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Posts posted by Xukio

  1. Patch note:
    - added Future Earth,
    - increased rewards and number of kills required for bonus tasks in the 4th room of CC Lab,
    - fixed visual bug with Super Masenko passive technique - from now on it should show properly if the passive is active after the Shenlong Wish,
    - from now on, it is possible to add on action bar such items us: puar stone, shield of blessings, wooden shovel, shovel, platinum shovel, golden shovel, rope, bucket, hoe, pickaxe,
    - improved functioning of market,
    - decreased cooldown of transformations from 3s to 1s,
    - changed the type of Dende's basic attacks from energy to physical,
    - fixed a bug with FPS drop while moving the cursor,
    - fixed a bug with promotion 4th vice leader in Clan while in fact it was not possible to have 4 vice leaders (there are maximum 3 vice leaders and 1 leader),
    - fixed a bug with losing Monthly PvP Points by players who created Clans,
    - fixed a bug with Team Fight Event matchmaking (sometimes there were fights 5 vs 7),
    - fixed a bug where player who did not participate in Sagas could block Saga Monsters,
    - added new item - Elusion Amulet (90% ALL damage reduction) to NPC Rubio,
    - fixed a bug with disappearing icon of Smell of Fear technique,
    - changed the icon of Fire Opals and added tooltip to it,
    - fixed animations of all the Missile techniques,
    - fixed a bug, where Gohan disappear from Vip List after using passive of Super Explosive Wave technique,
    - added descriptions for black, blue, purple, red and golden pearls,
    - fixed a shield system visualizations - from now on, they show the actual % of shield relative to HP on the HP bar,
    - fixed a visual bug where players could log in with Kinto's Shadow and could fly as on Kinto,
    - fixed a description for house windows which displayed the level requirement,
    - added a possibility to sell Supreme Boots for 15k,
    - fixed some bugs related with PZ zone on the map,
    - unlocked the level cap to 410,
    - fixed bonuses value display on "Bonus Summary" tooltip; from now on it should display correct values,
    - fixed bug where players were unable to upgrade: earring of godness, ring of godness, necklace of agility and necklace of war,
    - improved Puar menu UI menu and added some new options,
    - changed reduction of PVP bless experience loss from 50% to 80%,
    - disabled possibility to use KI Sense technique on players who do not have PvP based PZ lock,
    - slightly changed functionality of Dende's "Heal" technique; from now on, he also heals himself while healing an ally,
    - added a possibility to use "Shunkanido" technique from and into PZ.

  2. Hello dear players!

    Today, we prepared a huge portion of news for you so you'd better sit comfortable and enjoy the reading! First of all, the main thing we're including in the update is Future Earth. To access there you need to use Time Machine located near Central Capitol. Below, you can find a short video describing the whole Future Earth. There are Polish, English, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles available. We hope you will love it same as we do.

    Future Earth
    Future Earth will allow us to develop PvP side of RotS World - there won't be any frags so fights there will be totally unlimited! In addition, after getting killed by any player there, you will lose all your equipment (excluding jewellery). But the killer won't be always satisfied from your loot - sometimes it may be damaged after your death and turns into a trash. Anyway, don't worry about your lost, valuable items! Bonuses on Future Earth will be 35% more efficient so you can wear even tier 3 or 4 items without losing any statistics since there still will be a cap of a maximum bonuses value.What more, we have disabled a possibility to use Ki Sense technique on non aggressive players. It means that it won't be able to sense players who are not in PvP fight. We believe it will avoid Power Abusing a bit.Furthermore, death from a monster will look the same as on Regular Earth. Keep in mind, that all the monsters evolved, and they are much stronger than their copies from the past. In addition, they will drop Future Orbs and High Class Future Orbs. It will be able to trade the orbs for other items at NPC Emradel (he is located in the base of Future Earth). From High Class orbs you will have a chance to get Diamond Core Set. However, it is very rare due to the possibility to choose the bonuses on any part of the set. In addition, collecting the whole Diamond Core Set unlocks a new ability for its owner - Core Shield.

    Obviously, Future Earth has been destroyed by Cell and you will be able to face him! But watch out! He is extremely strong and it won't be that easy to defeat him. However, if you manage to do that, players who participated the most will be rewarded with some rare and unique items.


    Don't forget we just started the work on Future Earth and you can expect many more updates related with this planet soon!

    After adding Future Earth to the game, we will be working on "transferring" all the fights to this planet. We're aware sometimes "Power Abusing" effect appears in our game but we will do our best to get rid of this term from our world. First step we do is disabling a possibility to use Ki Sense technique on players who do not have PvP based PZ lock. That change applies to the whole Return of the Saiyans world. Secondly, we change the experience loss after dying in PvP while having PvP bless from 50% to 80% reduction. This one applies to the whole world except Future Earth. We believe, these changes will force PvP fights to be done on the designated areas and PvE players will feel safer a bit.

    Recently, we have received some complaints about Puar functionality. That's why we changed the look of the menu window and separated the creature products from other items. Additionally, from now on, each player will be able to choose where Puar should collect a particular type of items. We hope this change will make your life in Return of the Saiyans a bit easier!


    For a long time, we've been facing some issues on market in game. After this patch, you will be able to check average and the highest price for items in "buy/sell offers". In addition, the sorting by price option should work properly now, so we believe looking for your favourite items will be way easier than before. All the items bought will appear in your inbox.We also improved optimization related with FPS drop while moving the cursor and added pagination to the market window so it will fix the problem with disappearing offers.

    OVH fire issue - forum
    We managed to solve all the issues caused by fire in OVH servers buildings. Our forum is back to live! However, all the data there is lost. Feel free to create new accounts and fulfil the forum with great ideas, tutorials, suggestions and anything else what comes to your mind!

    We have decided to improve life quality of our green little fellow. It's quite complicated and skillful character and has a lot of techniques to manage with, while hunting and PvP fights. From now on, Dende will also heal himself while healing an ally with the "Heal" technique. We have also noticed that his basic attacks are really powerfull on Team Fight Events as well as on PvP in general. That's why we changed them into physical DMG, so Defense skill and Armor will reduce DMG dealt by Dende's basic attacks. It won't affect DMG dealt to monsters in any way though.

    Transformation Technique
    Due to the plenty of reports saying that transforming after getting off from Kinto is very painful, we've decided to reduce Transformation cooldown from 3s to 1s - feel free to let us know if that's enough.

    Last, but not least, we'd like to announce that our former Community Manager - Matty, has been promoted to Staff Member and former Senior Tutor - Lustitia, has been promoted to Community Manager. They will also get a special rank in game - SM and CM, so they will help us to keep the right order in Return of the Saiyans world! Congratulations!

    Patch note:
    - added Future Earth,
    - increased rewards and number of kills required for bonus tasks in the 4th room of CC Lab,
    - fixed visual bug with Super Masenko passive technique - from now on it should show properly if the passive is active after the Shenlong Wish,
    - from now on, it is possible to add on action bar such items us: puar stone, shield of blessings, wooden shovel, shovel, platinum shovel, golden shovel, rope, bucket, hoe, pickaxe,
    - improved functioning of market,
    - decreased cooldown of transformations from 3s to 1s,
    - changed the type of Dende's basic attacks from energy to physical,
    - fixed a bug with FPS drop while moving the cursor,
    - fixed a bug with promotion 4th vice leader in Clan while in fact it was not possible to have 4 vice leaders (there are maximum 3 vice leaders and 1 leader),
    - fixed a bug with losing Monthly PvP Points by players who created Clans,
    - fixed a bug with Team Fight Event matchmaking (sometimes there were fights 5 vs 7),
    - fixed a bug where player who did not participate in Sagas could block Saga Monsters,
    - added new item - Elusion Amulet (90% damage reduction from all sources) to NPC Rubio,
    - fixed a bug with disappearing icon of Smell of Fear technique,
    - changed the GUI where Fire Opals are, and added tooltip to it,
    - fixed animations of all the Missile techniques (from now on they'll animate properly),
    - fixed a bug, where Gohan disappear from Vip List after using passive of Super Explosive Wave technique,
    - added descriptions for black, blue, purple, red and golden pearls,
    - fixed a shield system visualizations - from now on, they show the actual % of shield relative to HP on the HP bar,
    - fixed a visual bug where players could log in with Kinto's Shadow and could fly as on Kinto,
    - fixed a description for house windows which displayed the level requirement,
    - added a possibility to sell Supreme Boots for 15k,
    - fixed some bugs related with PZ zone on the map,
    - unlocked the level cap to 410 - new transformations are right around the corner, so we've decided to let players progress a bit towards it already,
    - fixed bonuses value display on "Bonus Summary" tooltip; from now on it should display correct values,
    - fixed bug where players were unable to upgrade: earring of godness, ring of godness, necklace of agility and necklace of war,
    - improved Puar menu UI menu and added some new options,
    - changed reduction of PVP bless experience loss from 50% to 80%,
    - disabled possibility to use KI Sense technique on players who do not have PvP based PZ lock,
    - slightly changed functionality of Dende's "Heal" technique; from now on, he also heals himself while healing an ally,
    - added a possibility to use "Shunkanido" technique from and into PZ.

    That's it! Hope you managed to read this all! As usual, feel free to comment all the news and changes! We will be more than happy to read your feedback, saiyans!

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

  3. Return of the Saiyans forum rules.

    By using the forum, the user automatically agrees to the terms of the following regulations. The user is obliged to read the following regulations and accept them if he wants to use the forum. Acceptance of the regulations is a condition for creating an account on the Forum.
    User - a user is any person who wants to discuss on the Return of the Saiyans Forum and accepts all the Rules.
    Administrator - The administrator is the owner of the Return of the Saiyans game server and people designated by the server owners to manage the forum.

    General rules.
    Users are prohibited from:
    1) Insulting other users or administration by using profanity, racial, religious, cultural, sexual or other insults aimed at offending the other User or Administrator. This applies to both posting content and private messages.
    2) Discussing/Starting/Talking the topics listed in point 1. If the Administrator finds that the User raises one or more mentioned above topics in order to offend any social group or another User or Administrator, he may suffer the consequences of suspending the account on both, the Return of the Saiyans game and Return of the Saiyans forum.
    3) Any threats against the Administration or Users.
    4) Holding disputes and arguing, even substantive, which may cause spam under the topics discussed on the forum. Users should have a discussion that directly affects themselves only in private messages. The administration will judge and punish users depending on the situation.
    5) Spamming the forum. The User will receive a warning for spam. If the User does not improve his behaviour, he will be punished in accordance with the Administrator's will.
    6) Creating multiple topics with the same content. If the User does not improve his behaviour, he will be punished in accordance with the Administrator's will.
    7) Creating topics related to breaking the law in a global perspective. This means that creating a thread that alludes to, encourages, promotes or justifies breaking the law is completely forbidden and punished immediately, without any notofication.
    8 ) Creating posts related to topics other than the Return of the Saiyans game in a place other than the designated place.
    9) Creating topics and posts, related to copyright infringement in any way.
    10) Impersonating administrators. Impersonating the administration will be punished with banning the User without any warnings.
    11) Trading virtual currency or virtual items from the world of Return of the Saiyans in a sphere other than the Return of the Saiyans game. This means that you cannot trade in-game cash for real money, services, etc.
    12) Using the User Avatars, signatures, banners, etc. aimed at offending other users, social, religious, cultural groups, etc. The administration will decide about the reported Avatars individually.

    It is not advisable to:
    - create multiple accounts,
    - create posts with excessive content. Posts should be concise and short,
    - judge or comment the work of the administration regarding keeping the right order at the Forum,
    - create posts with topics similar to existing ones, and creating posts in inappropriate sections.

    The administration may change the regulations at any time, and the User is obliged to be up to date with the status of the regulations.
    The Administration may, without warning, remove the User from the forum and the Return of the Saiyans game, if he believes that the User has broken the rules or tried to bypass the regulations in order to harm another User, Administration, Forum or game itself, or other entities belonging to the owners of the Forum and the Return of the Saiyans game.
    We remind you that using the Return of the Saiyans forum signify your agreement to the above regulations.

  4. Hello dear players!

    Along with today's global save we prepared a small compensation for latest issues with OVH servers. First of all, everyone received 5 days of premium account already. Secondly, each player will be able to extend the remaining time of Puar Stone and Golden Shovel by 5 days. In addition, you will be able to claim Double Exp Card. It will increase your experience gain by 100% for 2 hours. The compensation can be received only ONCE per account so please make sure you claim it on the right character. What more, to successfully extend the time of Puar Stone and Golden Shovel you need to have them in your Quest Pouch. How to claim the compensation? Just use !reward ovh2021 command in game. The command works until March 19, 11:00 CET.

    Last but not least, we received a bad news from OVH. All the forum and website data have been lost during the fire. Meanwhile, we will create a new forum with better protection to avoid such situations in the future. Once again, we apologize for all the inconvenience caused in the last few days.

    Updater is not available, please download client from website: https://saiyansreturn.com/download

    Best Regards,
    RotS Team.

    • Like 1
  5. Hello dear players,

    We regret to say that our website and forum data are temporarily disabled due to the fire in OVH servers building. Fortunately, neither the OVH employees nor the firefighters were injured. However, we have to be patient and wait for the official information from the server provider, which is probably to happen on Monday. Then, we will know more about the status of our data and servers and after that we will be able to say something more.


    All the information regarding previous Changelogs and News are still available on our Discord server - https://discord.com/invite/mnyxBm9

    In addition, if you created account after December 4, you will need to reset your password to log into the game. You can reset your password here: https://saiyansreturn.com/account-recovery-2021

    Some of you have lost the source of game information (our forum) and that's why we suggest you to use the WIKI created by fans: https://saiyansreturn.info/ or https://www.saiyansbook.com/

    We apologize for any inconvenience.

    Best Regards,
    Team RotS.

    • Sad 1
  6. Today, the monthly rewards for PvP Points in March have been granted. Along with that, we'd like to announce that from now, monthly rewards have been suspended as we will be changing them in a short future.

  7. 1. User account.
    1.1 Can user sell his account or share the login details?
    Nope. You are not allowed to share your account number nor password (hereinafter referred to as "Login Details") for login purposes with others. You must also not share your account with other people in any other way. It is forbidden to sell, transfer or provide the Login Details to other people. The owner of the account is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his Login Details. In case of loss of security including theft or unauthorized disclosure of the Login Details, the user should immediately contact the administration.

    2. Banning the account.
    2.1. Reasons for suspension or banning your account.
    2.1 a) The User may ban or suspend his account by contacting the staff at [email protected].
    2.1 b) The User's account can be banned or suspended in connection with the breach of this Agreement. The assessment whether the Agreement has been breached will be carried out by our employees.
    2.1 c) If the user has an account on a server and it will be closed, we have the right to ban the account or transfer it to another server without the consent of the user.
    2.1 d) An Account can be banned or suspended if it is in the best interest of the Return of the Saiyans, game community or third parties.

    2.2. What to do if the account is banned?
    Banning an account for reasons discussed in point 2.1. is associated with the loss of access to the account and the contents of this account (purchased directly on this account or purchased in the game or acquired in any other form). In case of a justified banning or suspension of an account, the User is not entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred or compensation. Return of the Saiyans does not bear any responsibility towards the User. We reserve the right to suspend or ban other User accounts without incurring financial consequences (refund or compensation). By accepting this agreement the User accepts the possibility of banning or suspending the account due to reasons found in the Agreement as well as other rational reasons. While using the Return of the Saiyans services the staff will be able to suspend or ban user's account due to inappropriate behavior.

    3. Limited license.
    The User can use the Return of the Saiyans Services only for personal, non-commercial, entertainment and dependent purposes of this Agreement. As long as the document signed by us does not allow any other type of use. You must not sell, copy, exchange, borrow, reverse engineer, decompile, acquire the source code, translate, rent, secure, transfer, publish, cede or otherwise distribute any Return of the Saiyans Services or any of Intellectual Property Rights of Return of the Saiyans, including any computer code associated with them.

    4. Virtual goods.
    4.1. Virtual items can be obtained or unlocked in the game.
    When using the game you can access to the following virtual items:

    Character skins (OUTFITS).
    Animal skins (PETS).
    Gems in-game (GEMS).
    Skins to skills (SPELLS).
    other special items available thanks to the premium currency in the SHOP tab.
    4.1 a) Some of the above virtual items may be available to players in connection with the activity of players in the game so that the player will be able to permanently unlock a virtual object that will be an integral part of his account.
    4.1 b) The above virtual items can be unlocked also and / or by means of the premium currency (GEMS) - virtual currency. GEMS can be purchased through payments: SimPay, PayPal, G2A payments. GEMS can be used to purchase in-store items (SHOP) in the game and to exchange between players only for items from the Return of the Saiyans Game. It is forbidden to exchange a virtual currency for cash or other types of items outside of the Game. GEMS can also be given to the player's account for community services or game development at the discretion of the owners of Return of the Saiyans.

    4.2. User's responsibilities in relation to the premium currency (GEMS).
    GEMS are sold in various types of packages and the price is determined in a manner depending on the amount of purchase, place of purchase, currency, form of payment. According to the owners of Return of the Saiyans they can limit the amount of GEMS purchased by one user. The purchase price of GEMS may change depending on the will of the owners of Return of the Saiyans without informing the User. Any irregularities in the purchase must be reported immediately and the Return of the Saiyans team will investigate. The User's duty is to make sure the transaction is correct.

    4.3. The user is not the owner of the unlocked virtual content in the game. The user accepts and acknowledges that he is not the owner of any virtual items or characters in the game Return of the Saiyans. Regardless of the form of obtaining virtual items the User is not the owner of the items on his account in the game Return of the Saiyans. These items can not be exchanged unless directly in the Game world in accordance with this Agreement. The User needs to remember that the delivery of GEMS by the owners of Return of the Saiyans is associated with rendering the Service and its completion in full and the User consciously accepts that he has no ownership rights to the acquired GEMS and items purchased using them and agrees to loss of the right to withdraw from our GEMS delivery services upon purchase. Return of the Saiyans owners can transfer game content in any way (including virtual items and GEMS) by notifying the user or without notification. We exclude any possibility of valuing, monetary or objective, data stored by our servers including those assigned to the accounts of our Users. Any kind of transfer, sale or sharing of virtual goods associated with Return of the Saiyans will be possible only through services provided by the owners of Return of the Saiyans if they exist.

    5. User Code.
    The User Code is open and the owners of Return of the Saiyans reserve the right to add or change the content contained therein. By using the Return of the Saiyans Services the User is obliged to comply with all laws, rules and regulations in force in the User's country and in the User Code.
    Examples of forbidden behaviors, breaking of which may result in banning or suspension of an account:

    Impersonate the administration or people associated with Return of the Saiyans or forcing other Users to impersonate others.
    Providing personal data of another User via official routes (informing in the game, on the forum, website, fanpage, etc.) or in private messages.
    Threats, all kinds of persecution or tormenting other Users are forbidden.
    It is forbidden to break all types of property rights, including intellectual rights, copyrights, modify them, hide or delete information about them. It is also prohibited to transfer content that infringes the rights of third parties, patent rights, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, publication rights, personal rights or other rights.
    Do not insult others, use racist phrases or otherwise harm people because of their origin, faith, culture, use vulgarisms, use an illegal language, use slanders, obscenities, threats.
    It is forbidden to transfer or allow the transfer of malicious software that could in any way cause losses to the User's account, damage the computer or interfere with files on other computers, transfer data of other Users or in any other way by interfering with the system, software or hardware.
    Spam on one of the chats for commercial, personal or multiple use of the same or similar content, unless the chat is intended for this type of activity.
    It is not allowed to cheat other Users or take part in scams. Phishing and social engineering attacks are forbidden.
    It is forbidden to use third party programs, mods, scripts, cheats, hacks, bots, taskers, trainers or other software interacting with the Return of the Saiyans Software, collecting information about the game or reading memory used by the Game Software.
    Do not access or attempt to access game content, servers, etc. that have not been made public.
    Names of characters suggesting cooperation with Return of the Saiyans containing personal data, offensive, obscene, sexually explicit, vulgar, racist or insulting, or the origin of other Users are prohibited. Any attempt to circumvent this Agreement by changing spelling etc. will be treated as a violation of the above rules. Return of the Saiyans can change the Player's nickname, suspend or ban accounts in case of repeated violations.
    If a player performs any activities in the game, he is obliged to respond to the administration within a minute.
    Using Multi Client.
    5.1. The player also needs to follow Fair Play rules during the Team Fight event. For breaking the rules, the player can get a banishment for next several events. What's more, if the administration considers it right, it can also reset all PVP Points and Monthly PVP Points for players who violate these rules frequently.

    Every player should do what's best for the team, giving free kills to enemies or counting against his own team is prohibited.
    While signing up for an event, the player is required to active participate in fights between teams.
    6. Content created by users.
    By "Content" we mean graphics, digital materials, sounds and others found by Return of the Saiyans as related to the business. Content posted in Return of the Saiyans, on the forum, on the website, on the fanpage and other media associated with the Return of the Saiyans may not in any way break upon the rights of third parties as admitted and agreed to by the User at the time of publication. In addition, the User is fully responsible for the content published by him. Return of the Saiyans may use this content in any way without any responsibility to the User.

    7. Monitoring.
    By "Monitoring" we mean checking the activity of players within the Return of the Saiyans and collecting this information in order to develop the game. By accepting this Agreement, the User accepts that the owners of Return of the Saiyans will monitor the player's activities within the Return of the Saiyans game.

    8. Contract changes in the future and updates.
    8.1 This Agreement will be updated to be consistent with the law and the Return of the Saiyans policy. Each time a contract is changed, the User will receive a new version for accepting or rejecting the terms of the new Agreement.

    8.2 The Return of the Saiyans game will be regularly updated and modified to improve the quality of services, which may change the hardware or software requirements required to use Return of the Saiyans. By accepting this Agreement, the User agrees to automatically update and modify game files without informing the User about it.

    9. Forums and Links
    9.1 The User has the right to use the official Return of the Saiyans online forum at http://forum.saiyansreturn.com/ unless he has broken the Agreement or the internal forum regulations. Return of the Saiyans informs that the owners or people assigned to this type of activity will monitor the forum, but they are not obliged to do so. They are also not responsible for the content provided by forum users. Owners reserve the right to exclude a User from the forum activity without notifying him of the reason for suspension or banning his account.

    9.2 Links shared by the owners as well as people directly connected with Return of the Saiyans and users may come from third party websites. The Links used are intended to be a convenience to the community and will be published in good faith, and the above-mentioned ones are not responsible for the content provided by third parties which are not directly related to the Return of the Saiyans. Conscious or unconscious publication of links not allowed by users in the assessment of people related to Return of the Saiyans may end with a penalty for the publishing User.

    10. Fees and payments.
    Although access to the game Return of the Saiyans is free, part of the content is payable. Some of the elements will be available to the user only after paying the fee. The User agrees to provide complete and correct data for ordering and payment to the owners of Return of the Saiyans or to the third party with whom the cooperation takes place. The User also agrees to pay the fees and taxes owed by himself or any other user using his account. The prices of services or each item may change at any time. Fees are made in accordance with the payment terms, valid while the fee becomes required. Payment options depend on the country of purchase. There may be different costs depending on the form of payment.
    Depending on the type of payment you choose, you can be redirected to a third party payment website where internal third party rules will apply. Please be advised that changes, modifications or improvements to payment methods will be possible to improve the quality of services. All kinds of changes take effect after the user accepts the changes. In order to conduct and improve the quality of operations, as long as necessary, the owners of Return of the Saiyans can store data about user transactions. All charges and other financial charges imposed for paid services (GEMS) are paid in advance and are not refundable in full or in part. The user is responsible for all charges on his account.

    11. Warranty
    Return of the Saiyans owners do not provide guarantees except in some countries. In connection with the provision of services to the User "in the current state" and "as available", we exclude the possibility of guarantees and assurances expressly or implicitly as permitted by law that could be applicable to Return of the Saiyans services, including implied warranties title, inviolability of rights, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, all warranties arising from the operation of use, as well as all warranties regarding the accuracy, reliability or quality of any content, or information being part of the services of Return of the Saiyans. We do not guarantee that our services will be uninterrupted, error free or failure-free, that all defects will be immediately corrected and that our services are free of viruses or other harmful elements. The user assumes responsibility for selecting the Return of the Saiyans services to achieve the intended goals and for the installation, use and results achieved through the services. For the avoidance of any doubt, the owners of Return of the Saiyans do not exclude responsibility for intentional violation of obligations that result from this Agreement. The exclusion regarding the guarantee does not affect the limitation of responsibility in accordance with the following provision. For the sake of countries or jurisdictions that do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, the above warranty exclusion or certain parts may not apply in whole or in part.

    12. Disputes
    12.1 In the case that this Agreement does not say otherwise, it shall be subject to Polish law and shall be interpreted in accordance with it without regard to conflict rules. The UNO Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is also not applicable. If the User who is a consumer uses the Return of the Saiyans in the European Economic Area and is a consumer, additional mandatory legal rights or remedies may apply as specified in this agreement.

    12.2 Compensation for violation of the Agreement. The User declares and accepts that non-compliance with the Agreement may cause irreparable damage to the owners of Return of the Saiyans. Therefore, in addition to monetary damages and other means provided by the applicable law, the User accepts that by way of remedy for violations or threats to the breach of this Agreement, Return of the Saiyans may apply for a court order to perform the obligation or other security of claims, without having to make a deposit, other security and damage. In addition, if any of the parties initiates or takes any action, or legal or administrative proceedings in connection with this Agreement, the party that wins the dispute will have the right to demand reimbursement, legal fees and other expenses incurred by the winning party as a result of conducting these activities or proceedings.

    13. Final provisions.
    13.1 All questions regarding the Game or this Agreement can be submitted at the following addresses:

    [email protected]
    13.2 The owners of Return of the Saiyans may assign rights under this Agreement, in whole or in part, to any person or entity at any time without the consent of the User. You may not transfer this Agreement without the prior consent of the owners of Return of the Saiyans, and unauthorized transfers will be void.

    13.3 This Agreement constitutes a complete Agreement between the owners of Return of the Saiyans and the Users in the area of services related to Return of the Saiyans and replaces previous and present agreements between the above parties, stating that this Agreement does not exclude the use of other Return of the Saiyans owners policies.

    13.4 Return of the Saiyans owners are not responsible for any delays or defaults caused by reasons beyond their control, such as fortuitous events, war, hacker attacks or cyber attacks, terrorism, bomb threats, embargo, damage or loss of data, floods, riots , acts of civil and military authorities, fires, accidents, strikes or shortages of communication objects, manpower and materials, fuel, energy.

    13.5 The lack of immediate enforcement of the contract does not mean the present or future resignation of the provisions and has no right to be interpreted as a waiver of future enforcement rights by either party. Disclaimer of the owners of Return of the Saiyans of any type of registration, requirements or investigation of the provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the obligation to comply with these provisions, conditions and requirements in the future.

    13.6 If any provision of this Agreement is rendered unenforceable or void for any reason, such provision shall be amended accordingly so that it is enforceable in a manner that is maximally acceptable and reflects the intention of the parties while the remainder of the Agreement remains in effect. The decision will be disconnected from the remaining provisions if it is impossible to change it and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the contract.

    13.7 Minors are not allowed to use the service regardless any consent from their parents or legal supervisors.

    14. Additional Terms and Conditions; EULAs
    When you use G2A Pay services provided by G2A.COM Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "G2A Pay services provider") to make a purchase on our website, responsibility over your purchase will first be transferred to G2A.COM Limited before it is delivered to you. G2A Pay services provider assumes primary responsibility, with our assistance, for payment and payment related customer support. The terms between G2A Pay services provider and customers who utilize services of G2A Pay are governed by separate agreements and are not subject to the Terms on this website.

    With respect to customers making purchases through G2A Pay services provider checkout, (i) the Privacy Policy of G2A Pay services provider shall apply to all payments and should be reviewed before making any purchase, and (ii) the G2A Pay services provider Refund Policy shall apply to all payments unless notice is expressly provided by the relevant supplier to buyers in advance. In addition the purchase of certain products may also require shoppers to agree to one or more End-User License Agreements (or "EULAs") that may include additional terms set by the product supplier rather than by Us or G2A Pay services provider. You will be bound by any EULA that you agree to.

    We and/or entities that sell products on our website by using G2A Pay services are primarily responsible for warranty, maintenance, technical or product support services for those Products. We and/or entities that sell products on our website are primarily responsible to users for any liabilities related to fulfillment of orders, and EULAs entered into by the End-User Customer. G2A Pay services provider is primarily responsible for facilitating your payment.
    You are responsible for any fees, taxes or other costs associated with the purchase and delivery of your items resulting from charges imposed by your relationship with payment services providers or the duties and taxes imposed by your local customs officials or other regulatory body.

    For customer service inquiries or disputes, You may contact us by email at [email protected]

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