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Gearing system


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I've been facing the issue where I can not find the gear that I want on the market, and I would like to try some different builds, not just the usual meta, and that happens because of offer and demand. Currently there are not many people feeding the market with good gear, and the few that is available, is way too expensive, because of the reason mentioned above.

My proposed solution would be creating a system where the user could shatter bad gear to get the status on a desired gear, let me explain:

The player could have an armor lvl 160 with %damage reduction tier 5, but also have another lvl 160 armor with %hp increase tier 5, and this player would like to have 1 gear with both status, so it would shatter one of both and transfer that status to the other. Keep in mind that the maximum of buffs would have to be respected.

Why I came up with this idea? because we all know that those two status separately make a bad gear, but together it would fit very well for a tanker for example, and there are people selling gear with those status separated, but not together. This would make players sell more gear with only one status to the market, or make a use of those status themselves. 

I also would like to emphasize, if not clear to this point, that it would be required for the player to shatter the SAME gear he wants the new status, this would prevent people from farming low level gear to upgrade end game gear.

I really hope my idea gets implemented, because I have lots of crappy tier 5 gears that nobody wants to buy, and I could make awesome sets that many people would love to get.

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