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Detailed Guide Regarding Mini Bosses


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Mini Bosses

1. Introduction 

What are Mini Bosses?
- In your adventure while playing Return of The Saiyans, you have the opportunity to spawn Mini Boss. This means that some of the monsters have a chance to summon a Boss (of course, this chance increases during the Boss Event).

How do I resurrect one of these mini bosses?
- By killing one of the monsters that has a Mini Boss, we have the chance to respawn its Boss. Below is a list of all the monsters with their level and Mini Boss.

2. List of Mini Bosses

Level Monster name Boss name
2 Wolf Alpha Wolf
4 Desert Crab King Crab
5 Dark Wolf Alpha Wolf
10 Bluish Crab King Crab
15 Litoral Crab King Crab
20 Sea Crab King Crab
23 Slight Skeleton Bone Lord
25 Bear Thief Bear Boss
30 Pirate Robot Robo Knight
35 Tyranosaur Elder Tyranosaur
35 Drum Drum Leader
40 Red Ribbon Soldier Red Ribbon Officer
40 Saibaman Biotic Soldier
45 Bioman Biotic Soldier
45 Giras Giras Chief
50 Susha Elite Susha
55 Namekian Elder Namekian Warrior
60 Pterodactyl Vicious Ptero
70 Skeleton Bone Lord
75 Mummy Ancient Mummy
80 Skeleton Warrior Bone Lord
85 Namekian Warrior Elder Namekian Warrior
90 Annihilator Robo Knight
100 Future RR Soldier Red Ribbon Officer
100 Lord Yao Emperor Yao
110 Vampire Bloodsipper
110 The Gravedigger Decay Hunter
120 Kiri Elite Kiri
125 Future Susha Elite Susha
130 Destroyer Robo Knight
140 Pterosaur Vicious Ptero
145 Future Skeleton Bone Lord
145 Future Pterodacty Vicious Ptero
150 Future Mummy Ancient Mummy
155 Future Skeleton Warrior Bone Lord
170 Swamp Spider Venom
175 Future Annihilator Robo Knight
180 Future Lord Yao Emperor Yao
180 Future Vampire Bloodsipper
180 Toxic Spider Venom
190 Frozen Skeleton Frozen King
200 Future Kiri Elite Kiri
200 Frozen Skeleton Warrior Frozen King
205 Future Destroyer Robo Knight
210 Crystal Robot Robo Knight
210 Future Pterosaur Vicious Ptero
220 Wraith Phantom
230 Future Swamp Spider Venom
235 Gobisaurus Diplodocus
240 Undead Soldier Ancient Soldier
245 Future Frozen Skeleton Frozen King
245 Shamosaurus Diplodocus
245 Future Toxic Spider Venom
250 Fallen Angel Fallen Queen
260 Future Frozen Skeleton Warrior Frozen King
260 Oozaru Dark Oozaru
270 Balog Vangeful Balog
280 Wizard Warlock
285 Future Crystal Robot Robo Knight
285 Rusty Robot Mossy Droid
290 Crystal Spider Ruby Spider
300 Armored Oozaru Dark Oozaru
315 Volcanic Oozaru Dark Oozaru
330 Imperialist Warlock
340 Future Gobisaurus Diplodocus
350 Future Undead Soldier Ancient Soldier
350 Devil Black Devil
360 Future Shamosaurus Diplodocus
370 Metal Cooler King Cold
380 Future Fallen Angel Fallen Queen
390 Frozen Oozaru Dark Oozaru
400 Golden Oozaru Dark Oozaru
400 Future Oozaru Dark Oozaru
420 Future Balog Vangeful Balog
430 Future Wizard Warlock
430 Aristo Vampire Bloodsipper
440 Future Rusty Robot Mossy Droid
450 Vampire Warden Bloodsipper
450 Haunted Zombie Cursed Flesheater
460 Future Crystal Spider Ruby Spider
460 Future Armored Oozaru Dark Oozaru
465 Future Imperialist Warlock
465 Future Volcanic Oozaru Dark Oozaru
470 Future Devil Black Devil
470 Future Metal Cooler King Cold
470 Goldenscythe Devil Desolated Devil
475 Future Frozen Oozaru Dark Oozaru
475 Future Golden Oozaru Dark Oozaru
480 Crystalscythe Devil Desolated Devil
520 Future Aristo Vampire Bloodsipper
540 Future Vampire Warden Bloodsipper
560 Future Goldenscythe Devil Desolated Devil
570 Future Crystalscythe Devil Desolated Devil

3. Other

Are there any types of Mini Bosses?
- Yes, we still have the Boss system. You can read more about it in this guide: Detailed Guide Regarding Boss System - Guides - Return of the Saiyans (saiyansreturn.com)

4. Change log:

v. 1.0 - Created and spellchecked guide. - 20.02.2022
v. 1.1 - Updated the list, now it's up to date - 22.02.2022

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