 1 Boss Point for everyone,
    - increased the amount of Strange Crystals dropped from Strange Bosses,
    - increased the price of Robotic Island Pass from 1 to 3 Strange Crystals.

    Balance Changes:
    - fury: from now on, it works on melee attacks back again.

    Bug fixes:
    - changed the name from ghoul eye into zombie eye on market and at NPC Xorel,
    - fixed the name of Dragon Earring 3 into Dragon Earring +3 on market,
    - fixed a visual bug, where food cooldown was not visible on Infernal and Helish Mushrooms,
    - fixed an issue with excavations, where sometimes they spawned on other floor than +0,
    - fixed an issue with excavations, where sometimes it was not possible to dig them,
    - fixed an issue, where the double confirmation did not pop up while selling items like Cyber or Bio in shops,
    - fixed some map bugs on Gero Lab Event, where sometimes players were stuck.

    In addition, as we mentioned few days ago we increase the Premium Gem prices by 20%. New prices apply from now.

  5. Hello players!

    Along with today's patch, CC Lab begins intensive research on various creatures inhabiting the world of Return of the Saiyans. We encourage all brave players, as well as entire clans, to assist in this research. Those who contribute the most will receive wonderful rewards.

    Beowulf is calling! Every player with access to the laboratories of the mad Dr. Gero can help to stop the Androids and save the Earth from destruction! Everyone who complete the missions will be generously rewarded.

    Patch note:
    - added Daily Monster Task in CC Lab,
    - added Android Task at NPC Beowulf,
    - added Strange Crystal Shop and Fire Opal Shop at NPC Lab. Warehouseman along with brand new, unique items and modified the UI of his shop,
    - added Emerald Treasure Chest to Dr Brief's shop,
    - added Experience Crystals to Clan Bosses and excavations loot,
    - from now on, completing the missions from Emradel/Kami during Cell Games will grant Experience Crystals,
    - from now on, digging an excavation will give twice less Fire Opals,
    - from now on, using the Shield of Blessing (premium shop) will return experience lost from the latest death,
    - added Emerald Treasure Chest to loot for winning Daily Monster Task on Future Earth,
    - removed some mountains on South West, so free account players can get to Hidden Kiri Respawn - Zeni Exchanger Quest (credits to @Gorila),
    - from now on, NPC Warehouseman's will also buy the following items: skill implant, haunted ghost, zombie brain, zombie arm, slaughter cleaver, wraith mantle, ghoul arm, zombie eye, broken shovel, zombie leg (credits to @P8M),
    - from now on, the amount of Boss Points (3-9) earned during Boss Event will be based on player's progression in CC Lab; previously it was 1 Boss Point for everyone,
    - increased the amount of Strange Crystals dropped from Strange Bosses,
    - increased the price of Robotic Island Pass from 1 to 3 Strange Crystals.

    Balance Changes:
    - fury: from now on, it works on melee attacks back again.

    Bug fixes:
    - changed the name from ghoul eye into zombie eye on market and at NPC Xorel,
    - fixed the name of Dragon Earring 3 into Dragon Earring +3 on market,
    - fixed a visual bug, where food cooldown was not visible on Infernal and Helish Mushrooms,
    - fixed an issue with excavations, where sometimes they spawned on other floor than +0,
    - fixed an issue with excavations, where sometimes it was not possible to dig them,
    - fixed an issue, where the double confirmation did not pop up while selling items like Cyber or Bio in shops,
    - fixed some map bugs on Gero Lab Event, where sometimes players were stuck.

    In addition, as we mentioned few days ago we increase the Premium Gem prices by 20%. New prices apply from now.

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

  6. Greetings Saiyans!

    This weekend we'll host another event! Between Global Saves on Friday and Monday Bosses will spawn more often than usual! In addition, each defeated boss will give you a boss point! Happy hunting!


    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

  7. Patch note:
    - added value for every part of Bio (3GB), Cyber (5GB), Android (6GB), Diamond Core (7GB) and Shinryu (8GB) sets, which means it will be now possible to sell them to NPC,
    - changed jewellery price at NPC Dr Brief:

    dragon earring:
    300 exp coins -> 200 exp coins,
    40 gold bars -> 1 gold bar,

    dragon belt:
    400 exp coins -> 200 exp coins,
    50 gold bars -> 1 gold bar,

    dragon necklace:
    400 exp coins -> 200 exp coins,
    50 gold bars -> 1 gold bar,

    dragon ring:
    10 exp coins -> 80 exp coins,
    20 gold bars -> 500k zeni,

    diamond necklace:
    10 exp coins -> 45 exp coins,
    20 gold bars -> 250k zeni,

    diamond earring:
    10 exp coins -> 45 exp coins,
    20 gold bars -> 250k zeni,

    titanium belt:
    10 exp coins -> 45 exp coins,
    20 gold bars -> 250k zeni,

    diamond ring:
    5 exp coins -> 10 exp coins,
    4 gold bars -> 50k zeni.

  8. Dear players!
    Along with today's patch, we're changing the way of progressive bans. From now on, NOT every 3rd and NOT every 4th ban will be a 30 days or permanent ban. Every single potential banishment will be considered individually and the penalty length will depend on various things, such as: player's time spent in game, frequency of previous banishments, type of the rule violation, etc. (Violations that were 'rewarded' with perma ban instantly will not be affected by this change).
    Patch note:
    - added value for every part of Bio (3GB), Cyber (5GB), Android (6GB), Diamond Core (7GB) and Shinryu (8GB) sets, which means it will be now possible to sell them to NPC,
    - changed jewellery price at NPC Dr Brief:

    dragon earring:
    300 exp coins -> 200 exp coins,
    40 gold bars -> 1 gold bar,

    dragon belt:
    400 exp coins -> 200 exp coins,
    50 gold bars -> 1 gold bar,

    dragon necklace:
    400 exp coins -> 200 exp coins,
    50 gold bars -> 1 gold bar,

    dragon ring:
    10 exp coins -> 80 exp coins,
    20 gold bars -> 500k zeni,

    diamond necklace:
    10 exp coins -> 45 exp coins,
    20 gold bars -> 250k zeni,

    diamond earring:
    10 exp coins -> 45 exp coins,
    20 gold bars -> 250k zeni,

    titanium belt:
    10 exp coins -> 45 exp coins,
    20 gold bars -> 250k zeni,

    diamond ring:
    5 exp coins -> 10 exp coins,
    4 gold bars -> 50k zeni.

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

  9. Dear players!
    We're planning to make some improvements in CC Lab very soon! What exactly you can expect?
    More Strange Crystals basing on rooms:

    • room 1 - 3 strange crystals,
    • room 2 - 5 strange crystals,
    • room 3 - 7 strange crystals,
    • room 4 - 9 strange crystals.

    In addition, the price of Robotic Island Pass will increase from 1 to 3 Strange Crystals and there will be many new things obtainable for Strange Crystals!

  10. Patch Note:
    - added Emerald Treasure Chest as one of the reward in Newcomer Event for players with level 350+,
    from now on, the reward chests from Gero Lab Event will last 3 days instead of 1.

    P.S. Yesterday's drop rate increase of Skill Implant is huge - between 400% and 800% depending on the Android

  11. Newcomer Event!

    Jack, the Hunter is visiting West Capitol this weekend! He wants to check if you can meet his challenges!


    Jack is a born hunter who will share his tasks with you, and you will decide what monsters you want to hunt! For every task completed you will get a nice rewards and obviously the tasks will be repeatable!

    Good luck!

  12. Patch note:
    - increased a chance of Skill Implant drop rate from Androids and their Future versions (The highest boost is on C19, and the least is on C16),
    - decreased the price of Skill Implant Upgrader at NPC Dr Brief from 3 000 000 zeni, to 1 200 000 zeni.

    Bug fixes:
    - fixed a bug, where Bulma couldn't use Upgrade technique while healing,
    - fixed issues with Ki and HP regeneration bonuses (flat and %),
    - fixed a visual bug on tooltips where "Attack" on weapons was not visible.

  13. Patch note:
    - added Gero's HP Bar on Gero Lab Event visible for both teams under the stats; the bar shows up when one team reaches Gero,
    - changed the description of Android Armor.

    Bug fixes:
    - fixed an issue, where players couldn't open some quest chests,
    - fixed an issue, where sometimes players didn't get the reward from Clan Boss despite dealing enough damage,
    - fixed a bug, where Bulma's Drones were not following their target,
    - fixed a bug with Buu's ki and hp regeneration while he had all chocolate stacks,
    - fixed a bug, where after removing a market offer with golden apples, players received normal apples.

  14. Patch note:
    - from now on, it is possible to use Zanzoken on Bulma's drones,
    - changed dedicated server, so server save should last much shorter.

    Bug fixes:
    - fixed a visual bug, where Smell of fear channeling bar was visible for other characters than Vegeta,
    - fixed an issue, where after completing UG32 dungeon, missions from UG64 appeared in the Quest Window,
    - fixed an issue, where players couldn't receive their free skins for social media.

    PS. ROTS Updater won't work this time. Everyone needs to download client directly from the website: https://saiyansreturn.com/download

  15. Mimic Event!

    During this weekend the chests will appear more often than usual! Remember players who participated in the battle will receive a Cursed Chest Fragment.
    The higher the level of the monster, the better Cursed Chest Fragment.


    Tier 1 Cursed Chest from mimics >= 30
    Tier 2 Cursed Chest from mimics > 100
    Tier 3 Cursed Chest from mimics > 200
    Tier 4 Cursed Chest from mimics >= 400

    It will be able to exchange Fragments at NPC Devious Soul. He's located in the Ginger Town Cemetery.

  16. Patch note:
    - from now on, it will no longer be possible to enter the reward room again after completing Dragon Ball Quest,
    - added information about damage dealt to Clan Boss, if we did not receive the reward due to low damage,
    - from now on, Gero's hp is doubled.
    Bug fixes:
    - fixed a bug with halo, that appeared after dying on Future Earth,
    - fixed a bug with items bonuses, which remained on Regular Earth after exiting Future Earth,
    - fixed an issue, where it was not possible to sign out from Gero Lab Event,
    - fixed an issue, where sometimes it was not possible to complete Dragon Ball Quest,
    - fixed an issue with new Saga, when it was teleported on water,
    - fixed an issue, where sometimes it took more items than intended while unlocking Clan Achievements,
    - fixed an issue with passive effect of Bulma's Air Strike technique,
    - fixed an issue with Sapphire Horn; from now on, it will properly give stats.

  17. 3 hours ago, Sluinon said:

    É possível recuperar um personagem que foi deletado? Se não me engano, quando deletei um personagem, me apareceu uma mensagem dizendo que seria possível recuperá-lo depois, mas não tenho certeza.

    There is no possibility of recovering a deleted character.

  18. Patch note:
    - added tooltip on the bar on Gero Lab Event with event rules,
    - changed the price of emerald treasure key from 360k to 2kk.

    Bug fixes:
    - fixed a bug, where all arenas were cleared after Dr Gero was killed on any arena,
    - fixed issues with Hyperbolic Time Chamber,
    - fixed visual bug in quest window regarding UG64 Dungeon,
    - fixed some map issues on UG256 with missing floors at additional bosses rooms,
    - fixed the issue with PZ lock,
    - fixed issue with character change capsule.

  19. Patch note:
    - updated the Anti Cheat System,
    - added new dungeon UG256,
    - added Gero Lab. Event,
    - added daily PvP points gain limit (only first four events you participate can grant points now),
    - added additional reward (zeni and experience) for winning 5th and next events a day,
    - from now on, the PvP season will last 3 months instead of 1,
    - added Tenshinhan Saga,
    - added 2 new daily and 1 weekly clan bosses,
    - added Emerald Treasure Chest (obtainable from Rotten Treasure Chest),
    - added Emerald Treasure Key - it can be crafted by NPC Bulma,
    - increased the amount of excavation on the map by more than twice,
    - added new special ability to Android Set - Viridian Shield: "When you activate this ability, you'll Selfexplode, causing damage to nearby enemies and trigger Viridian Shield which will block next 10 attacks. Additionally, you’ve built-in 8% Damage Reduction”,
    - added a window with possible loot before opening the loot boxes (chests, pearls, event rewards, etc),
    - added new capsules in every city and village on Regular Earth,
    - added a fee for using the capsule for players with level 150+ (amount of fee scales with player's level),
    - added a new currency to game - Gold Bar, which is worth 1kk (credits to BASTIAN#1311),
    - increased the Focus granted from Dhementor Mantle from 10 to 20,
    - added a tutorial message for Global Channel after logging in to game,
    - from now on, monsters will be teleported back to their original spawn after being lured away (it's been already in game for a while),
    - changed the level requirement for Light Belt from 60 to 40 (credits to Raffa Moreira#0365),
    - changed the level requirement for Crystal Necklace from 50 to 120 and from now on, it grants 500 HP,
    - added logs to Mailbox system,
    - optimized camera system; from now on, the entering and quitting the streams should be faster,
    - improved game logins; from now on the login time should be much shorter,
    - from now on, after unannounced server downtime, the players will be able to re-enter the dungeon if they were inside while the crash happened (credits to Johnn#4379),
    - from now on, Future Orbs from Daily Drones at NPC Emradel will go to Mailbox if player does not have enough capacity,
    - removed summons of Androids C17 and C18,
    - added shortcut between rooms in the middle of the hunting areas of C17 & C18 Prototypes (Future Earth included; credits to Clrack#9736),
    - changed level requirement for Newcomer Event from 1 to 3,
    - removed the information about Strange Monster in tablet,
    - added info about the loot from Clan Boss after clicking its icon in Clan window,
    - from now on, after clicking on icon with item in Clan Boss window, it will redirect player to Rotspedia with this item,
    - added logs with loot after killing Clan Bosses (credits to Tryharder#8278),
    - added logs with loot from excavation (credits to Skyflare#8110),
    - removed the level requirement for Grim Feather
    - added hotkeys for lock/unlock the item on Shift + RMB (credits to Johnn#4379),
    - added info about hotkeys on items' tooltips (credits to Johnn#4379),
    - changed the visual effect of Ki Wall, so it's more visible (it's been already in game for a while; credits to Netto#9100),
    - added Team Channel which will be automatically opened after joining/creating the team,
    - updated Curse Diamond prices in Premium Shop,
    - optimized Server Save.

    Balance Changes

    Upgrade: changed its type to attacking, so now Bulma can Jump into her robot during healing,

    Air Strike: It deals 30% more damage to monsters which haven’t been damaged by other players. (credits to Nehkrun#8091 and Johnn#4379)

    Will of Fight: When fully stacked, it grants you and nearby teammates a 30% Tenacity bonus.

    Magic Materialization: It deals 30% more damage to monsters which haven’t been damaged by other players. (credits to Nehkrun#8091 and Johnn#4379)

    Chocolate Beam: From now on, the technique will deal damage.

    Full Control: duration decreased from 5s → 4.5s

    Super Explosive Wave: invisibility duration in PvP increased from 0.5s → 0.8s

    Bug fixes:
    - fixed an issue, where Suke San (Saga) was constantly invisible,
    - fixed a bug, where sometimes Exp Boost did not regenerate properly on Bulma after changing into another class using Medical Machine,
    - fixed an issue, where players sometimes lost their PvP points after leaving the clan,
    - fixed a bug, where Commander could "unstun" the Biotic Pudge 3.0 on dungeon UG128,
    - fixed a bug, where players could have halo on Earth,
    - fixed an issue, where it was possible to close Global Channel,
    - fixed a bug with Training Dummies, where the damage dealt was not showing up,
    - fixed a bug, where players lost their Twitch Rewards after claiming them just before the Events in game,
    - fixed some visual bugs in tablet,
    - fixed an issue, where it was not possible to use pick on the tile blocked by Kinto's shadow,
    - fixed issues with Telekinesis and immune, where cured player couldn't use any techniques.

  20. Greetings players!

    The update 2.10.0 is now live! Once again, thank you for your patience and help during the Test Server. In the next few days, we'll be contacting people who helped the most! In addition to the changes you could read in patch note, we added 3 new backpacks to the premium shop and 1 brand new backpack to Agent J, where you can purchase it for UG Tokens! There are some more smaller fixes, such as improved trinkets' descriptions or balance of clan bosses. We believe we managed to fix all issues reported and today's update will not cause any problems! Gero Lab Event will take place everyday at following hours: 19:00, 22:00, 01:00 (CET). Meanwhile, we already start working on more news and content for you, players!

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

  21. Warriors! This Friday we prepared something shiny for you!

    Pearl Event approaching! The first thing you need to know is that you will be able to collect Pearls this weekend!


    Rarity of pearls depends on Monster's level, e.g. if you hunt low level monsters, then you should not expect to loot Red or Golden pearls. Here is the whole list with Monster's level ranges and loot:

    Lv. 1-29 Monsters
    Black Pearl

    Lv. 30 - 89 Monsters
    Black Pearl
    Blue Pearl

    Lv. 90-149 Monsters
    Blue Pearl
    Purple Pearl

    Lv. 150-400 Monsters
    Purple Pearl
    Red Pearl

    Lv. 400+ Monsters
    Red Pearl
    Golden Pearl

    Note that, if your level is twice higher than monster's level then you won't be able to loot pearls from it. We've added such protection, so low level players will not have to worry about some high level occupying their hunting spots.

    All you have to do is to have a little bit of free time. Are you ready to test your luck with looting most precious jewellery?!

  22. Dear Players,

    We have been hard at work preparing a range of exciting news and changes for the game in the past few months. To ensure the smoothest possible experience for everyone, we would like to invite you all to participate in a test server.

    The test server will run from May 11th to May 13th, from 19:00 to 23:00 (CET) each day. This will give you three days to explore the new features and help us identify and fix any bugs or issues that may arise.

    After the testing period, we will use your feedback to make final improvements and fixes to the update. As always, we will reward players who report critical bugs.

    Thank you for your participation and support as we work to make the game even better.

    What news we brought for you?
    Gero Lab Event
    Get ready for a thrilling adventure as Dr. Gero has unleashed new androids that you must face! Join forces with other players as you navigate through the laboratory, fighting your way through hordes of androids to reach the final room where the mad scientist awaits. But beware, as your opponents are also racing against the clock to reach the end!


    Daily PvP Points limit
    Along with the new event, we had to limit the gain of daily PvP Points. From now on, only the first FOUR events will grant PvP points. For example, if player loses his first 4 events, and then he wins 5 he will NOT get any points, because the first four events he participated were lost. And now you can say, that it will be pointless to take part in more than 4 events, but to encourage players to participate in more events we added a special chest. From the 5th event player joins, he will receive additional chest with experience and zeni if he is on the winning side.
    Obviously, the rules of the Gero Lab Event are the same as on Team Fight Event. If player stays afk or intentionally gives frags to the enemy team, he will be banned from participating both events. In addition, the rules violating records will reset after 30 days of last penalty received.
    What's more, we replaced monthly PvP Points with Seasonal PvP points. The season will last for 3 months and the current one will finish on Global Save on 1st of July.

    New Dungeon
    A new UG256 spaceship has landed on Earth. Agent J is calling all brave individuals who want to help in the investigation of the new technology possessed by the arriving aliens!


    Clan Bosses
    Capsule Corporation has located the unusual and extremely strong bosses of Balogs, Oozarus, and Undead Soldiers. Clans that dare to face them must be very careful. Savager is such a rare boss that can only be fought once a week. From bosses, you can get insanely rare loot that has never been seen before!


    More capsules
    We know how annoying can be the travelling to another city or village in a long distance. We reported it directly to CC, and they decided to immediately place more capsules on Earth. But nothing is free, isn't it? Unfortunately, they added small fees for using capsules for players with level 150 or higher - the amount scales with level.


    Patch note:
    - updated the Anti Cheat System,
    - added new dungeon UG256,
    - added Gero Lab. Event,
    - added daily PvP points gain limit (only first four events you participate can grant points now),
    - added additional reward (zeni and experience) for winning 5th and next events a day,
    - from now on, the PvP season will last 3 months instead of 1,
    - added Tenshinhan Saga,
    - added 2 new daily and 1 weekly clan bosses,
    - added Emerald Treasure Chest (obtainable from Rotten Treasure Chest),
    - added Emerald Treasure Key - it can be crafted by NPC Bulma,
    - increased the amount of excavation on the map by more than twice,
    - added new special ability to Android Set - Viridian Shield: "When you activate this ability, you'll Selfexplode, causing damage to nearby enemies and trigger Viridian Shield which will block next 10 attacks. Additionally, you’ve built-in 8% Damage Reduction”,
    - added a window with possible loot before opening the loot boxes (chests, pearls, event rewards, etc),
    - added new capsules in every city and village on Regular Earth,
    - added a fee for using the capsule for players with level 150+ (amount of fee scales with player's level),
    - added a new currency to game - Gold Bar, which is worth 1kk (credits to BASTIAN#1311),
    - increased the Focus granted from Dhementor Mantle from 10 to 20,
    - added a tutorial message for Global Channel after logging in to game,
    - from now on, monsters will be teleported back to their original spawn after being lured away (it's been already in game for a while),
    - changed the level requirement for Light Belt from 60 to 40 (credits to Raffa Moreira#0365),
    - changed the level requirement for Crystal Necklace from 50 to 120 and from now on, it grants 500 HP,
    - added logs to Mailbox system,
    - optimized camera system; from now on, the entering and quitting the streams should be faster,
    - improved game logins; from now on the login time should be much shorter,
    - from now on, after unannounced server downtime, the players will be able to re-enter the dungeon if they were inside while the crash happened (credits to Johnn#4379),
    - from now on, Future Orbs from Daily Drones at NPC Emradel will go to Mailbox if player does not have enough capacity,
    - removed summons of Androids C17 and C18,
    - added shortcut between rooms in the middle of the hunting areas of C17 & C18 Prototypes (Future Earth included; credits to Clrack#9736),
    - changed level requirement for Newcomer Event from 1 to 3,
    - removed the information about Strange Monster in tablet,
    - added info about the loot from Clan Boss after clicking its icon in Clan window,
    - from now on, after clicking on icon with item in Clan Boss window, it will redirect player to Rotspedia with this item,
    - added logs with loot after killing Clan Bosses (credits to Tryharder#8278),
    - added logs with loot from excavation (credits to Skyflare#8110),
    - removed the level requirement for Grim Feather
    - added hotkeys for lock/unlock the item on Shift + RMB (credits to Johnn#4379),
    - added info about hotkeys on items' tooltips (credits to Johnn#4379),
    - changed the visual effect of Ki Wall, so it's more visible (it's been already in game for a while; credits to Netto#9100),
    - added Team Channel which will be automatically opened after joining/creating the team,
    - updated Curse Diamond prices in Premium Shop,
    - optimized Server Save.

    Balance Changes

    Upgrade: changed its type to attacking, so now Bulma can Jump into her robot during healing,

    Air Strike: It deals 30% more damage to monsters which haven’t been damaged by other players. (credits to Nehkrun#8091 and Johnn#4379)

    Will of Fight: When fully stacked, it grants you and nearby teammates a 30% Tenacity bonus.

    Magic Materialization: It deals 30% more damage to monsters which haven’t been damaged by other players. (credits to Nehkrun#8091 and Johnn#4379)

    Chocolate Beam: From now on, the technique will deal damage.

    Full Control: duration decreased from 5s → 4.5s

    Super Explosive Wave: invisibility duration in PvP increased from 0.5s → 0.8s

    Bug fixes:
    - fixed an issue, where Suke San (Saga) was constantly invisible,
    - fixed a bug, where sometimes Exp Boost did not regenerate properly on Bulma after changing into another class using Medical Machine,
    - fixed an issue, where players sometimes lost their PvP points after leaving the clan,
    - fixed a bug, where Commander could "unstun" the Biotic Pudge 3.0 on dungeon UG128,
    - fixed a bug, where players could have halo on Earth,
    - fixed an issue, where it was possible to close Global Channel,
    - fixed a bug with Training Dummies, where the damage dealt was not showing up,
    - fixed a bug, where players lost their Twitch Rewards after claiming them just before the Events in game,
    - fixed some visual bugs in tablet,
    - fixed an issue, where it was not possible to use pick on the tile blocked by Kinto's shadow,
    - fixed issues with Telekinesis and immune, where cured player couldn't use any techniques.

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

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