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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/21 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! We're happy to announce that Universe I and Universe II will merge into one server called Universe Supreme on the 7th of July. Additionally, on the same day, house bidding system will be added into the game. It will let players settle the new owner of the house on the Universe Supreme within 14 days. The player who will lose the bidding battle, in exchange will get the exact amount of Zeni that winner has placed as a bid for it. Houses that had only a single owner (nobody was an owner of it at the other server) will have automatically set the same owner at the Universe Supreme. The bidding system will not only be used on the merge - it will stay within the game and every house from that moment will be sold on auction, where everyone will have 3 days to place their bid. Best Regards, RotS Team.
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