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John Hawk

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Posts posted by John Hawk

  1. Hola, @lizard!

    Necesitas 12 items, pero no necesariamente ir a Namek.
    Como alternativa, puede comprarlos en el mercado de otros jugadores.

    Si quieres otra alternativa, utiliza los códigos FREE o Paradox en el site, en el área de tu cuenta bajo el código de referencia para obtener unos días de Premium.


  2. Hi, @Kakarovisk!

    It seems to be a real problem as Saga content is kind a must + tricky to do without a good number of players or good gear + level...
    Do you have any suggestion in mind to share with us?

    Personally I already gave a few of suggestions regarding this subject, but they weren't that efficient and staff is really busy working on New Contents, which returning to balance current content may delay the incoming updates...
    I'll try to perform a good new suggestion and share with others.

    In case you're doing it solo or duo, try to bring high level players in their supportive characters to help. Once I've helped a Buu 200- just healing him with my Dende. lmao.

    Cheers, and I hope you're enjoying Chest Event for the weekend.

  3. Hi there!

    I, personally, loved the third point, however, every each content in the game is a stamina wasting. The idea would be wasting 20min in a daily, but receiving 30min by having done the daily content?

    Hunter Squad Quest can provide you an item that gives the stamina time, and it is daily, but isn't that high.

    What's more, the ROTS Team is aware over the necessity of improving some systems, such as Stamina/Stamina Recovering. Said that, I would like to share an info that has been shared in the past, which is: they are going to add an advanced bed system, which, probably, will help in the Stamina Recovering ❤️🩹.

    + I would like to friendly remind that staying online all the day isn't the only way to recover stamina. Your stamina will get recovered while offline too!


    Thanks for sharing your Idea about Stamina System.


    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, lizard said:


    alguien podria indicarme para cuando la version en linux? o podrian darme una forma de hacerlo correr en linux?

    Hola, @lizard!

    Lamentablemente, no hay una fecha segura para el lanzamiento de la versión operativa para Linux.
    ¿Has probado a utilizar algún tipo de emulador, como Wine?


    • Thanks 1
  5. This post is just to share what NPC Grim Reaper has to offer in exchange of precious Infernal Essences


    Located in underworld, this strange undead creature offers a bunch of awesome items in exchange of this: image.png.3290369e7d51aca4f738a06601e40f81.png
    The underworld can be accessed via fissures that can be found inside East Capitol cemetery or near to Central Capitol, to the north of it.

    Here goes the list:


    • Like 3
  6. Olá!

    Desculpa pelo contato demorado!
    Bom, erro de inicialização de EGL tá ligado a falta de requisitos para rodar o jogo ou algum componente físico que não suporta inicializar o jogo.
    O cliente de Return of The Saiyans tem 2 tipos, OpenGL e DirectX9. O OpenGL é um cliente de compatibilidade, pois geralmente é algo built-in junto ao Windows. Você pode tentar abrir seu jogo por ele.


    - Para achar e abrir o cliente OpenGL -


    1. Basta ir no atalho do jogo, geralmente criado em algum canto da sua área de trabalho, ou em algum lugar no seu Disco Rígido.
    2. Clicar com o botão direito do mouse sobre ele.
    3. Clicar em "Abrir local do arquivo", indicado pela seta vermelha -> image.png.7657e5a0fb4b46acf9ebac62850baf3c.png
    4. E então, abrir o cliente que termina com OpenGL -> image.png.cdf13e9fc83229ee4c9d0ab2de0eb7a5.png

    Se o erro persistir, tente executar uma atualização dos seus drivers de vídeo.
    Se ainda assim não funcionar, infelizmente, temo que seu hardware seja antigo e incapaz de abrir o jogo, por ausência de requisitos ou drivers desatualizados.


    Desejo boa sorte e que funcione!

    • Like 1
  7. image.png.308d63ae3f0cbd3e5e5ca4249b6dc19a.png

    Dende - Suporte

    - Descrição

    Dende, atualmente, é o melhor Healer do jogo, possuindo o melhor conjunto de técnicas focadas em cura!
    Além disso, Dende faz parte da categoria de Suportes, ou seja, ao adicionar um Dende à sua Party, além de aumentar a sobrevivência do grupo, também aumentará a quantidade de experiência que o grupo receberá!


    - Transformações

    Para se transformar, Dende precisa do level mínimo para a próxima transformação, além de precisar atingir um bom nível de ¹concentração usando a ténica ²Concentrate.
    É importante lembrar que para manter a transformação, a ¹concentração não poderá zerar.

      image.png.d342932b9549f656f2cde08f2c08c395.png ->   image.png.5c72bccaeef8ae83df362ef2bee525f4.png


    Lista de transformações:

    Level 0 image.png.6632ec69d125d31c8caf6fb723a1d245.png -> Level 50 image.png.353b3c015f8a81f908be3bbaa43543dc.png
    Level 75 image.png.59792ab7d9a573ee516821dcefffbb4a.png -> Level 75 image.png.54117e2d904e9139028dab319d8aaa6f.png -> Level 140 image.png.76f8db9b8b466285430bcb11d8218191.png 
    Level 225 image.png.94f0366c89ef38222eff8e611d3f120c.png -> Level 225 image.png.875c6db6b8696b7fb5b4cde8fe4cf252.png -> Level 350 image.png.f4bf3a24c4ab8226b7e52b5aab71c572.png -> Level 430 image.png.3073cb9ff67503dc8a511c192a616567.png


    - Conjunto de Técnicas

    Algumas técnicas são auto-explicativas, outras eu tentarei apresentar exemplos.

    Importante: Para Utilitários e algumas Curas, Dende terá que marcar, com o botão esquerdo do mouse, o alvo aliado na Janela de Team.

    Light Healing -

    image.png.967e12211585e3cdad2defb4d7fb5bcc.png -> image.png.5624950c1c8ea74030b5565b77e15d45.png


    Recovery - 

    image.png.9e5088460499d27402d9e9bf134bfec6.png -> image.png.47366be0845b4e21ad374d857ab9215c.png


    Heal - 

    image.png.7f1f4a8bd43cf94a2b1b516d6d06e5c2.png -> image.png.b883e5efd3e9371ac9e13dd443b358e0.png


    Finger Blast -

    Através desta técnica, Dende poderá gerar uma flor capaz de proporcionar um bônus de dano baseado na quantidade máxima de KI que o Dende possuir.
    image.png.23a29b6983cb4f276cf81235684e5c2a.png-> image.png.6e2b322f03fa7f991f6d7e7562c29faf.png -> image.png.074138f29bb40f72704e5dd091304074.png


    Como dito anteriormente, o jogo provê descrições para cada técnica. Para mais detalhes, explore! 😛 




    - Peculiaridades

    • Dende, por ser um personagem suporte, não possui uma boa sobrevivência quando sozinho, além de possuir bem pouca capacidade para carregar itens em um possível farming, a não ser que ele tenha um bom estoque de Weightless Senzu, comprados do Premium Shop.
    • Dende possui uma passiva chamada Benevolence. A propriedade padrão consiste em regenerar 2% de KI de 2 em 2 segundos, tanto do Dende, quanto de aliados em um Grupo.
      • - Benevolence pode ser boostada através de um pedido ao Shenlong, no qual adicionará uma propriedade bônus que consiste em recuperar, INSTÂNTANEAMENTE, 55% de HP e 100% de KI para si mesmo ou para algum aliado, quando Dende ou Aliado atingirem um HP abaixo a 20%. Tem um cooldown de 2min.
    • As primeiras transformações de Dende não mudarão seu outfit, mas aumentarão a efetividade - (força) - de seu KI, além de HP e KI base.
    • A classe de Suportes é um divisor de águas, tanto PvP, quanto PvE, no caso do Dende:
      • PvP - Pode retirar efeitos negativos; Aplicar efeitos negativos, como paralisia e stuns; Pode regenerar completamente o HP e KI de um aliado...;
      • PvE - Pode retirar um dos piores efeitos negativos end-game chamado Deconcentration (corta-cura); Aumenta consideravelmente a sobrevivência de todo um grupo, além de aumentar a velocidade da caçada; Pode ressucitar aliados;
    • Dende é o único personagem que possui um ataque básico a distância.
      • O ataque base de armas influencia o dano causado por Dende.
      • O ataque básico sofre influência da skill de Focus do Dende, ou seja, quanto maior for o Focus, maior dano por ataques básicos no PvE.
    • Dende, assim como Gohan, pode usar tanto Luvas, quanto Espadas, ficando a critério do jogador do que usar.


    Abraços! Espero que este post possa te ajudar em Return Of The Saiyans!


    • Like 4
  8. E aí!

    Você é iniciante? Este post pode te ajudar!

    - Tá voltando agora? Saiba que houveram várias mudanças, tanto no início do jogo, quanto na evolução! Eis algumas delas:

    • Limitações na caça de Single Species (Gastonia, Namekian Warrior...);
    • Início de jogo na Ilha Tutorial - Não é possível pular o processo;
    • Casas possuem aluguel diário e não são mais compradas com !buyhouse;
    • Alguns itens, como os Cybers, através do refinamento de ouro, recebem +1 atributo Tier 3, ficando no máximo com 4 atributos;
    • Tasks diárias podem ser canceladas e feitas mais de 1x por dia;
    • Mudanças grandes no Teamfight Event;
    • Sistemas de bônus e bosses para Guilds.
    • Entre outras! - Clique aqui para ir até a aba de Change Logs;


    - Início -

    Primeiramente, uma visão geral da sua janela de cliente:


    Aconselho desbravar cada opção. Essa imagem é apenas uma tentativa de guiá-lo no novo começo. 😉


    • Você começará o jogo na Ilha Tutorial.
      • A maioria das interações com NPCs e Itens serão feitas usando o Botão Direito do Mouse: image.png.6fbee81fff7a7c1c35636e833a2bea9e.png



    • Após iniciar Quests ou Tasks, sua janela de Quests será atualizada, contendo a Quest/Task que você acabou de receber.

    Marcar a Quest/Task poderá gerar uma seta indicando onde realizar a ação

    image.png.5ade535bc90044bfd6f28de1d299e7db.png   ->   image.png.f90ef33e417594775d1546f82f240545.png 


    • Sala de treinamento - Também conhecido como GYM (Ginásio). Essa amostra da Ilha Tutorial nos mostra apenas os Dummies, onde podemos treinar Velocidade de Ataque, Fist Fighting (skill que aumenta o dano usando luva) ou Sword Fighting (skill que aumenta o dano usando espadas), e o chão branco, no qual os personagens treinam Velocidade de Movimento.
      • Você precisará equipar uma Bands no lugar onde equipa armas, para assim, conseguir treinar Velocidade de Ataque. - Na Ilha Tutorial não será treinado isso. 😜


    Você agora possue conhecimento o suficiente para descobrir toda a Ilha Tutorial! Realize as tasks e divirta-se!


    - Rumo à West Capitol (Cidade Principal) -


    • Notas iniciais:
      • O minimapa será um grande amigo, pois nele há marcações indicando lojas, ginásio, acessos;
      • A Janela de Quests + Seta de Navegação serão ótimos guias,
      • O jogo também dispõe de um Tutorial para quando chegar em West Capitol e, como você já deve estar familiarizado, não deverá ser complicado acompanhar!
      • Qualquer dúvida, sinta-se a vontade para usar os canais de conversa para perguntá-la.


    - No coração de West Capitol encontra-se o Depot -

    • Para abrir a Janela da Capsule, basta chegar próximo ao centro dela.
      • Na janela aberta, da esquerda pra direita:
        • Depot em si;
        • Stash (onde armazenam-se itens de criaturas);
        • Mailbox (onde receberá parcels);
        • Market.




    - Capsule Corp. Biotech Laboratory (C.C. Lab) -

    A maior parte de sua progressão, ou até ela toda, estará ligada diretamente/indiretamente às Tasks do C.C. Lab.
    O Tutorial irá provê as informações necessárias quanto ao uso do Tablet e como pegar as Tasks. 😜




    - Dungeons -

    Ao leste do Depot você encontrará o Agent J, responsável por levá-los às Dungeons que existem atualmente. (Level mínimo: 40)




    - Tarefas Diárias -

    Ao sul do Depot você encontrará o Prof. Tusk, responsável por dar Tasks diárias - A cada Task concluída, você ganhará 1 Boss Point, que, posteriormente, poderá ser usado para matar Bosses já enfretados por você.


    - Além de Boss Points, você também ganhará bastante EXP! - 😍



    - Kinto e Puar -

    Aah, já ia me esquecendo... Essa é a Kinto, famosa Núvem Voadora!

    Você só poderá voar se tiver Premium Account - Precisa realizar a Quest Pure Heart - (Level 30) para poder ganhá-la.

    E esse é o Puar, famoso Loot Assistant - Ele pegará os itens pra você sem que você precise abrir corpos!

    Você poderá comprar o Puar tanto usando o dinheiro do jogo, através da troca entre jogadores, tanto quanto poderá comprá-lo usando o Premium Shop.

    - Por fim, algumas dicas... -

    1. Guarde, no Stash, todos os itens de criaturas que você pegar, pois precisará para Quests e afins.
    2. Se for jogar solo, não é aconselhável jogar com vocações que não tenham boa sobrevivência, como Suporte ou DPS, mas sim com Tanks ou Half-Tanks. - Puar é bastante necessário no quesito FARMAR.
    3. FAQ com algumas informações importantes, mas está em inglês: Acesso ao FAQ.
    4. Guia de Bonus de Itens: Acesso ao Guia.
    5. Guia de Tarefas Diárias: Acesso ao Guia.
    6. Guia de Mini Bosses: Acesso ao Guia.
    7. Guia de Bosses: Acesso ao Guia.
    8. Discussão sobre vocações e o que usar em cada personagem: Acesso ao post.
    9. Fansite mais completo atualmente, contendo spoilers e tutoriais: Saiyans Polska.


    Acredito que não há mais nada para introduzir, além do que o Tutorial do próprio jogo provê!

    Haverão mais posts tratando algumas peculiaridades específicas, como:

    • Treino no GYM (ginásio),
    • Treino na Hyperbolic Time Chamber (Level mínimo: 50)
    • Entre outras...


    Abraços! Espero que este post possa te ajudar a iniciar em Return Of The Saiyans!



    • Like 4
  9. Patch Notes (tradução):

    - sistema de tapetes adicionado; o primeiro pode ser adquirido na NPC Alice usando os tokens do Valentine's Day,
    - adicionado a Dungeon do Valentine's Day,
    - prolongado o evento Valentine's Day por 3 dias,
    - evento de Boss estendido por 1 dia,
    - de agora em diante, o level do monstro em bônus "more/less damage" não pode ser menor do que o level do jogador que está obtendo o item, (funciona da mesma forma se droparmos o item do próprio monstro - monstro selecionado não pode ser menor do que o level do monstro),
    - removida a necessidade de zeni e foi reduzido o custo das Infernal Essences necessárias para entrar no Dimension Portal perto do East Capitol.
    Novo custo:
    0 Infernal Essences - Gravediggers,
    3 Infernal Essences - Ghouls,
    5 Infernal Essences - Wraiths,
    7 Infernal Essences - Zombie Slaughters & Braineaters,
    10 Infernal Essences - Haunted Zombies.

    Melhores cumprimentos,
    Equipe RotS.


    Olá, jogadores!

    Sobre o Merge (Fusão de Universos)

    Após o fim do evento Valentine's Day, fundiremos o Universe Supreme com o Universe: Future Earth.

    Alguns jogadores sugeriram fundir o Universe Bulma com estes 2 também e criar um grande Universo.
    Estamos pensando nisso, mas é claro que pensamos principalmente em vocês - nossos adoráveis jogadores!

    É por isso que estamos criando uma enquete perguntando se você quer que o Universe Bulma seja fundido com o Universe Supreme e o Future Earth.
    Para votar, você precisa ser pelo menos level 100 no Universe Bulma. Acreditamos que a enquete nos ajudará a tomar uma decisão correta! https://saiyansreturn.com/poll/mergebulma


    Melhores cumprimentos,
    Equipe RotS.

  10. Hi, @Terashi! Sorry the delay.😄

    Well, as you've parachuted within the game, there're few things to deal with, where you may find some answers for your questions (I hope), like:

    Along the gameplay, there'll be a Quest Window that will guide you along some initial steps.
    What's more, a first interesting thing to notice is the Skills to train.
    A good place to spend your first 600s of train stamina is at Korin's Tower, inside Hyperbolic Time Chamber - Be careful near to the red X, there're few monsters op.

    https://www.fanrots.com.br/tutorialnuvem <-> This guide shows how to get Kinto and how to do the first training.

    After having trained your 600s of stamina, you'll feel strong enough to kill somethings, even without equipments.
    Try the rats, wolfs, bear, snakes, crows, untill reach level 3.
    Once you reach level 3, Quest Window will guide you to the Prof. Oak, from CC Biotech Lab.
    Try following Quest Window:

    Feel free to join our Discord Community as well: https://discord.gg/h8vSNzQk
    Last but not least, we're in the middle of Valentine's Event! It lasts until 28th February.

    Kind Regards,

  11. PT-BR Version:
    Patch note:
    - adicionado o evento Valentine's day,
    - de agora em diante, se o jogador não tiver dinheiro na BP, o NPC receberá um Pix do dinheiro do banco. exceção das blessings
    - novas notificações para a busca de time foram adicionadas, para que o jogador esteja ciente de que tal sistema existe,
    - de agora em diante, a técnica Ki Sense poderá ser sempre usada em membros do próprio clã,
    - de agora em diante, Bulma pode usar o Shunkanido sem estar vestindo o traje de batalha,
    - de agora em diante, items T4 e T5 serão automaticamente locados (locked) depois de serem obtidos,
    - adicionado missões de introdução à Future Earth e às daily tasks do Emradel,
    - um bug onde o Clã, em raros casos, não podia ser desfeito foi corrigido,
    - o sprite da Cyber Katana foi invertido, - de agora em diante, Life Drain não dá mais dano meele adicional,
    - corrigido um bug onde o jogador, depois de completar 50 missões na Hunter Squad, não podia usar o atalho para o respawn de Golden Oozaru,
    - de agora em diante, os montros das Sagas não poderão ser empurrados,
    - Sagas foram adicionadas ao Quest Window,
    - de agora em diante, o item wood também dropará dos seguintes monstros: Susha, Annihilator, Crystal Robot, Undead Soldier, Oozaru, Balog, Zombie Slaughter, Wizard, Armored Oozaru, Volcanic Oozaru, Metal Cooler, Skeleton Phalanx e também das suas versões do Futuro.

    Balanceamento de Personagens:
    - Tenma Defense agora vai aplicar 5% de shield ao invés de 10%, mas poderá ser ativada ou desativada a qualquer momento,

    - de agora em diante, Trunks vai causar 150% DMG ao alvo e 200% DMG aos inimigos atrás do alvo com sua passiva - Stroke.

    RotS Team.

    • Like 1
  12. Hi!

    This post will make directly reference to frenquently asked questions that we commonly see, where I'll try to provide as many answers as possible.
    If you do have a better answer to some of FAQ examples, please, post'em below on comments.
    If you do have another question related within the game, feel free to comment below as well.


    1. Q: Do I need to pay something in order to play?
      A: No! ROTS is free-to-play! You just need to download, create your account, character and log into the game.

    2. Q: Do I need to be Premium Account to Sell or Buy items on Depot's Market?
      A: No! You can either Sell or Buy things on Market playing as Free Account.

    3. Q: Where can I find spoilers related with ROTS?
      A: Here on Guide section - Fansites -> https://forum.saiyansreturn.com/index.php?/topic/104-are-you-a-newcomer-if-so-you-should-take-a-look-on-this-d/

    4. Q: What is the MAX quantity of bonus I can get from some attribute - Set and Individual?
      A: You can find it on Guide section 
      -> https://forum.saiyansreturn.com/index.php?/topic/51-detailed-guide-regarding-bonuses/

    5. Q: How do I buy a house?
      A: You can find each step by step and info about how it works, here on Guide section -> https://forum.saiyansreturn.com/index.php?/topic/264-how-to-buy-a-house-versions-englishportuguesepolishspanish/

    6. Q: Is botting allowed?
      A: No! Botting is against the ToS (Terms of Service), then prohibited in ROTS World. - Anti-Cheat provides an insta banishment.

    7. Q: Which client is better, OpenGL or DirectX?
      A: It's recommended the use of OpenGL, however "installer" creates a DirectX shortcut. You can track the shortcut's folder path to find the OpenGL client.

    8. Q: What is the best class to play?
      A: There's no best class, but a lot of builds that you can try out! The major difference between each class it's their predisposition. You can read and get some info about them here on Forum -> https://forum.saiyansreturn.com/index.php?/topic/433-characters-their-essence/

    9. Q: What is the difference between "Regular Earth" and "Future Earth"?
      A: There you can boost your atribbutes and prevent some percentage of exeperience loss by using some Orbs that you can either Buy or Drop there.

      You're free to kill as many players you want to on Future Earth, because you get 0 frags after it, avoiding the fear of getting Purple Flame or Blakc Flame.
      Regular Earth, on the other hand, has a "Protection" against Power Abusers, where player that dies by an Unfair Fight, if had does not joined PvP, will lose only 10% of exeperience and will keep blessings.
      Cell spawns only on Future Earth - Spawn's location: Some ROTS Capitol.

    10. Q: Can I share my Puar with another character on my account?
      A: Yes, it's possible, however you need to have them both on same Universe. It is not possible to share Puar between Universes.

    11. Q: If I activate my Premium Account on Universe X, will it be activated for whole account and I'll be possible to play as Premium on Universe Y?
      A: Yes! It does not matter which Universe you've activated your Premium, because it'll works for the whole account.

    12. Q: Can Beerus give me something?
      A: No.

    13. Q: Is there a client for Linux?
      A: Not yet.

    14. Q: Is there a client for MacOS?
      A: Not yet.

    15. Q: Will servers be merged someday?
      A: Yes! At some point, depending on some factors, some new Universe will be merged with an old Universe.

    16. Q: How can I report someone?
      A: You can use either CTRL+H in-game, where it'll be read within 48h or directly PM someone from ROTS Team on Discord.

    17. Q: Is Kinto only for Premium Account?
      A: Kinto is obtainable through Pure Heart Quest (Level 30). After doing the Quest, you'll receive a " 72h - Kinto Trial ", where you can  use it without Premium Account.
      When Trial ends, if you're not Premium Account, you won't lose your Kinto, however you won't be able to use it. So, you can have Kinto being Free Account, but Premium Account is required for its use.

    18. Q: How can sell an item on Market?
      A: 1 - First of all, you need to store your item on Depot.

      2 - You need to open Market.
      3 - Search for the item you want to sell and stored previously.
      4 - Click over the item you're willing to sell.
      5 - Click on Create Offer
      6 - Select the check box "Sell"
      7 - Set the amount and price for each.
      ps:. You need to pay a "Fee" to add such item on Market. - Deposit some on Bank.

    19. Q: How do I transform?
      A: During your journey, you can either Grow or Transform, depending on the character you're playing with. In order to transform, you'll need to use some Technique, sometimes, multiple uses will be needed to stack and transform, such as: "Transform", "Upgrade", "Concentrate", "Rage"...

    20. Q: At some point, will there be more Universes and Characters?
      A: Yes and yes!

    21. Q: How do I start C.C. Lab Biotech?
      A: First of all, you need to reach Level 3 killing some rats or wolves. Once you're 3, Quest Tracker (Quest Window) will lead you to Prof.Oak and first steps on doing C.C. Lab Tasks.

    22. Q: When Dragon Ball fall on Earth?
      A: Dragon Ball usually fall every each hour.

    23. Q: How do I know that there's a Dragon Ball on Earth?
      A: There'll be an animated Dragon Ball blinking close to your minimap, on the right-up corner by default.

    24. Q: Where do I find Dragon Balls on Earth?
      A: You can find them on a Non Protection Zone
       area on Floor 0 on Earth, so if you can see in minimap a place, inside a hunt, building or hole, but on Floor 0, Dragon Ball can fall there.

    25. Q: Is it possible to use Dragon Balls to request Infinite Wishes?
      A: Unfortunately, nope.

    26. Q: Can skills be improved outside GYM or Hyperbolic Time Chamber (Korin's Tower)?
      A: No. The only skill all characters can improve, outside training areas, is Focus.

    27. Q: Is excavations worth to do in early game?
      A: In my personal opinion, absolutely yes, especially if you're playing a new Universe, because it'll give you a large advantage by opening rotten chests. It also worths on the mid/end game, selling Diamond Chests or trying to get some end-game jewelry. It's worth mentioning that doing "Excavation", IMO, is the best way to gather Fire Opals to switch character using Medical Machine or Upgrade jewelries.

    28. Q: What do I need to start upgrading jewelries?
      A: Rubio's Quest (Lost Necklace) done.

    29. Q: Creature Products? What can I do with it?
      A: They are very important for: Craft Items, Quest, Tasks, Upgrade Jewelries... You can also sell it to other players for a good price.

    30. Q: Is it worth to play ROTS?
      A: Absolutely yes.


    Kindest Regards,

    • Like 1
  13. Hi, everyone! It's John.

    The purpose of this post is: Sort out anyone's doubt regarding Return of The Saiyans Characters/Classes, so, if I forget to write about something or wrongly mentioned it, please, feel free to share your knowledge along with me. 😅

    First of all, while creating yours, you'll be able to see all Character's transformations by left clicking on squares below them. You'll also be able to see their status, which gets cumulatively increased within each new transformation. 


    It's worth mentioning that each Character is part of some "Category" that will define character's predisposition.


    Damage (AKA DPS): Trunks and Gohan.

    Both DPS are a really great source of DMG, but they're also too fragile, so do not expect full damaging and tanking. The way they can melt stuff is close to the way they can get melted.

    Gohan - has a pretty good and strong AOE set of techniques! Indicated for PvE playstyle, but also very strong for PvP. He has the possibility of dealing DMG in accord to the MAX enemy's health, becoming a Tank counter. After Shenlong's wishes, he can become invisible or faster after casting some techniques. He has 2 techniques to improve his situational survivability: Study Time and Ki Barrier. Study Time needs to be casted for a while and provides an increase of Healing Effectiveness, whereas Ki Barrier make Gohan able to receive some percentage of incoming DMG on his Ki instead of on his Health for some time. Gohan's passive deals a kind of meele AOE damage after you stacking it by walking (I guess). Gohan can use either Gloves or Sword.

    Gohan's early game build -my opinion- : CD Reduction, DMG Reduction and Ki Reduction. It'll start your journey as a DPS, even with low percentages, reducing your Ki waste and giving you some extra survivability to face CC Bosses.

    Gohan's mid/late game build -my opinion- : CD Reduction, DMG% and Ki Reduction (PvE). CD Reduction, DMG%, Tenacity and Critical Chance, maybe some extra DMG flat (PvP).

    Trunks - it's a burster! He has AOE techniques as well, but his main differential is in the way he is able to melt down single targets, becoming a monster for PvP! Trunks has techniques that can increase his survivability (Full control - Increase his movement speed and dodge chance) at the same time increase his Critical Chance, so you'll be able to choose its use for agressive or defensive mode. His passive is called Stroke, where if activated, Trunks deals Additional Damage to the target and Critical Damage to enemies standing behind it - it has 10% of chance to active, but can get insta activated if combo with Full Control technique. Trunks should look for his Sword. Ps.: For further items bonuses, it's good to carry some item with +1 meele range bonus, especially for PvP.

    Trunks early game build -my opinion- : CD Reduction, DMG Reduction and Ki Reduction. It'll start your journey as a DPS, even with low percentages, reducing your Ki waste and giving you some extra survivability to face CC Bosses.

    Trunks mid/late game build -my opinion- : CD Reduction, DMG% and Ki Reduction (PvE). CD Reduction, DMG%, Tenacity and Critical Chance, maybe some extra DMG flat (PvP).

    Half-Tank: Goku and Vegeta.

    Half-Tanks are a balance between DPS and Tank, and indeed a good choice for those who aims to play mainly alone for PvE content, because their survivability and technique's strength allow them to kill before getting killed. Goku does more DMG with his techniques, especially waves (Kame-hame-ha!!!!!!), whereas Vegeta's survivability steals the scene.

    Goku: has a good set of techniques, mixing DMG with survivability and teamplay, for PvP and PvE. He has a bunch of techniques that apply negative effects for both, PvE and PvP, such as Blind, Stun and Provoke - this last one only for PvE. Can't forget to mention Respectful Combat technique, which allows Goku to reach very high damage dealing and Genki Dama technique after Shenlong's wish, which increase his sustain on PvE, recovering a percentage of Ki after Genki Dama hitting enemies. He has also a passive where he enjoy his fight and adapt his Attack Speed bonus, increasing it: 5 stacks for PvE and 10 stacks for PvP. Goku has predisposition only for Gloves as weapon.

    Goku's early game build -my opinion- : DMG Flat, DMG Reduction, Attack Speed, Ki Drain or Life Drain, both flat. It'll give you some initial sustain and enough power to faster your journey, even with low percentages. Life Drain bonuses increase your meele damage, so Life Drain+Attack Speed+Passive+DMG flat+Respectful Combat will turn your game so much easier.

    Gokus's mid/late game build -my opinion- : team party with Tank - CD Reduction, mix with DMG Reduction and DMG%, and optional Ki Reduction (PvE). solo playing - CD Reduction, DMG Reduction, Life Drain %, Attack Speed (enough to reach 1 hit per 0.3 second + passive) and Critical Chance (PvE). CD Reduction, DMG Reduction, Health% and Tenacity (PvP).

    Vegeta: has an amazing survivability, thanks to Smell of Fear and his passive, and besides that, does not get too behind from Goku's damage! Vegeta has more AOE techniques than Goku, increasing your technique's spam while hunting, and due to that, you're able to increase his survivability even more by setting up his Combat Mode to full defensive, which increases drastically your DMG Reduction. You can easily setup a Team Party with Vegeta playing as Tank due to one of his techniques which Provokes the enemy! Although Vegeta, like Goku, has a great power against environment, his importance goes outstanding when it comes to PvP, where he's able to extract the maximum of his techniques, becoming a great Frontliner and an amazing counter of Dende's healing - there's a Shenlong's wish where Vegeta can buff one of his techniques with "Deconcentration" - AKA cut heal, a negative condition effect responsible for reducing the amount of healing that someone can receive. Vegeta's passive gives more survivability, increasing his defense and movement speed when he reach some low percentage of Health. Vegeta has predisposition only for Gloves as weapon.

    Vegeta's early game build -my opinion- : CD Reduction, DMG Reduction, Ki Reduction. Mainly focusing on DMG Reduction, which will allow you to do any early content, besides some parts of Saga, easily. Further adding CD Reduction to spam techniques and Ki Reduction for Ki sustain.

    Vegeta's mid/late game build -my opinion- : team party with Tank - CD Reduction, mix with DMG Reduction and DMG%, and optional Ki Reduction (PvE). solo playing - CD Reduction, DMG Reduction, Attack Speed (enough to reach 1 hit per 0.3 second) and Ki Reduction (PvE). CD Reduction, DMG Reduction, Health% and Tenacity (PvP).


    Support: Bulma and Dende.

    Support is a must in any way, so, if by a chance, you can play with one by your side, don't waste it! They have the amazing ability of save you, protect you, turn your game easier, increase your experience and even bring you from the underworld. Not recommend for solo players.

    Bulma: is the newest playable character! It's important to start mentioning that she can only use techniques while wearing her Mecha Battle Suit! The lack of info about Bulma's playstyle, building, PvE and PvP, makes her power even stronger, at least, for now. The player is able to use her Mecha from the first moment he log into the game by using "Upgrade" technique out of Protection Zone area. She has techniques that shields, gives defense skill, removes negative condition effects, for more than a single ally, depending on her Mecha's level, which will allow her to summon a Supportive Drone, one per ally. Her set of techniques is outstanding from everything we've seen so far! She does stun against players, can give Silence negative condition effect against players, apply Slow negative condition effect against players, and, if it's not sufficient, she can also increase the DMG that enemies receives in 20% more from all sources! - this last one works after asking for Shenlong's technique buff wish. Bulma  has predisposition only for Gloves as weapon.

    Bulma's early game build -my opinion- : Ki Regeneration, DMG Reduction, Ki Reduction.

    Bulma's mid/late game build -my opinion- : team party with Tank - Ki Regeneration, mix with DMG Reduction and Ki Reduction, and some CD Reduction (PvE). solo playing - DMG Reduction, Attack Speed (enough to reach 1 hit per 0.3 second) and Life Drain % (really don't know if it works :p) (PvE). CD Reduction, DMG Reduction and Tenacity (PvP).

    Dende: is an amazing meele ranged support made for people that like to see everyone alive and in a good shape, even if, sometimes, Dende need to sacrifice himself to avoid any other death. Dende meele range damage scales with his Focus and weapon's attack value does increase his meele damage. He is almost full made of supportive techniques, and only has 2 damage techniques - 1 AOE that breaks def and 1 than can create a Flower after enemy's death. This Flower increases the DMG power for any player that use it! Dende has a technique called Full Recover, which allows him to recover 100% of his ally Health and Ki. He has also a Cure technique that removes any kind of negative condition effect from an ally, and further can get buffed by Shenlong's wish, providing a kind of Immunity effect for some time. If you didn't find it broken yet, then I should say that he also has a technique that resets all other technique's cooldown. Dende has also a Ki Barrier, which blocks some percentage of the incoming DMG, receiving it on his Ki instead of on his Health. Last, but not least, the lifesaver passive called Benevolence, which provides Ki Regeneration for allies on team party and simply rescue an ally from the imminent death. This last effect works only after asking for Shenlong's technique buff wish. Dende can use both, Sword or Gloves.

    Dende's early game build -my opinion- : Attack Speed, Ki Regeneration, DMG Reduction.

    Dende's mid/late game build -my opinion- : team party with Tank - Ki Regeneration, Ki Reduction, Heal Effectiveness% and, if possible to add, some CD Reduction (PvE). solo playing for single species - DMG Reduction, Attack Speed (enough to reach 1 hit per 0.3 second), DMG flat/Life Drain and some DMG% - never tried that, but saw some (PvE). Attack Speed, Health flat/%, (choose between agressive and supportive by using DMG flat/% or CD Reduction, respectively) and Tenacity (PvP).


    Tank: Buu and Piccolo.

    Is a great choice for those who would like to do more solo playing than partying. Acting like a 🛡️ for every kind of situation, especially tricky ones, for example: Saga's Robots, Cell... Tanks, as usual, sacrifices themselves for the team party good. They're responsible for making everything possible for those who can't survive against few enemies or even blocking a massive attack from many enemies. A Frontliner and a Master of Ki walls. Like Dende, his Essence is to make everyone safe, provoking anything (PvE) who threats their allies while receives tons of damage. Essentially, it's the heart of team party inside difficult hunts, it means that if Tank dies, anyone that remains inside the hunt will possible die either 🤣.

    Majin Buu: is an amazing Tank, especially for PvE. His survivability outstand anything due to the ability of stacking Chocolate, which gives DMG Reduction and Life Regeneration. He has some AOE techniques, but his main focus still being a Tank. His survivability allows him to hunt against almost all PvE content alone - slow, but possible. Buu has a special technique called Evil Ghost, that make him too important for fast level progression from the early until late game along with single species creatures. Once Buu uses Evil Ghost on some unit, it'll hold any further DMG from any source for some seconds, exploding at the end and releasing part of all DMG that unit with Ghost received - it's an AOE explosion 💥🤯. Evil Ghost has also a buff by using Shenlong's wish that does a Scary negative condition effect on PvP, which makes the target a little bit confused, walking in different ways and unable to be controlled until Ghost explodes. Buu has also the ability of buff his ally defense or stick (stun) other player on PvP by using his Gummy Embrace technique. His passive gives DMG Reflection when he reach some % of his Health, reflecting different percentages of DMG for PvE and PvP. Majin Buu has predisposition only for Gloves as weapon.


    Buu's early game build -my opinion- : DMG Flat, DMG Reduction and Attack Speed.

    Buu's mid/late game build -my opinion- : DMG Reduction, Health Regeneration% and Health% (PvE). DMG Reduction, Health%, DMG Reflect, Health Regeneration% and (Tenacity or Dodge Chance) (PvP).

    Piccolo: is an amazing Tank that has more teamplay style than Majin Buu. He has a technique that can buff his ally Ki Effectiveness - increasing technique's DMG -, called "Mystic Attack" where the ally to be buffed needs to be marked on Team Window. Mystic Attack can also be used for PvE and PvP, where Piccolo throws his arm pushing and stunning the target - if no ally marked on Team Window. He can also switch between his position and ally ones, while increase his ally defense and insta provoking every PvE unit that was chasing the ally, this technique is called "Risking it all for a friend" - same condition as Mystic Attack, ally needs to be marked on Team Window. Piccolo has more powerful AOE techniques than Majin Buu and can even do Blind negative condition effect to either PvE and PvP. He has a great PvP crowd control able to use, because besides Mystic Attack and Risking it all for a friend, his technique's kit has also 2 techniques that can be buffed by Shenlong's wish, where 1 applies Rooting negative condition effect in a large area (AOE CC) and 1 blocks Zanzoken's use for some seconds. His passive improves his Health Regeneration% in accord to the Health that he loses during a fight. Piccolo has predisposition only for Gloves as weapon.

    Piccolo's early game build -my opinion- : DMG Flat, DMG Reduction and Attack Speed.

    Piccolo's mid/late game build -my opinion- : DMG Reduction, Health Regeneration%, Health% and CD Reduction (PvE). DMG Reduction, Health%, Health Regeneration%, CD Reduction and (Tenacity or Dodge Chance) (PvP).


    I hope that this overall can be helpful. It's also important to remind once again that: This information above may be not full and builds has been written per my idea of usage. If you would like to point out some corrections or increase something about some Character, please feel free to comment! 😁

    This post has also been based on Community chatting on Discord! So, Thank You guys for sharing your knowledge!!!🖤


    Kindest regards,


    • Like 3
  14. 9 hours ago, jancarlos said:

    I can't log in, keep loading to infinity

    Fixed yesterday on Discord.

    The problem was: Accounts without characters created got an infinite loop while trying to log in.
    The solution was: Creating a character on website.

  15. Greetings, people!

    I've been on North Pole last days and Santa gave me a gifts to present someone from Universum: Future Earth.

    There's only few conditions for joining the draw, which is:
    - Have been a good boy, girl, or any other gender, on RoTS World -
    - Level 50 (I'll check on website by the name displayed on the letter :P) -
    - Few words, in good, to our beloved RoTS world, Staff, Friends you've made in-game, joys in life, healings, things to be thankful of, etc.-

    Whatever you feel comfort to share.
    The anonymity will be granted between players.
    I'll be receiving letters, from time to time, at West Capitol depot until weekend lasts.

    Letter which contains bad words or bad wishes will be instantly removed from the draw. (edited)
    It needs to follow this example attached. You're free to use your main language.
    • Like 1
  16. Hi, @Trickstah!

    As far as I know, there is no ETA about a new Universe being launched, but there will indeed be created new Universes in the future!

    It is worth mentioning that the newest Universe we can play was launched on 18/08, so it will probably take a few more months for another new Universe to be released.
    (I'm talking about Universum: Future Earth.)

    If is there anything else you would like to ask or discuss about, please, let us know! 😉


    Kind Regards,

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